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HERE WE GO! Welcome to the "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words" contest where you can win fabulous prizes, and prominent placement in a forthcoming anthology. All you have to do is write a story in 1000 words (+/-10) based on our cover photo. Need a closer look? Enter the story, by hitting "Read", then click on the photo at the top of the page for a larger image. You have the entire month of June to write it, but beware! Our contest officially closes on July 1, and all stories entered on, or after that date will not be qualified. Our illustrious panel of judges has been chosen, and in the coming days, and weeks, I will give you hints as to whom they are, before announcing them. They must remain anonymous for awhile longer, so one can pander to their tastes, but I can tell you this: One of them is THE ARTIST HIMSELF! Don't forget to use this hashtag: #apicturesworth1000words (it doesn't hurt to do this one either: #wpcontest)in your submission, or we won't be able to find your story. We look very forward to your entries. Be creative, and good luck!…