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Hello there dear reader, it seems you have stumbled into my book, well feast your eyes with this story and your heart will be satisfied by the power of yuri.You, (y/n) (l/n) is the daughter of a well known man, as soon as he died, all of his goods will be bestowed to you. (For short youll be rich as fuck)But, he will also give you a big responsibility too, you see, your father isnt just an ordinary business man, he is also known as the Black Crow, a vigilante (is that u spell it?) He is also the one who rules a big organization for killing bad or good people. (for short, they get paid big time).So, soon as you get hold of this then theres no turning back, you will take responsibilities and take care of the organization that your father treat as a family.So now, Ms. (y/n), do you accept this?Very well then.But i have to remind you, various employee of your father have a very difficult charactiristic, mostly females, i would love to remind you that you should be cautious, but i shouldnt be worried, your Mr.(l/n) daughter! you can handle yourself!…