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Hey, so my friend - who reads this story - didn't know what I imagined Jupiter's accent to be like and I showed her a video of a guy with his accent and got her stamp of approval lol.

I realized that none of you really know what Jupiter's accent sounds like either, so here's a video above of what I imagined his dialect to sound like exactly.

...Okay that's all I wanted to say. XD

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


The news that was discovered hit every single individual in the household hard; some more than others.

It became a silent, unanimous agreement to not mention it again unless it is Jupiter bringing more findings to their attention. They all were aware that it was not healthy at all to completely ignore their inevitable departure, the approximate time approaching at a steady, nervewracking rate. However, it was for the best if they do so, or else they would spend every day fretting over it.

Good thing Jupiter is amazing at completely ignoring everything.

...Too bad that he still had something else to worry about.

Manny cheered, clapping her hands excitedly after opening the freezer. Lately, the temperature has been heating back up and during a trip to the supermarket, she snagged a box of Pop-Ice and she has been periodically checking if they were frozen since last night. Grabbing a handful - all for herself, of course - she skipped out of the kitchen happily. While everyone is training outside in the warm weather, she planned on enjoying her cool snack within the confinements of her new room and binge on Youtube videos. Hm... Maybe once she's finished, she'll bring some out for the boys to eat, too.

She grumbled as her bra straps from underneath her tank top fell limply off her shoulders, adjusting them for the fifth time that afternoon. It has been way too long since she went braless and the urge to take it off right that second was potent. Screw it, she'll do it later tonight, Frodo will just have to deal with the embarrassment, she wants to be free.

Stepping into the living room, she paused at the sight of a prone body sprawled out on the middle of the floor. The brunette blinked slowly as she tip-toed towards the mass until she was right next to it before poking it with her toes. Her brows rose when she got a groan in response, "Jupiter... What are you doing?"

"Just leave me alone." Came his muffled reply, "Lemme become one with the floor and escape life."

"Okay..." Manny drawled out, slightly put off by his... odd behavior. "Will a Pop-Ice make you feel better?"

"...Is there cherry?"

She snorted when his head lifted up slightly with interest as he asked this question and dropped the flavored treat on his head. He barely seemed to notice, only grabbing it after a moment, rolling over in order to sit up, tearing the plastic off with his teeth, and calmly eating it. "So, what's got you suddenly hating life?"

"Oh, y'know, just thinking about the gigantic dent that's about to appear in my bank account."

"What? Don't tell me you're really going to buy that high tech stuff for your lab."

"No," He wished, but what he was planning was much more important than some lab equipment. He sighed as he stood, "Since you stopped me from wallowing in my own despair, it's time for me to suck it up. It's not even a huge dent, anyway, I think I just caught your drama-queen-itis, is all." With that said, Jupiter left and headed out to the backyard, completely disregarding the indignant shouts from behind him.

His eyes immediately zeroed in on his partner tending to his bow and arrows on the bench swing with a concentrated expression. The redhead watched for a moment, the corner of his mouth twitching up at the sight, "Hey, there." He said, announcing his presence as he came closer.

Legolas looked up and his entire face lit up, "Jupiter- Mmph!"

They ignored the light clatter of the arrow that slid out of his hand, allowing his head to be tilted up by the hand that was grasping the back of his neck. Temptation ate away at him as he reached up, his fingertips feathering over the edge of the man's shirt before sliding them underneath. Legolas grinned through the kiss as he felt a shiver beneath his touch.

As Jupiter made to break the kiss, he caught the elf's bottom lip between his teeth briefly. Legolas's eyes fluttered open again, his breathing slightly heavier than usual, "Well, that was a pleasant surprise."

"I aim to please." He smirked, sliding his hand to his cheek and caressing it, "I would have us continue this inside, but it looks like you're busy 'n I gotta run a few errands."

"How long?"

"A while." His smirk faltered and he leaned down again to give him a chaste kiss. They were both still sensitive about what happened, unsurprisingly, "You want anythin' while I'm out?"


Jupiter laughed, shaking his head slightly, "Yeah, I want me, too. Anyway, if you think of somethin', text or call me. I'll try to be quick, 'kay?"

He received a quick nod before Legolas leaned up to capture his lips once more.


Okay, so he may have been lying a little bit to Manny. He wasn't worried about money at all, he was a lot more worried about the reason why he was buying expensive shit, which was another date with Legolas. Everyone else was going to come along as well so they, too, can have their fun, but Jupiter will make sure that he and Legolas have alone time together.

He wanted this date to be more special than usual, which was why he was going a little over the top by going to the mall and trying on a bunch of clothes for it. Unlike everyone else, he did not have a vast variety of clothes that weren't dark colors. In fact, he thinks the only light color clothing he has is one t-shirt and his tie-dye hoodie.

Rejecting the help of an employee of the store, he grabbed another piece of clothing that caught his eye. He had a decent pile draped over his arm and decided that it was time to actually try them on before he had a pile of clothes towering over him.

Once he was in the changing room, he was extremely disappointed to find that almost none of them looked right on him. The most disappointing was the green one, which he - for some reason - thought would look alright on him because of the shade. Of course, in the end, it still looked like Christmas was barfed on him and he instantly tugged the outfit off when he saw himself in the mirror.

The second to last outfit, however... Surprisingly looked amazing on him. He was so startled that he even took off his glasses to see if he was seeing things and sighed in relief. He didn't expect to find one this great on his first pile, so he settled with it. Hopefully, Legolas will think that it looks nice on him.

Jupiter ruffled his own hair as soon as he stripped the clothes off and kinda just... stared at himself in the mirror. "Hm..." Maybe he should send a picture of himself to Legolas? Oh, the thoughts that were going through his head was definitely terrible as he grabbed his phone and opened up its camera, pointing it at the reflective glass.

This was the first time he has ever sent, let alone thought about, a special picture.

He didn't think about his pose too much, he just stuck his hand in his boxers and snapped the picture. Afterward, he looked at it and was kinda impressed with himself. Depending on Legolas's reaction, he might send a lot more special pictures. He pulled the messages up, selected the photo, and his thumb hovered over the send button.

Jupiter nearly groaned in irritation. Dammit, now he feels embarrassed. It's not like they haven't seen each other naked before, so this was nothing compared to all of that. But, still, what was Legolas going to think? Will he like it? Hate it?

Gross, why is he being so insecure?

With a huff, he sent it and put down his phone. He still has a lot more shopping to do.


Legolas boredly browsed through the books on Jupiter's bookshelf. He was currently taking a break from training, finding solace in his and Jupiter's bedroom in order to relax and escape from any noise. It was difficult trying to find something to occupy himself because back in Middle-Earth, he usually either did not have the time or did not need to distract himself.

He settled on a novel written by one of Jupiter's favorite authors, Stephen King. Legolas had been skeptical when he was handed a book titled, Misery, but he ended up being unable to put it down. That day had been rainy and every individual in the household decided it would be a lazy day, so the scientist had grabbed an extra blanket at some point, sat against the headboard of the bed, and pulled the elf towards him to envelop him in his warmth, wrapping the both of them in the blanket.

Falling back onto the bed, he started reading. He wondered if Carrie was the antagonist in this story as well.

Mirkwood's prince stopped reading when his phone vibrated and notified that he received a text. Memorizing the page number, he set the book down and took the device out to see on the front screen that it was a message from Jupiter. Or more specifically, a picture message.

With a few taps, he opened the app icon and promptly turned an alarming red.

Wha- Why was Jupiter sending a picture like this?! He's not complaining, but- Wow, he cannot deny that Jupiter looks utterly erotic.

He shifted as he stared at the tantalizing photo with half-lidded eyes, typing his reply.

"You tempt me, my Jupiter. I dearly hope you can show me more of you once you return."


Jupiter spun around when he tried opening his car door before it was slammed shut by a foot kicking into it.

What he was definitely not expecting was a sharp punch that sunk into his cheek and hands grabbing the collar of his shirt, slamming him against his car roughly. He blinked owlishly, the hit stunning him for a split second as black spots briefly appeared in his vision. Once his eyes focused again, they narrowed into a glower at the person who attacked him, "Should have fucking known you were gonna jump me like a pussy again."

He was slammed onto his own car again, "Shut up! I don't need to hear any of that shit right now. All I want to know is what you did to Bell!"

"What did she tell you? If this is about me telling her that I'm gay when she was in denial, then piss off, Ray."

"You made her cry, dickhead!" Ray gritted out, "I should beat the shit out of you, she told me to, but this is going to be a warning, Holo. I love Bell, okay? Obviously not in a brotherly way, it's been like that since the beginning, but the thing is, even though she only fucks me to forget about her issues, she still loves you for some reason. You want to know why she's been a bitch to you? She fucked me at that party because she needed a goddamn distraction. She told you when you broke up with her that you'd never want to kiss her, and never went past that. She knows she fucked up, she hates herself for it and I'm the only one who's there for her."

Jupiter looked dubious, "Are you implying that I should get back with her?"

"I don't know, what the hell do you think? I'm just warning you, faggot, you make her cry again and you'll regret it." With that said, he let go of him.

The redhead scoffed, rubbing his sore cheek, "You know that half of what you said is bullshit, right? Yeah, I believe that some part of her regrets it and I believe the reason of why she did it, but..."

He smoothed out his ruffled clothes, "The both of you are naive. I don't know about you, but I know for a fact that Isabelle has no idea what love really is. Whatever Isabelle is feeling, it definitely isn't love - or else, no matter what, she would have never done what she did. She would have told me face to face what was bothering her. You two are nothing but children having a hissy fit over not getting what you want."

Jupiter opened his door and this time, it wasn't kicked closed by Ray again. He paused, looking at Ray over his shoulder and telling him flatly, "And just ask her out already. It's obvious you like her a lot, so just do it. Maybe it'll get her off my back and she'll stop fucking crying over me."

Jupiter then went inside his car before starting it, pulling out of the parking lot, and heading home.

His mind remained relatively blank throughout the entire drive. It wasn't until he parked his car at home did he register the dull throb and sting of his cheek, cursing when he glanced in the mirror. It was already beginning to bruise and there was a long cut that had crusted over with dry blood, surely caused by the stupid ring that Ray always wears.

Exiting the car with two bags, he entered the house and made a b-line to his room. He was relieved to find that Legolas wasn't there, he didn't want him to worry over a little bruise and cut. Jupiter swiftly hid the bags before entering the bathroom, opening the cabinet to retrieve the first-aid kit.

He opened it up and was just about to get started on cleaning it up when he heard a gasp. His head snapped towards the doorway, gold clashing with blue, "Hey, Legolas." He tried saying happily, although it came out strained considering the look on the elf's face.

"What happened?" Legolas asked quickly as he came closer, taking the supplies away from him in order to do it himself.

"Got punched. The guy had a ring on so it cut me pretty good, it's nothin' to worry about."

"Idiot, I have every right to be worried!" He said, holding his uninjured side of his face in order to prod around the cut, "This bruise is horrendous, Jupiter. You are fortunate that you did not get hit directly in the eye or jaw, or else you would be in much more pain."

Jupiter remained silent, flinching when alcohol was gently wiped against the cut, wiping away the dried blood caking up the wound. "Tell me what happened," Legolas demanded. "Having sparred with you, I know that you would not have let anybody punch this hard."

"It was Ray. He caught me by surprise while I was about to go home. He warned me about makin' Isabelle cry again, sayin' if I did it again, he would kick my ass 'n all that jazz. I didn't even mean to make her cry this time, I just told her I was gay. Well, I mean, I was bein' a huge dick, but I'm always like that."

Legolas rolled his eyes, applying ointment before getting a bandage to stick to his cheek, "You are a trouble magnet, dear." He pressed a kiss against the rough material before pecking his lips, "However, I am glad you are alright."

Jupiter smiled and pressed his forehead against his, "So... About that text."


Sorry this one was so short, the next chapter may be another filler before the good shit finally comes into play. :D

If there are any spelling/grammar mistakes, please tell me so I can fix it ASAP.

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