Set in a Loop

Set in a Loop

34 4 2

"I didn't mean to electrocute her! I swear it was an accident! I just got mad!" I yelled at the cop as he attempted to interview me. "I'm not saying you did. You are just a silly, little girl. I know you didn't kill your teacher. That isn't possible. I just want to know what happened." He replied."That IS what happened!" I told him again, "I asked Gracie Skyfall for a pen. Mrs. Lyden caught me and told me to be quiet. I said that I was just asking for a pen. She said I was talking back and sent me to the office. I said no. She couldn't make me. She said I was talking in class and being rude to her and I was unprepared so she told me to go to the office again. I yelled no and punched my desk. I was frustrated. I did NOT mean to hurt her." "I said it before and I'll say it again. You did not do that to Anne. What really happened?!" He was frustrated. So was I."I got mad. I made lightning. I killed my teacher. Accidentally." I said like he was a two year old. He wrote something down. I read over his shoulder. "Harley Frost: delusional. Mad." I yelled out and slammed my fist against the table. "I'M NOT CRAZY!" Clouds formed along the roof. Thunder shook the building. Lightening struck the clipboard out of his hand. It started to hail in the room. Gracie ran to me, grabbed, my arm and said, "calm down." Let's just say I ended up in an asylum for six years. I know I'm not mad. That was how I stayed sane in there. Then someone checked me out. I didn't know her. She said her name was Miss Peregrine. We walked down the street and met up with a boy with dark hair, light skin, and a very freckly face. He was tall and pretty cute actually. Miss Peregrine introduced him as Jacob Portman. She told me I was not crazy. I was peculiar.This book is trademarked. You can not steal our names, ideas, plot, or anything we've written in it. If you do we will make sure you receive the same fate as Mrs. Lyden. *maniacal laughter*…

The Dead Dragon's Heart

The Dead Dragon's Heart

13 0 3

Do you believe in monsters? In my reality they're everywhere. There are three kingdoms the humans, the Night Children, and then the Magic's. We all live under a flimsy truce, and as a servants of her highness Lilly of the human race, they will do anything to keep it or brake it. Excerpt:I really do hate this dress; it constantly rides up and show off my petite body.I looked up from to floor long enough to see Sylva ,with an iced coffee tray in her right hand, standing about 30 ft from me. I quickly glanced to my side to make sure I could walk to her. My left side is clear, but when I glanced at my right there was a tall man with dark brown hair, almost sapphire blue eyes, Carmel skin, and body that could brake me in two. The worst part was he was staring straight. at. me. The moment we made eye contact I lowered my eyes to my black flats. I quickly made my way to Sylva in hopes of clearing my head. When I was about 5ft away from her ,though, I crashed into someone. The crash cased me to loose my footing; I braised for the ground. It never came. I looked up to see the same man holding me up. 'How did me get here so fast? He must be a Night Child or a Magic.' I thought. "I-I'-m sorry s-sor-ry s-sir. I-I'll clean this up." I said mental punching myself for not seeing him."No need to apologize my child, I stepped in your way." That voice. It was so rich and intimidating, yet it was sweet and kind. That voice made want to obey every command this man gave me. Looked down seeing my tray on the floor and the cocktails spilling out. I made a move to reach for the items, but the man tightened his grip on me. I looked into his eyes with confusion covering my own. He pulled me closer, so my head pressed up against his chest. He let out a chuckle: his muscular chest rumbled."Now my child do you know who I am, or who you are?"…

Ney's Random Book Thing of Randomness

Ney's Random Book Thing of Randomness

1,865 13 212

Basically what it sounds like - a contemplation of all the random stuff that happens to me, Ney, a devoted athletic fangirl with ADHD, in my life. Which is actually a lot. Um. Yeah. It's one of those stories.…

Crushed Into Pieces (A Memories Series)| ON HOLD

Crushed Into Pieces (A Memories Series)| ON HOLD

27 4 2

***Based on my real experience***_____________________________________________Cherie is a new freshman student at Granite Rock High School. She has always been excited to go to Granite Rock High school, because her two year long crush goes there. His name is Dan and he is one year older than Cherie. After two weeks at Granite Rock HS, Dan moves school. What happens when a new stranger by the name of Christopher, starts melting Cherie's stone heart? Will her love life change?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I slowly followed Mary as she walked up to the table filled with marshmallows and Twizzlers. My job was to get 5 marshmallows of every color; pink, yellow, green and orange. I start to grab the marshmallows and separate them into small groups. "Excuse me." A soft deep quiet voice whispered in my ear. His breath trickled down my neck as he moved in. I stand there frozen in place. I recognize this voice... and this smell... The smell of fresh spearmint punched my face and brought me back to reality."Ah- Sorry!" I quickly moved sideways and let him through. I stole a glance at him to see him smiling. "Thanks." he grinned. His bright white teeth shined through the silence and the world stopped for 2 secs. I felt my mouth open as he focused his direction towards the marshmallows on the table. As he reached for the marshmallow, his shoulders brushed against mine, making contact. My heartbeat began to rise and I could feel myself getting hot. He continued to grab a handful of marshmallows, until he finally stepped away. I blinked a couple of times. Thinking of what just happened. The feeling of his breath still lingers on my bare neck, and the smell of mint is still strong. I touched my shoulders, the contact was still warm. I close my eyes, hoping one day I'll be closer to him._________________________________________________Please don't plagiarize or copy. This story is from my real experience in life with my crush. Comment, vote and like this story <3 Thank you! :D…

What About You?

What About You?

8 2 1

"Life is a process where people mix and match, fall apart and come back together" -Nikki GiovanniMarley is just barely getting through her junior year of high school. She can't seem to do anything right, and she's tired of life both at home and at school. Lana seems to have everything going for her; she's sweet, smart, and beautiful. She's always on honor roll, and an outstanding flyer on her school's cheer team. After a secret of her's got spread around her school, however, she's ecstatic to learn she has to move to Washington for her mom's job. Lana loves her mom more than anything, but she doesn't know how she's gonna let her in on her not so little secret.Dani is bold and strong. She has charisma, wit, and isn't afraid to let you know you're wrong. She's on the debate team and student council, and she dreams of becoming a politician. All the bad in the world, however, is starting to take a toll on Dani's bright character.Dorian is your typical punk. They prefer to make their art on the side of a building with spray paint rather than on a canvas with a brush. They like going out to local gigs, and smokes weed behind their parent's backs sometimes. Dorian knows they're more than a troubled teen, but others don't seem to see itElliot is a bit of a mess; he's lost in the world and doesn't know his purpose. He knows he loves his bass, and his dog, and his best friend, especially his best friend, but other than that, there's not much to him. There's nothing wrong with his life or him in general, but he wants more than just an average life. Elliot wants adventure.None of these people were necessarily bound to entangle their lives in one another's, but yet, life has a funny way of putting people together. They all seem quite different on the surface, but there may be more shared ground than the bunch first perceived there to be. No matter if it was fate or pure coincidence that drove them together, they can't help but ask each other, "what about you?"…

The Hero Files: Operation Legacies (Book 1)

The Hero Files: Operation Legacies (Book 1)

38 7 7

"Growing up, I always thought that a big, strong superhero to come and save me. Well, until I became a superhero and saved myself."Fourteen-year-old high school freshman Megan Blackwill is a Legacy- a future replacement for a superhero or super villain. Chosen every ten years, the Legacies are the future of the safety of the country.Ever since she was ten, like the four other Hero Legacies and five Villain Legacies, Megan has been balancing school, family, friends, and having a secret that could destroy her and the people she loves. Even worse, her best friend, Finn Schmidt, is a Villain Legacy, meaning that Megan and Finn's friendship is constantly advised against by their mentors. Suddenly, the Heroes and Villains, the mentors to the Legacies, start mysteriously disappearing, and Megan is seeing an evil version of herself around every corner. The Legacies are forced to fill in for them and fight each other. Megan, along with other Legacies, both heroes and villains, start to investigate. In addition to this, Megan's life outside being a hero is constantly threatening to mix with her life as a hero. Between students at the Legacies' exclusive boarding school becoming suspicious of her, and a new boy that keeps showing up wherever she goes, Megan, for the first time in four years, doesn't know what to do. Can Megan save herself and her friends, or will she let her life and her city crumble?…

Project Coffee

Project Coffee

4,615 252 32

Katie and Alex, a world of difference between the two of them. Katie holding down the fort at home with her older brother and mom while maintaining a job at the local coffee shop as a diner girl, her quirky attitude and ready for anything vibes came with her where ever she went no matter the circumstances. And then there was Alex; who everyone labels as a bad boy because of his leather jacket and skilled punches. But what they don't know is all the secrets he keeps buried. So what do these to teenagers have in common?Not much really, but that doesn't mean they won't go busting into a school after dark without being fully aware of the consequences.Alex and Katie. A world of secrets between them. What happens when the two find themselves relying on each other more then they should?~"You're supposed to stay away from me."I yell out walking backwards.Honestly being followed around by mr.badboy was something I'd prefer to leave out of my daily commute. "Maybe if you just listened to me for a second I wouldn't need to follow you like a puppy."He continues walking at his usual pace which I wouldn't have a problem with aside from the fact that he was headed straight at me. "Why can't you just leave me alone?"I nearly whine wanting to stay away from him but at the same time I couldn't help but hope he'd fill the gap between us. "Because I choose not too."He answers his lips curling into a half smirk."Just like you choose to avoid the problem." "There is no problem."The empty hall way walls seem to be growing smaller by the second,my pace slowing down.Walking backwards takes a lot of work.But he continues in walking forward. "That's what someone in denial would say."He mutters his arms crossing over his chest."I'm not in denial."I mutter out ready to throw my textbook at him.#8 in teen fiction May 26,2016…

The Stolen Hunter

The Stolen Hunter

312 7 3

Lure was just your average for-hire researcher under the employment of the I.F.A (Intergalactic Federation of Allies)... not. And once the I.F.A accidentally digs up his file they jump and send their brightest team to go rescue the [just recently] kidnapped Lure. Once rescued from the dangerous Lure discovers that the brightest team is actually... three teenagers?! What's more, the I.F.A wants him to join their team?! Just what will he do? Join, or continue his lonely life of solitude?DON'T forget to COMMENT! Your comments mean everything! Without them, the story can't go on. Literally! What YOU want will be written. Cool, huh? Well, come on in and tell us what you want! We'll make it happen ;)Co-written with Poindexter~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Copyright © 2014 (made 2012) by Kshipra Sawant. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior permission of the author.…

Jackaboyman x Antisepticeye X Reader The hero of boss city

Jackaboyman x Antisepticeye X Reader The hero of boss city

8,613 423 37

Your just an every day citisen in Boss city. Boss city is where all of Jack's fans and friends can live with a PMA positive mental Attitude. You live in a cozy apartment and you're trying to kick off your animating career. But the city isn't as cozy as you think. There are two forces that fight each other, good and evil. Jackaboyman and Antisepticeye. But will being caught up in this battle only make it worse? I probably won't update this as much as my other stories just fyi.…