Chapter 13

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Kaida couldn't stop dreaming about the Stag and his death, she could have done something, but then, Jake's life would have ended.

Kaida woke up in a gasp and stood up quickly.

"Finally, you are awake," Ivan said, rolling his eyes. "He wants to see you," he said in his usual cold tone.

"Well, I don't want to see him," Kaida snapped.

"I don't care what you want," he said walking towards her. A dumb mistake they made, they forgot to chain Kaida and when Ivan tried to grab her, she lifted her hands and made the purple mist fly towards him. Ivan started to scream in pain and fear.

"And I don't care what he wants," Kaida said angrily.

"I recommend you to stop if you want your friend alive," a cold voice said. The Darkling entered the tent.

"Let him alone," Kaida said angrily.

"Let Ivan go," he said in a calm voice. Kaida looked at him and made the mist disappear. "Leave us," he ordered. The guards on her tent and Ivan left.

The Darkling walked towards her, But Kaida took a step backwards.

"Don't get near me," Kaida said.

"You ran away," he said, taking another step near her.

"What were you expecting?! You've been lying to me since the day I met you," Kaida said angrily,

"Telling you half of the story is not lying," he defended.

"You lied to me! You said you were going to destroy the Fold and you are going to expand it," she said. "That's not telling half of the story,"

"I'm doing this to protect you," he said, starting to get mad.

"Don't you dare to put this on me! You betrayed me! So, yes, I ran away. Of course I did. You are crazy if you think I'm going to help you make this plan work," she snapped.

"I'm doing the best for Ravka," he said.

"You are going to kill people, innocent people!" Kaida's eyes were full of tears. "I trusted you, I let myself love you, and the only thing I get from you are lies," she hated crying but the pain was too strong. "What are you planning to do with me in the Fold?" she asked. The Darkling stayed silent. "Answer me!"

"I'm planning to use you to amplify Alina's power,"

"Of course," she said with pain. "Tell me. Was everything I game for you? Did you ever love me?" she asked, scared of the answer.

"I didn't fake anything with you," he said in a calm tone.

Kaida shook her head with tears rolling down her cheeks. "I don't believe you. I can't,"

"I love you," he said.

"And then, here I am. In front of the guy that says he loves me almost chained with four guards in my door and against my will," Kaida said trying to control her emotions.

"I never forced you to leave the Little Palace," he said, leaving his emotions apart now.

"No, but you are forcing me to kill innocent people," Kaida said now, without crying. "You are a monster and I will do everything I can to stop you. I promise you, you are not going to win this war. Even if I have to die," she said.

"Fine, make me your villain. Do whatever you want," and with those words he left.

Kaida let out a sob and took her hands to her mouth while she let herself fall to the ground. She started crying on the floor, she trusted him and now, he was going to use her against her will to kill people. Crying and sobbing, Kaida fell asleep.


The sun was setting over the horizon. Kaida stood with her arms resting on the wooden railing of the boat with the wind pushing her hair back and a small smile on her face.

"What's on your mind, my lady?" Sturmhond asked, standing beside her.

"A friend," she replied.

"May I ask what friend?" the pirate asked.

"One who disappeared from my life a long time ago," Kaida replied. Sturmhond stared at her waiting for her to tell more. Kaida sighed and without looking at him began to tell him. "His name was Nikolai, although I called him Niko, but to annoy him I sometimes called him Sobachka," Kaida smiled.

"Puppy?" Sturmhond asked in confusion.

"Yes, he always reminded me of a little puppy with those innocent eyes but with that tongue that made everyone helpless. Even as a little boy he always knew just what to say to please people, except for me. With me he was himself, and I loved it.

I remember the first day I met him, he was crying because of the whispers in the palace about him being a bastard. When he told me I said 'What do you care what a bunch of useless people say? I don't think you are' I didn't know who he was then, but I saw his face light up with happiness at my words. I smiled broadly and introduced myself and that's when he told me who he was. I remember how red I blushed when I learned that he was royalty and that I had insulted everyone at the Palace. He started laughing like I had never heard anyone laugh before and started saying I looked like a tomato so I told him he looked like a puppy. From that day on the bastard's name became Puppy, even though people still thought he was a bastard, he only cared about my opinion."

"So you call him puppy because he's so cute?" Sturmhond asked.

"Yeah, basically," Kaida said with a smile.

"I'm cute too and you don't call me puppy," the redhead complained.

Kaida laughed out loud "You're not a puppy at all," she said, controlling her laughter a bit.

"You offend me," he complained.

"Sturmhond, you're more like a clever fox. Redheaded, and silent, and a pirate," Kaida knew he was a privateer, but he loved to tease him by calling him a pirate and deep down Sturmhond liked it.

"Privateer," he corrected with a smile as he watched her walk off in the direction of Tamar and Tolya.

"Bye, clever fox,"

From that day on, Kaida began to call Sturmhond from time to time as clever fox, and every time she did so Sturmhond smiled broadly.

End of flashback.

"Come on, wake up," Ivan's voice woke her up.

"What do you want?" she asked angrily.

"He wants to see you," Ivan informed.

"Again?" she asked, confused. Ivan just nodded. "Well, tell him I already said everything I had to say," Kaida said standing up from the floor.

"It wasn't a question," Ivan said, forcing her to walk out from the tent. Kaida started to walk beside Ivan. "Do something and your friend will die," he threatened.

Kaida noticed they were in front of the Fold. Walking through the tents she saw Zoya and Kaida started running towards her and hugged her strongly.

"Oh, I'm so happy to see you," Kaida said in the hug.

"I can see," Zoya said, hugging her back. Kaida really needed a hug from her. "Are you alright?" she asked with a frown. Kaida wanted to tell her everything, but she knew that that would make Jake get killed.

"Yes, yes, I just wanted to see you," Over her shoulder she saw Ivan's annoyed face. "Now I have to go, but I'll see you later," Kaida said with a smile.

Kaida walked towards Ivan and both resumed their journey to General Kirigan's tent. Kaida started thinking about if Zoya knew the plan from the beginning, but something told her that she didn't, or she hoped so.

"General," Ivan said when they entered the tent.

"You can leave us," Aleksander said.

"What do you want?" Kaida asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You are stronger, I can feel it," he said. Kaida frowned, confused.

"Thank you for the information, is that why you woke me up?" Kaida asked, annoyed.

"I saw the blood in the snow. What did you kill?" he asked seriously.

"I don't know what you are talking about," Kaida said without interest.

"I suggest you answer my questions if you don't want to lose your friend," he said looking her in the eyes.

"A wolf," she said.

"What kind of wolf?" he asked again.

"I don't know," Kaida said. "It was just a wolf,"

"Ivan!" Kirigan yelled.

"What?" Kaida asked alarmed.

"Yes?" Ivan asked entering the tent.

"Kill Jake Wellerman," The Darkling asked.

"What?! No! No! It was just a wolf I swear," Kaida started panicking seeing how Ivan had started to walk out. "It was white with gold eyes!" she screamed scared for Jake.

"Ivan, get back to your position," he ordered. "It wasn't that difficult. Wasn't it?"

"I hate you," Kaida said.

"We both know that's not true," he said, surrounding the table he was looking at Kaida from behind.

"What's the deal with the wolf? Why is it so important?" she asked.

"First, I want to know why you kill it," he said. Kaida hesitated.

"Some hunters shoot at him and he was in pain so I decided to end his pain quickly instead of letting him die in agony," Kaida explained.

"Let me tell you dear Kaida, that wolf that you killed was an amplifier." Kaida opened her eyes in surprise. " So, if you are so strong I have to guess you took something from him,"

"Jake found a tooth stuck in a wood stick," Kaida explained.

"Show me," he ordered. Kaida was unsure, but she didn't want Jake to surfer so she showed him the tooth. "Fantastic," he said, walking towards her. "Bring them," A guard holding Jake with a knife by his throat and David, the best materialki of the Second army, entered the tent. "If you try something or resist, he would die," The Darkling said, pointing at Jake who was looking at Kaida with fear. "Move your hair," Kirigan ordered Kaida. She did what he ordered without locking her eyes from Jake. "David, do it," David took the tooth and carefully put it behind Kaida's ear.

"No," Kaida said, taking a step away from David. "I don't want an amplifier," Kaida said seriously.

"Do you really want him to die?" The Darling asked, looking at Jake.

"Kaida, don't do it,"Jake said.

"I don't want him to hurt you," Kaida said, holding back her tears. Jake knew she just wanted to cry until she didn't have more tears left, and The Darkling knew it too, but she was really good at hiding her feelings, so they were the only ones.

David put the tooth behind her ear and before he did nothing he whispered without anyone nothing "I'm truly sorry," and then he did it, he linked the wolf power with Kaidas "It's done," he said.

"Fantastic, you all can go," Kirigan ordered.

"Wait, I did everything you asked me to. Let me talk to Jake," Kaida said.

"Bring her," The Darkling said, ignoring her. Alina entered the tent and Kaida was amused to see part of the Stag's horns protruding from its clavicle.

"Saints, Alina!" Kaida said in surprise. "Oh, Saints," she said looking at her clavicle. "Are you alright?"

"I could be better," she said.

"That makes two of us," Kaida said.

"Your ear!" Alina said in surprise.

"I killed a wolf. I didn't know it was an amplifier and then he forced me to put it on," Kaida explained quickly.


"Quite," The Darkling ordered. "We will enter the Fold tomorrow and none of you can say or do anything that makes the people suspect that something is wrong. If you do so, I'll kill your littles friends. Did both of you get it?" he asked. They both nodded. "Ivan, take them to see their friends. They have five minutes," Kaida and Alina's face lit up.

They walked out towards the tent they were being kept. Alina went to a different one than Kaida but when Kaida entered the tent that Jake was she ran towards the cell he was in.

"Thanks Saints you are okay," Kaida said, holding his hand.

"Are you alright?" Jake asked worriedly.

"I...I don't know," she wanted to cry, but she didn't let herself.

"It's fine if you want to cry," he said, holding her hand strongly.

"I already cried too much, I don't want to cry anymore," she said.

"What happened inside the tent? What did they do to your ear?" he asked worriedly.

"Apparently, the wolf I killed was an amplifier," she explained.

"This is crazy. You should fight, you shouldn't do what he orders you," he said.

"I won't lose you," Kaida said. "I can't lose you, not now or never,"

"Kaida, you need to fight and save Ravka, forget about me," Jake said with a sad smile.

"I will fight for Ravka, but when I'm sure your life is not in risk,"


"Time's up," Ivan said entering the tent.

"You'll be okay, I'll find a way to get you out," Kaida said before Ivan forced her to leave.

"Enough talking," Ivan said, pushing her out.

Ivan guided her to her tent and seconds later Alina entered her tent.

"What 's going on? Why does he let us see each other?" Kaida asked, confused.

"I don't know, I guess he knows he has control of us while he has Jake and Mal," Alina said.

"What happened after I passed out?" Kaida said, looking at her clavicle.

"He connected my small science with him, he controls my small science now," Alina said with tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry Alina," Kaida said, looking at her with sadness.

"You warned me, I should have listened to you," Alina said, angry with herself.

"None of this is your fault, Alina. None of it," the brunette told her. "And we are going to find a way to get out of here with Mal and Jake,"

"How?" Alina asked.

"I don't know yet, but I'll find a way," she said.

"Enough talking," Ivan said entering the tent and taking Alina by the arm.

Alina left but then the sound of someone entering the tent sounded again.

"Can I just be alone for a minute?" Kaida asked, annoyed, and when she turned she found Genya standing there, but she was wearing a red kefta. Kaida stared at her. "You were with him all this time," Kaida said with pain.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to lie to you,"Genya said.

"You didn't?!" Kaida said angrily. "Has someone been honest with me in the Little Palace? Does Zoya know?"

"No, she doesn't know," Genya said.

"Well, at least I know that someone wasn't faking," Kaida said, holding her tears.

"I never faked," Genya said.

"Why should I believe you?" Kaida asked.

"I did what I had to do to survive!" Genya said and the Kaida looked at her with amusement.

"The King. What happened to the King?"

"He is ill," Genya said, looking away.

"What did you do?" Kaida asked in surprise. Genya was about to answer but Kaida didn't allow her. "Get out," Genya didn't move. "I said go!" With tears in her eyes Genya left.

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