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To keep myself from losing track of:all the 2025 contests I've entered, all the 2025 contests I've volunteered myself as a judge (or let myself be volun-told into judging), all the 2025 books I've had to read as a contestant or as a judge, all the 2025 deadlines, and all the other important stuff,here is a book that registers all these 2025 things in a somewhat organized fashion. With occasional commentary.Nota bene: Although other people are welcome to browse my public contest logs and look for contests, look for information about details of contests (i.e. you want me to pour you some tea), etc, these contest logs are primarily for my own use. I enter so many contests that I can't keep track of them without a log. I forget important details, too, including things like "Note to self: You do not get along with this contest host, best not participate in their contests."Like my 2024 contest log, this was never meant to be an "expose" book. I'm not exposing anybody. Contests are matters of public record, as are any comments made in the contest books. I'm just a ditz who needs a written log to keep track of everything. I would lose my head if it wasn't attached to my shoulders.I DO NOT CONSENT TO MY POETRY AND PROSE BEING USED TO TRAIN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCEโฆ