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Hello one and all. This will be a Sasunaru/Narusasu oneshot book so... IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE PAIRING GO AWAY! My Requests are currently open so come on in and read my book :D also... in this book, I also ship Kakashi x Yamoto, Itachi x Deidara, Obito x Kakashi, Itachi x Kakashi... really anyone with Kakashi. Also, I HATE Sakura Haruno with a burning passion so if you like her, BE GONE!Please don't mind some of the incestuous chapters, like with Itachi x Sasuke. I almost never write them, but they do slip so if you don't like the pairing then just go down to another chapter 😭🤚Also, just a side note, DON'T even THINK about touching my four Waifu's, Madara, Deidara, Itachi or Minato... I will find you and get you back.This book contains Smut, Fluff, Lime, and Angst too. Here is every pairing in this book.Naruto x SasukeNeji x TentenShikamaru x TemariIno x SaiTsunade x JirayaMadara x HashiramaKakashi x basicly anyoneSakura x lonelinessItachi x DeidaraDeidara x TobiIf you have any requests for one of these ships, just request it in a comment section and I'll probably write it. GO READ MY BOOOOOK!!!Anyway, happy reading! (\/)(°-°)(>📖Here's a joke...What do eggs do for fun?Karyolky…