We stroll through a nearby park, just talking. It feels like we've known eachother for a while now, even though it's been about two hours. He leads me to a local coffee shop. We sit down opposite eachother and order drinks. He orders a lemonade, and I get a cappuccino. "Not a coffee person then huh?" I ask.
"Nope, hate the stuff. Always have, and probably always will. I don't know why..." he says staring into space as if he's thinking of a reason. "You ever been to a house party? I heard they're pretty cool in the USA."
"I've been to a couple. They're okay I guess. I'm not a great lover of alcohol so underage drinking isn't really my thing."
"Ahh, I see."
We sit and talk for what feels like hours. Both of us more relaxed and comfortable in each other's company. We're both laughing because of some joke he just told me when my cellphone rings. An unknown caller.
"Hello?" I say down the phone.
"Hi sweetie it's mom, I'm at the airport. I have to fly home. Your dad is gonna fly you out in two days, it's sorted with school."
"Wait, what? Why are we flying home?"
"It won't be for long. Your Grampy is very sick, I'm gonna go help granny take care of him and dad will fly out with you and Ryan on Wednesday."
"Oh...okay I guess."
"I'm boarding now, I love you sweetie."
"Love you too mom, have a safe flight. Bye."
"Bye," is the last thing I hear. Then the line's dead. I can't believe it. I get to go home. But grampy, that's a little sad. I love him so much, he always cheered me up when I was little. Telling me stories of 'the Good Old Days'.
"You're going home?" George asks, confusion apparent on his face.
"Yeah, my grandfather is sick, so we're gonna go take care of him."
"Oh, I'm sorry," he says, sympathetically.
"It's fine, don't worry."
We sit and talk there for two more hours. It's getting really late. He takes my hand in his to walk me home, which brings back the nerves I had not so long ago. When we arrive at my front door, he turns to me, putting his hands on my waist. "It was a pleasure getting to know you, Freya."
"You too." I blush, but hopefully the darkness will disguise it.
"Hopefully we can do this again some time, when you're home." I nod and smile, though I'm not quite sure where home lies yet. He smiles back. His blue eyes glimmer from the reflection of the stars in the night sky. His dark brown hair looks even darker, almost black. "But until then..." He leans in close, until our faces are inches apart. When he places his lips to mine, it feels amazing. Wow. Am I crazy about this guy? When he pulls away, I'm stunned. He only smiles again before waving goodbye. I walk up to my door and let myself in. I see Ryan sat on the couch watching TV, Dad's nowhere to be seen, so I'm guessing he's working in his office.
"So, how'd it go with Alice?" I say enthusiastically as I jump on the couch beside him.
"It went pretty good actually. She gave me her number," he replied with a smile.
"See? What'd I tell you?"
"I know, I know. Did Mom ring you too?"
"To say she's flying home? Yeah."
"So are we on Wednesday."
"I know, crazy right? Just when we thought we'd left it all behind us."
"Grampy is pretty sick you know."
"I guessed that."
"That's why we're all going. I don't think he has long."
"I...I know."
"I'm off to bed, I'll see you in the morning. It's gonna be the last school day we'll have for a few weeks."
"Yeah, I know. See you in the morning."
I follow up to bed about twenty minutes after him, and my mind thinks of George. Everything he said. Is it possible to be perfect? He must be as close as it gets.
With that thought, my body relaxes and I drift off into a deep sleep.
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