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Few weeks had passed since Kaida was back with Sturmhond's crew and she was almost the same. It was complicated to make her sleep and a few of the crew members had received a punch when they touched Kaida, they weren't going to do anything bad, but Kaida couldn't resist anyones touch except one, Sturmhond's. He didn't touch her very often because he knew she didn't like it but when did Kaida didn't react.

It was past midnight, as usual because of the nightmares, Kaida was outside.


Kaida had been with the Sturmhond crew for about a year and for the first time she felt free and safe, she felt at home.

"My precious Kaida," Sturmhond called out to her, making the brunette turn to look at him.

"What 's wrong?"

"You've been with us for a year and I can't believe it hasn't been your birthday yet," the redhead said approaching her. Kaida pursed her lips, he just had to ask that day. "Come on, when is your birthday? We love birthdays," he said with a big smile.

"As it happens, it happens to be today," Kaida said with annoyance.

"Really?!" Sturmhond said happily.

"But please don't do anything, I don't like my birthday," Kaida said uncomfortably.

"How can you not like your birthday?" Tolya asked in surprise.

"You'd be surprised, "the girl replied.

"Well that's going to change," Sturmhond said determinedly.

Kaida rolled her eyes and went back to her work.


Night had already fallen on the ship and people were preparing for dinner when Sturmhond came out of his cabin with a hat and without his typical captain's jacket but with a more extravagant one.

At the sight of him Kaida looked at him quizzically.

"What are you doing?" the girl asked him.

"Oh, Kaida, my dear Kaida. May I have this dance?" Surmhond bowed mockingly in front of her, causing her to laugh loudly.

"Why not?" she said, grabbing his hand.

"Let the music begin," Sturmhond ordered.

Sturmhond started jumping all over the ship with Kaida holding on. The brunette couldn't stop laughing at how stupid they looked, but even though she didn't like her birthday, Sturmhond made that birthday enjoyable.

End of flashback

"You are smiling," someone said, making her jump in her place. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," the red haired said with a smile.

"It's fine," Kaida said.

"You were smiling, something that doesn't usually happen. What were you thinking about?" he asked, getting next to her.

"On the first birthday that I spent here," she said.

"Oh, that was really funny," Sturmhond said. "Kaida, you've been here for weeks and I've noticed that you don't sleep," he said.

Kaida kept silent for a few seconds. "I was coming back from seeing my friend when a group of Fjerdas took me, lucky for me they didn't know I was Grisha so they used me as a servant. Months later, I tried to escape and that's when The Darkling found me and saved me.

He trained me and showed me how to not fear my small science, and then, I fell in love with him. I was happier than ever.

Two years passed and then the Sun Summoner appeared. It looked as if everything was right, but then, the night of the Winter Fete, a celebration the King like to do to celebrate winter, Baghra, apparently The Darkling's mother, told me that he wanted to expand the Fold instead of destroy it, so I ran away.

I don't remember the days that I kept running but it was really cold and I was exhausted.I fell to the snow and I couldn't resist it anymore and I fell asleep, waiting to die, but Jake found me and forced me to open my eyes.

We went to a village to eat something and rest but the next morning we went to search for the Stag. We wanted to find it first so The Darkling couldn't use it, but it was too late.

He found us and Alina, he forced Alina to put on the amplifier and then he forced me.

We entered the Fold and he controlled Alina's small science, so we couldn't do anything. Then he used me as an amplifier, yes, I'm also a living amplifier, and he used me to expand the Fold. After expanding the Fold he threw Alina's friend and Jake overboard and that's when the fight started.

We fought against him, at some point Alina made the light disappear and that's when a volcra took Jake. Alina made the light appear again and I saw Jake's blood. We needed to leave but I couldn't leave him, I couldn't, but he told me to leave and live my life as I deserved. So I left, I left without him and that has been hunting me since that day," she explained.

"I'm so sorry, he didn't deserve that, you didn't deserve that. He was really brave to tell you that. I might not know your past but I can tell that it was really difficult. You deserve a better future, and I'm sorry that it's not with him," he said.

"Thank you," Kaida hesitated before putting her head against Stumhond's shoulder

"So...You were thinking about me?" Sturmhond asked with a smile.

"Saints, why did I say something," Kaida asked with a small smile.

"I know you have missed me these last few years. I'm incredible," he said with a mock.

"Oh, shut up. I was completely fine at the Little Palace without you," she said, giving him a little nudge.

"I'm sure you didn't stop thinking about me," he said egocentrically.

"Well, you'll be surprised. I haven't thought of you at all," Kaida said with a big smile.

"When people say impossible they usually mean improbable," Kaida quoted.

Sturmhon looked at her in surprise and happiness. "I love when you quote me," he said with a big smile.

"I have to admit that you have some quite interesting quotes, clever fox," Kaida said with a smile. "Now, if you would excuse me, I'm going to try and get some rest," Kaida disappeared inside and walked towards the cabin she seared with Tamar and laid down on her hammock and for the first time in months she didn't have a nightmare.


The next morning they were in port getting more food and water.

Tamar woke up and walked out where the rest of the crew and her captain were working.

"Good morning," Tamar said.

"Good morning Tamara," Sturmhond said with a smile. "Where is Kaida?"

"She is sleeping. Should I wake her up?" Tamar asked.

"No, let her sleep, she hasn't slept correctly these last few weeks," Sturmhond said.

"You don't have to tell me, I sleep with her and I think she never sleeps," Tamar said.

"Let her sleep. Both of you came with me to my cabin, we need to talk," Sturmhond said walking towards his cabin.

"Are you planning on telling her?" It was the first thing Tolya asked when they were alone.

"You should tell her, especially with everything she went through," Tamar said.

"It's not the right moment, if I tell her now, I fear that she is going to kill me," Sturmhond said.

"And it's better to lie to her in her face? What would happen if she figured it out by herself?" Tamar insisted.

"She won't," he said with security.

"I don't like lying to her," she said.

Sturmhond kept his neutral gaze but Tamar and Tolya could notice that he didn't like it either. "I don't like it either, but I didn't bring you both here because of that. Now, let's talk about our next client,"

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