12,200 354 10

DIJODOHIN SAMA KETUA GENG MOTOR !***⚠️JADILAH PEMBACA YANG BIJAK,VISUAL DISINI HANYA UNTUK MENGHIDUPKAN TOKOH , JANGAN SANGKUT PAUTKAN SAMA KEHIDUPAN ASLI VISUAL⚠️***"Pokoknya gue ga mau nikah muda !""Gue juga gamau""Terus kenapa lo gak nolak aja ?!""Gimana gue mau nolak kalo udah jadi keputusan orang tua gue"***Dijodohkan dengan pacar dari musuhnya sendiri ya Dia adalah Alfian , Dia dijodohkan dengan pacar dari musuhnya yang bernama Alisha , lalu bagaimanakah mereka melewati perjodohan ini ? ________________________________⚠️ Mengandung bahasa kasar⚠️ Mengandung pukul-pukulan⚠️ Mengandung kalimat & kata² kasar⚠️ Mengandung emosi & baperan⚠️ Bijak dalam membaca ⚠️HAPPY READING[Cover by pinterest]…

The Wolf, The Dragon, and The Legend of the Light

The Wolf, The Dragon, and The Legend of the Light

74 5 5

The wolf yearns for an adventure, and he got it. The problem? It's more than what he bargained for.Hans Rezmirn was a hunter with a secret: He was a werewolf. Ignoring all the problems in his small little village and his peaceful, but boring life, behind, he decided to embark on a journey to prove that there was a world beyond what he knew.There was the term 'Here be Dragons', and he did found his 'dragon', both figuratively and literally.…

Halfian Progeny

Halfian Progeny

10 0 1

Ten partakers start their journey from the real world to a mythical land of Cuvvudrith, where the ancient magic lies and from normal human beings, they must compete in the five-day tournament in order to win the challenge and get blessed by the orb of veneficus.…

There for you (ABANDONED)

There for you (ABANDONED)

27,370 387 18

It's been 2 years since Boruto left the village to train with Sasuke and time sure flew by.A lot had happened in that quite long absence of his while he change so does everyone else and definitely her,now all everyone has to do is to cope with the change,but the lingering question was...can they?AN:Take place when Boruto:17 and Sarada:16.This is the first time I write fanfic,so bear with me and sorry for grammatical errors and misspelling.The story also improving each chapter.The background of the cover image is taken from Ace Combat 7…

Letter from Baby

Letter from Baby

528 7 7

"Ayah, bunda, pernahkah kau tahu bagaimana rasanya menjadi bayi yang terpaksa digugurkan? Yang aku rasakan ketika tau calon orangtua yang dipilih Tuhan ternyata tak menerima kehadiranku di dunia. Ayah, bunda, aku hanya ingin kita berkumpul seperti keluarga yang seharusnya di dunia ciptaan Tuhan. Tapi ternyata kalian berkehendak lain. Aku sayang sama kalian" untuk kalian yang mengaborsiku- Baby, di surga -…

Keresahan Bertajuk Religi

Keresahan Bertajuk Religi

117 0 1

Cabe-cabean itu bagian dari dampak negatif globalisasi. Dari sisi fashion sih oke minim seperti summer time fashion. Kalo summer time fashion mah keren mereka mah kadang aneh2 kaya baju yang kurang bahan terus di pake. Belum lagi bedak nya dituang ke ember terus kepala nya di putar, dijilat dicelupin. Kalo suka kemana-mana boncengan tiga. Waktu kapan gue liatin pake RX-King masuk cafe. Awal nya fine2 ajah 1 jam kemudian mulai gerah salah satu dari mereka buka baju, 3 jam kemudian dipojokan dianya ngerokok, ehh pas cafenya tutup di cariin sama yang punya ternyata dianya lagi dipojokan sambil ngeganja. Ehh temen nya dateng terus bilang Dina ngewe yuk…



143 11 4

Fayo nggak tahu apa yang benar-benar ia inginkan. Cewek itu hanya melakukan apa pun yang diperintahkan mamanya. Sudah begitu, nggak jarang ia diomeli, masih kurang inilah, itulah. Menurut mamanya yang ambisius, Fayo harus jadi seperti Fano, kakaknya yang superpintar!Lalu, Fayo bertemu Ave. Cowok itu bagaikan penyelamat hidupnya. Ave yang berani dan penuh kejutan membawa Fayo bertualang menemukan dunia baru. Keduanya sama-sama mencari mimpi baru untuk diraih, berdua saja, tanpa orang lain tahu.…

The Sealed Planet

The Sealed Planet

88 8 28

A Vyrnian out of time, the mystery of the sealed planet, and the adventure full of terror and danger. It all started from Earth.George Atmell was an aspiring dragon rider who had no luck finding a partner, at least until he stumbled upon a mysterious 'ruin'. Little did he know that this ruin was in fact a spaceship, and in it, a lone Vyrnian, an alien race that resembled Earth's wyvern, woke up and changed George's life forever.I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.comHowever, Earth was never the adventure, for George was inadvertently taken to a setting beyond his planet, along with the dangers and horrors he would encounter with his 'wyvern', Domel Arcturus.Follow the story along with several characters giving their own perspectives of the situations they were involved in. Featuring an ensemble cast of characters with equal importance.The story is mostly inspired by Doctor Who, both the current and classic series. All the characters in this story are original and has nothing to do with the BBC series or its expanded universe.I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.comProfile Page:…



205 2 2

Banyak yang bilang masa-masa smk/sma adalah masa yang paling indah dan mengesankan tentunya tak akan pernah terlupakan. Masa dimana kita masih memakain seragam putih-abu-abu, ya masa-masa itu tentunya takan pernah terlupakan bagi ku.........…



433 17 1

The Sacred of Price

The Sacred of Price

20 1 1

What will you do, if all you have still not able to buy what you desire?What will you do, if you can't archive what you are dreming?This is a story about the price for those who want to be goddess partner....…

Perumahan Bintang
Tak Sama

Tak Sama

15 0 1

Aku mencintai hujan siang iniMengingatkanku pada kedatanganmuKedatanganmu yang kuinginkan tapi kau tak langsung menghampiriAku harus mencarimu terlebih dahulu seolah kau bagian puzzle yang tersembunyiAku biarkan hujan membasahi tubuhkuAku biarkan dingin menusuk tulang di tubuhkuAku biarkan semuanya sama seperti malam ituNamun ada yang tak samaAku tak akan pernah menemui di sudut kursi merah seperti kala itu mendapati senyum tipismu…

SANG PUJAAN (Real Storry)

SANG PUJAAN (Real Storry)

111 4 1

Mengungkapkan kerinduan yang sangat sulit dihilangkan.…

curse door

curse door

2 1 1

I walked along the street in that town. Yes,that town.i had ever been there for many times.on that day, I walked through the stairs accompanied by a slippery way.i had almost fell downwhen I stepped on one of the stairs. It was too creepy when I go through as it was on evening every evening,people will stay in their home as there will be many devils stray around their home.people will get their accidents in this, they decide not to go out from their home even for a while.but, I do not think that is a reason for me to escape that time to go to the town.because, I think I will discover many new things from the town. While seeing the sharp fence beside the stairs,I walked safely through the stairs.why? because of the reason.i do not want to fall down again for the second know what? I were really happy as I can prevent myself from falling down.i look front and I saw a number of twenty first sight, I had been asking myself why they have to put their home with a number?.take too many times struggle in finding answer because of the curiousity,then I give up!!! I looked to the side of the door-the window.i saw an old man looking at me through the window and he was grinning at me.then, the door suddenly opened and I entered the door ignoring the old man.while entering the town,I fell into a hole and I realized that I am on my way to heaven.wait ,wait I AM still on the way ,not in the heaven.i saw a word 'truth' or 'dare'.someone asking me to choose either truth or dare,if I am not, the sound of 'truth' or 'dare' will be echoing in my mind.You know what? I chose truth and now I am in my way to my death because I was lying.NO!!! I GOT A CURSE.…

Tragedi Hitam

Tragedi Hitam

38 0 1

Puisi ini terinspirasi dari kisah kelam dan pilu yang ku alami ...tentang sebuah kejadian yang membuat ku terpurukdan membuat ku sangat bersedih…

Sesak (senandika cinta).

Sesak (senandika cinta).

215 8 10

Semua hanya bunyi antara aku, dan kamu. Dua insan yang tak mendekap menjadi "kita", dua manusia yang sama-sama terpisah di bumi yang sama. Jika manusia berkata bahwa cinta menyatukan segalanya, maka aku dan kamu adalah tanda dari kedustaan kata itu.…

Kehangatan di malam hari

Kehangatan di malam hari

74 1 1

Puisi tentang perasaan yang menghangatkan suhu yang dingin dimalam hari.…

yowai mo

yowai mo

119 0 13

ryoiki tenkai…

mencari titik tempuh

mencari titik tempuh

144 0 4

tentang seorang anak yang ingin mengubah hidup nya menjadi lebi baik dan ingin mewujut kan cita" nya. Bukan hanya itu di cerita ada bermacam genre comdy, romen dan ada beberapa adegan yang sedikit serius…