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After the battle against Thanos and his armies, Marlow Hendrix is tasked with helping Steve Rogers return the Infinity Stones to their rightful times. When her mission goes awry in 1970, she keeps her resolve, waiting to find a way out of an increasingly dangerous situation while being stuck away from home and away from help. Back in 2023, Bruce picks up her signal and pulls it to the present, unaware of the danger that lurks in the past. It is only when an unexpected threat steps off the platform that they realise how badly the mission went. And when Marlow finally returns, she struggles to come to terms with her past in order to accept her future--but with the help of a familiar face, she might just do it.⁂ Main themes: Time-travel, canon-compliant, Endgame to FATWS, Hydra, slow-burn, trauma, brainwashing, friends to lovers. ⁂"She knew his face. She felt she knew it like the back of her hand by now, so she tried her hardest to prepare herself in those infinitely long moments after Richardson spoke.It didn't matter though; she couldn't help the hiccup of her heart as he walked in, dressed in leathers, with his hair significantly shorter than she'd ever seen in person. As his eyes landed on her, she tried not to expect his face to be the one she knew. She tried to not to expect it to shift into a look of realization, then to worry, then to protection.Because he wasn't the Bucky she knew."________Loosely inspired by a vid by @madsxbarnes on Tiktoki…