After Care

After Care

90 2 1

If loving you was a crime; I'd be breaking the law every hour of everyday for the rest of my life.…

Project Coffee

Project Coffee

4,615 252 32

Katie and Alex, a world of difference between the two of them. Katie holding down the fort at home with her older brother and mom while maintaining a job at the local coffee shop as a diner girl, her quirky attitude and ready for anything vibes came with her where ever she went no matter the circumstances. And then there was Alex; who everyone labels as a bad boy because of his leather jacket and skilled punches. But what they don't know is all the secrets he keeps buried. So what do these to teenagers have in common?Not much really, but that doesn't mean they won't go busting into a school after dark without being fully aware of the consequences.Alex and Katie. A world of secrets between them. What happens when the two find themselves relying on each other more then they should?~"You're supposed to stay away from me."I yell out walking backwards.Honestly being followed around by mr.badboy was something I'd prefer to leave out of my daily commute. "Maybe if you just listened to me for a second I wouldn't need to follow you like a puppy."He continues walking at his usual pace which I wouldn't have a problem with aside from the fact that he was headed straight at me. "Why can't you just leave me alone?"I nearly whine wanting to stay away from him but at the same time I couldn't help but hope he'd fill the gap between us. "Because I choose not too."He answers his lips curling into a half smirk."Just like you choose to avoid the problem." "There is no problem."The empty hall way walls seem to be growing smaller by the second,my pace slowing down.Walking backwards takes a lot of work.But he continues in walking forward. "That's what someone in denial would say."He mutters his arms crossing over his chest."I'm not in denial."I mutter out ready to throw my textbook at him.#8 in teen fiction May 26,2016…