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WARNING: Oof, a lot of shit happens in this chapter.

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Crumple, crumple.


Rip, crumple.

"Fuck that."

Rip, tear-

"Fucking useless brain!" Jupiter hissed to himself, slamming his pencil onto his desk as what little patience he had quickly dwindled into nothing. He had made it clear to everyone that he did not want to be bothered for a while in his room, so without any outside disturbances, he had been going at this for a solid hour.

Jupiter was never one for creativity. His skill sets were more analytical - you can throw any math formula or scientific question and he'll have the answer ready in a matter of seconds, but creativity was not his forte. That was Manny's field, considering her interest in anything related to the arts. Of course, there are times when he applies creativity to his studies, but that is completely different to what he was trying to do right now.

He groaned in frustration and stared down at the pile of papers that were either bunched up into a ball or torn apart. Jupiter gave a resigned sigh and ruffled his own hair. Maybe he was thinking a little too much about this. Maybe he shouldn't even think at all about it, wouldn't that be easier? He does remember that time when Legolas told him that the soul has more truth to express than the mind.

Jupiter nods to himself and awakened his computer, quickly clicking a few icons before music quietly drifted through the air and he relaxed. Heavy metal and the like were a huge help, but after catching Legolas listening to classical music and other genres of the like multiple times, he ended up starting to enjoy it.

Picking up his pencil, writing again was difficult at first, but then it became a blur over the paper. Ideas and already thought-up sentences written in chicken scratch appeared on the piece of paper. He nearly snickered at one point, seeing that Legolas was right. The soul speaks more than the mind. He had just been thinking too hard about this the entire time.

He had the main parts of this completed, considering they were the same words, but it was surprisingly easy to bring together what he wanted to say differently in each line. It was a slow and tedious process, eraser shavings scattered all over the paper and his desk, lots of trial and error, and dictionary help became a part of this procedure.

"I'm missing something." Jupiter suddenly announced as he stared at the last group of words. It was strange how he managed to finish it before the beginning. It was easier to write since it expressed the most in its entirety.

Jupiter's head shot up and he looked at his door. He has an idea.


"Is there a particular reason why you forced me into your bedroom?"

Jupiter rolled his eyes as he turned away from his desk, walking back over to the older man with a sheet of paper in hand, "Okay, I know this is kinda weird, but I need your help." He hands him the paper and rubbed the back of his neck as he quickly looked away. "I... wanted to do something special for Legolas. I had the bright idea of writing some of it in Sindarin, but the only problem is that I only know the basics and suck at pronunciation."

Aragorn's eyes scanned over the words that Jupiter had transferred from his original brainstorming paper and they widen a fraction once he finished, "Jupiter, this is... This is for Legolas?"

"Yeah, it's extremely private. I haven't even told Manny what I'm doing and I tell her nearly everything. You're the only one I can trust to translate it." He paused, "But if you don't feel comfortable with it-"

"No!" The ranger blurted out, startling the fellow man. He cleared his throat and brought his voice back down, "No, it's alright, I'm just surprised since you do not appear to be the romantic type - no offense. I am honored that you trust me with this, truly. If I may ask, why are you giving Legolas a gift such as this?"

"I'll explain another time, I promise."

Aragorn nodded, "Alright. Let's translate this together, shall we?"


"So, what did you want to talk about, Boromir?"

The man appeared to wince hearing the vexation that leaked through Jupiter's carefully guarded tone and expression. Legolas, who stood close by his side and had his arms folded in front of his chest, sent his partner a look. Boromir wasn't the only one who heard the way he said his name.

The meeting between the trio was surprising for both the blonde and redhead. Jupiter had just finished up with Aragorn with the translations and thanked him for the help before the ranger left. Not even two minutes later, Aragorn came back with an expressionless Legolas in tow and told him flat-out that Boromir needed to talk to them. Jupiter was not happy about this, to say the least; he still hasn't forgotten the look on Legolas's face. Fuck his own feelings, if someone hurts him in any way-

"I wanted to apologize."

For a moment the pair was stunned by his sudden statement. Jupiter, however, quickly gave him a dirty look, "Look, if everyone else is making you apologize to us, then forget it. It's not worth our time."

"Jupiter is right," Legolas agreed. His eyes were narrowed and he took a hold of Jupiter's hand, lacing their fingers together. "A forced apology is an empty one. It will have no truth and meaning, and I rather not hear lies. You've already done enough." He then began to guide them both back to the doors where everyone was discreetly supervising them - Jupiter is ninety-seven percent sure that Manny told them that they should since he's a fighter, not a peacemaker, and he couldn't blame her.

"No!" Boromir bursts, "Wait, the others have nothing to do with this. I needed to apologize for my own accord because I was too late to realize what I said was... was wrong and unforgivable."

Both Legolas and Jupiter freeze at their spots, turning back around simultaneously with puzzlement. "What?..." Jupiter muttered.

A humorless laugh left the man, "I am not a hateful man. I love all of my friends dearly."

"Funny way of showing it." The ellon gave Jupiter a sharp jab in the side with his elbow when his elf ears picked up the nearly inaudible grumble.

Boromir continued on, wringing his hands, "I had been overwhelmed when we all found the truth of your relationship. I was... unreasonably angered by the fact that both you and Manny would inadvertently hurt my companions, whom I have grown close to since our arrival to Earth. Especially you, Jupiter, for I had been aware of what happens to an elf when they..." His words trailed off and he cleared his throat, "It is true that I did not agree with two men courting, but nonetheless, I should not have said those cruel words. You are my friends and regardless of my views, I should have accepted you full-heartedly like the rest."

He looks them both directly in the eye, "I've had time to think over what I said to you and each day I felt guiltier. Gimli was the one to open my eyes to how love works and my views have changed significantly. I... I know that what I just told you changes nothing, that my excuses change nothing, but all I wanted you both to know is the truth. I do not deserve forgiveness for my actions."

They were both stunned by his small speech and glanced at each other. Legolas's eyebrows furrowed, his hand slipping out of Jupiter's in order to step forward, "You speak the truth, Boromir?"

"Why would I lie?" He countered, "It took me a long while, but now I understand what it means to love, for I have nearly forgotten how to do so. That was all I wanted to tell you, so if you'll excuse me..."

Boromir began making his way back to the glass doors but was stopped by a strong hand grabbing his wrist. He turned back around and was shocked to find that it was Legolas that stopped him. The elf grasped both of his forearms firmly, telling him, "What you told Jupiter and I was painful to hear. The both of us had been skeptical, even fearful to tell you all of our courtship." He paused, "But there will be times where friends will disagree and quarrel. There will be times where we will say hurtful things that we do not mean to loved ones. And as long as you finally understand and have realized your mistakes, then you are forgiven by me."

The man's expression turned from shock to a carefully shielded expression. His lips were pressed into a thin line and there was a shine in his eyes that Legolas managed to catch in that split second. Boromir silently returned the gesture, also grasping the other's forearms. After a long moment, they stepped away, releasing each other.

Jupiter walked up to Boromir, who turned to him upon seeing movement from the corner of his eye. He couldn't quite read the redhead's expression and wasn't able to decipher what he was thinking, which made him falter. Boromir knew that Jupiter was not like Legolas when it comes to these type of situations, so he wasn't sure what to do other than wait for what he has to say. Boromir calmly looked at him once he stopped in front of him and Jupiter silently returned his gaze.

Before he could even blink, he was on the ground with his nose screaming in agony, his face receiving the echo of pain from the quick and surprisingly powerful punch he received. "Jupiter!" He heard Legolas shout incredulously as he also heard the glass doors slam open, the only woman in the household saying an exasperated, "I knew it."

Just as Aragorn and Gimli were about to pull Jupiter away, they stopped when they found that Jupiter wasn't jumping in for more blows on the downed swordsman. Boromir slowly sat up, briefly seeing stars as he covered his leaking nose with his hand and looked up, only to face a withering glare as Jupiter pointed at him, his accent suddenly thickening heavily, "That was for hurtin' Legolas. Do dat shit again, 'n I won't be as nice, ya hear?" He then offered a hand to him.

Boromir was obviously hesitant to take it, but took a hold of it anyway and was helped back up to his feet and steadied. By this time, his hand was soaked with red liquid and was still dripping. Jupiter completely ignored the blood - as if he knew it was going to happen - and pats his shoulder, his dialect returning to 'normal', "Took you long enough to apologize. That's all we wanted to hear, man. By the way, I'm not helping you with that nosebleed."

Boromir barked out a small laugh, "I thought so."

The hobbits were the ones to take it up to themselves to guide the dizzy, and slightly embarrassed, Boromir back inside to get cleaned up. As this happened, Manny crossed her arms at her best friend, "Jupiter."


"That was the first time you've ever punched someone unprovoked."

Jupiter appeared to freeze, going completely rigid as he thought back to what just happened. His eyes then briefly flashed over to Legolas, who was looking over at Manny as if that was the same thought that was going through his mind as well. He scoffed, "You didn't hear shit, sweetcheeks, he pissed me off." Jupiter said before quickly following Boromir and the hobbits' lead and going back inside the house.

Gimli and Aragorn blinked, "Did Boromir really say anythin' horrible to the two of ya's again?" The dwarf asked.

Legolas shook his head, a smile itching it's way back onto his face as he thought back to the redness he saw on Jupiter's face as he quickly escaped the conversation, "No, not at all."


"Guys, I know I'm here a bit early - hey, put your clothes back on, this is not the time to fuck - anyway, I know I'm early, but I finally got the meat and potatoes done for Lance's gift."

Genna grumbled as she and a pink-faced Luna pulled their shirts back on at their couch, "Couldn't you have come here on time?"

"Don't put the blame on me for interrupting you two, you knew I was coming here, and you gave me a card and keys to your fancy-ass apartment," Jupiter smirked, not looking sorry at all. Genna rolled her eyes, karma will come back at him for being a cockblock. She just knows it.

Luna fixed her ruffled ginger hair, appearing significantly less annoyed than her girlfriend, smiling at their new friend, "You said you finished it? That's great! Let's see it, gimme, gimme!"

The redhead obediently walked over to them, pulling out a folded piece of paper from his pocket that contained his final draft and handed it to them before stepping back slightly, stuffing his hands into his hoodie pockets. He rocked on the heels of his feet as they both sidled up close to each other and began silently reading it to themselves.

He watched as Luna's smile began to slowly drop as Genna's disgruntled face began to disappear into a blank one. Jupiter paused, shifting as he saw their expressions change drastically, "I, uh, I know it's probably bad, but it's the truth and-"

"No, this is just..." Luna shook her head slightly, "I just wasn't expecting..."

"This chorus doesn't have a lot of words, but it's still some deep fucking shit, dude," Genna told him bluntly. "And the translation for this weird ass language... If I wasn't dead inside I would tear up a little."

"I mean, it's not that deep."

"You pretty much say that you would rather die instead of not being together."

Jupiter visibly cringes, "When you put it that way you make it sound like I'm some crazy boyfriend. That part is something that he'll understand. It's something that we share and can relate about..." Even if he doesn't know that he's not the only one, he thought to himself, "What we have is something that can never be separated. To never see him - to hold him again... It's a punishment worse than death."

Luna sniffled, furiously wiping her cheeks as she stands up, "Genna, get the equipment, we are finishing this today. I don't care if it takes all day and all night to finish!"

"Damn straight. We still using the recording that Jupiter made last time, too?"

"Of course."


Jupiter returned home a bit earlier than he had expected. He rubbed his eye underneath his glasses, thinking back to when he and the two women were bringing everything together, and then to when they had to do the actual fucking recording, not just the music.

They were both lying. They're both liars. He cannot sing. He fucking sucks, he has heard his singing voice before and it's shit. He doesn't care if they said that he's a good singer, it's just not true.

Oh, he didn't say what he has been planning? Well, it's really fucking obvious now what the actual fuck he was doing. He still isn't sure why he chose to make Legolas a goddamn song, it's the most cringiest shit he can ever think up of doing, but damn he would be lying if he said it wasn't something he would do in a heartbeat. He can be one romantic motherfucker, to the point where Manny will voice out her disgust for his carefully hidden, sickeningly romantic nature.

So, of course, he was going to go for something cheesy. But even he'll admit that this is the most cliche idea he has ever thought up of, but he couldn't really care about that. If there was a special way to show Legolas how he feels deep down in the dark abyss commonly called his heart, this was the way. Legolas loves music, so it would make it all the more special.

Entering the house, he saw everyone half-asleep in the living room. Legolas was the only one truly paying attention to the documentary that no doubt bored the others. He clapped his hands loudly, causing them all to jerk from their sleepy states, "Alright, guinea pigs, I know I'm late and it's almost time to go to bed, but I need more samples of your life essence. You're first, darlin', we're going the same order the first time I drew your blood."

"Why do you need more of our blood?" Sam asked curiously, "You took out quite a lot before."

"Yeah, well, Legolas found something really interesting and we need a fresh batch." He said, gesturing over to Legolas who just stopped beside him and grinning when he received a quick kiss on the cheek, "Depending on what we find, this will happen periodically. We'll be right back."

"Don't take your time down there," Manny called after them.

Jupiter rolled his eyes and they both quickly went through the hall and entered the lab. Legolas brought another chair over to the desk and sat himself down as he watched Jupiter clean up and sanitize the area before getting the tools needed for drawing blood. The man sat down with his hands washed and gloves on them before beginning the process.

"This brings back memories," Jupiter said suddenly as he watched blood slowly fill up the small tube. "Y'know, the first day with that whole physical exam, the awkward questions, suckin' your blood out with a needle..."

Legolas chuckled, shaking his head slightly, "Yes, I remember the day we first met."

"What was your first impression of me?" He asked curiously.

"How do I put this..." The elf began, "At the beginning, I thought you were rather rude, but that was mostly due to how you treat Manny. Of course, now I know that you two have a special and strange friendship, and manhandling her is nothing out of the ordinary between you two."

"Understandable." He nodded, retrieving a piece of gauze that was folded into a square in preparation of removing the needle.

"Once we arrived at your home, I began to find you even more intriguing than I did at the very beginning when I first laid my eyes on you. Despite how much you appeared to not care, you showed us all kindness and I thought to myself that perhaps you were not as you appeared to be. I was correct."

"Aw, sug', that's mighty kind of you." Jupiter smiled slightly, covering the needle with the gauze before sliding out the thin metal. Legolas immediately pressed it down for him as the other got the medical tape, securing it. "I was expectin' you to say that you didn't like me at all the first day. I wasn't ready for an answer like that."

"I may not have liked some of the actions you've taken at the time, but I don't think I can never not like you, even if I tried... Especially since I may have thought you were rather attractive when I first saw you."

Jupiter paused, and a rather stupid looking grin took place of his small smile as he whispered, "Really?"

"Yes, Jupiter." Legolas leaned forward to capture his lips briefly, "I really did. I was just too blind to discover that until much later."

"Well, then, I guess we both had similar thoughts. First thing I thought was that you were smokin'." He said as he removed his gloves and trashed them, "I still do. The only difference is that I'm not in denial anymore."

The archer laughed, "Oh, really?"

"Darlin', it would be crazy for me not to think so." He cupped the back of Legolas's neck and pulled him back forward to press their foreheads together.

Legolas took a deep breath, "Jupiter... I hate to ruin this, but it has been plaguing my mind ever since you told us all you needed more blood." The elf frowned, "Do you think that everyone else's will be the same? And if so, then what do you think will happen?"

Jupiter remained quiet as he thought over his questions, gazing into his captivating blue eyes as he went through every possibility he can think of. He, too, gave a small

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