Something Liszt
100-word story based on the picture.…
100-word story based on the picture.…
Even mommy dearest can have dark secrets.…
Christmas Story, 100 words based on the picture…
October 2019 has brought around the frightfully good opportunity to douse yourself in spooky words penned by yours darkly, inspired by the collaboration between @ChickLit, @Microbytes, @Paranormal and @adultfiction. So read on for a collection of scary short stories... if you dare! Book created for 30 Days of Spooky Tales collaboration 2019Cover image courtesy of:…
SurvivorOn track to be published in Survival Sagas: Mission Contamination with "Young Writers" . I hope you like it.…
A 100-Word Story Challenge Based on the Shown Picture…
100-word story challenge based on the picture…
100-word flash fiction based on the picture…
I wrote these for my mom's bday.…
100-word story based on the picture…
100-Word Story based on the Picture…
100-word challenge based on the picture…
100 Word Challenge based on the picture.…
100-word story based on the picture…