Chapter Twenty-Two: "Merry Christmas"

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Freya's POV

I wake up at 10:30am in my own bed with Robert snuggling me, his legs tangled with my own and his breaths soft and warm on my shoulder. I worry slightly when I realize we're both in nothing more than underwear, but everything starts coming back to me, and I relax a little. I can't believe I almost let myself... you know... And I totally would have. If not for Robert's smart thinking. George has tried it a few times, having never been successful. Does that mean something? That I didn't want George? SHIT! GEORGE! It's Christmas Day!

I wiggle out of Robert's hold, sluggishly drag myself out of the bed and put on Robert's shirt from the previous evening, feeling cold and alone without his embrace. After locating the whereabouts of my phone - (tossed on the side in my purse) - I pick it up and turn it on. I expect a dozen missed calls and hundreds of messages, but no. There's nothing. Not even one message. I reboot my phone, thinking there's something up with my cell phone, but after three reboots: Nothing. I decide to call him, seeing as he is supposed to be my boyfriend or whatever. It rings and rings, and just as I'm about to hang up, a woman answers. 

"Hello? Blake residence." She laughs down the phone to someone. Wait, is that...George? In the background?

"Hi, it's Freya. Could you put George on please?" 

"Who the f*ck are you?"

"I'm his f*cking girlfriend. Now pass the phone to George," I shout, getting slightly restless. 

"Well I'm his f*cking wife so go the f*ck away. I don't know who you are but leave us alone and don't call again." She hangs up. WIFE?! F*CKING WIFE?! No no no no no. I ring again, and George answers this time. 


"George? What the f*ck?! You're MARRIED NOW?!"

"Wait, I...uh...I can explain_"

"I'm sure you f*cking can. My Mom dies and you're living your happily ever after in another country with another woman whilst I'm hear waiting for you to call me. Well Merry F*cking Christmas. We're done."

This time I hang up. I throw my phone at the wall on the other side of the room, and it smashes to hundreds of tiny little pieces. I'm furious at him! SO DAMN FURIOUS! I guess I knew it was over, I guess I kinda hoped... You know what. F*ck him. I fell outta love with him a long time ago. When the anger dies down the adrenalin has gone, and cue the tears. There they were. Falling unstoppably. I sink to the floor against the wall, burying my face in my bare knees. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs quickly, and Robert's soon pacing into the room. First he looks at the phone on the floor, then at me. I'm still on the floor, but he scoops me up and sits me on the counter. "My mom's dead, my Dad's an alcoholic, and now my boyfriend's married another woman. My life is a f*cking joke!" I murmur between sobs.

"Hey! Don't speak that crap. Wait. What? George married another f*cking woman?! F*cking Bastard!" He starts getting tense and clenches his jaw. He's actually quite scary when he's angry. "If he ever, EVER, comes near you again, I swear I will murder him! How dare he f*cking hurt you!"

"I guess I knew...he'd do it eventually. Robert, me and him...we...we weren't in love anymore."

"Since when?!"

"Since I found out I was working on Sherlock Holmes."

"Since I got here?"

"Robert, I'm...I think I'm...I might be...I think I might be in love with you. I love you. I always have, and I always will. Nothing anyone can do will change that." I start crying even harder. I don't even know why. I'm just an emotional wreck at the moment.

"Freya?" Robert says softly, a subtle smile on his face. 


"I love you too. And God damn it I have been waiting for years for you to say those three words." He starts tearing up. Like, actual tears, in his eyes. I start to smile, but it's half-hearted. "It's going to be a tough year ahead, but we'll be together the whole time. I'll always be here for you."

"Robert, you're going home soon... It's not_"

"Merry Christmas." He pulls out two packets, like brochures or something. He passes me the first one, and it's two tickets for a one way flight to California, in first-class. I frown, slightly confused, but when he passes me the second one, it all makes sense. The second one is a house, in Malibu, California. A gorgeous two story, six bedroom, four bathroom, -with back yard pool- house. I gasp louder than ever when I read the print. 'Thankyou for your purchase, Mr Downey. We hope you will be a very happy homemaker at 4295 Cross Creek Lane, Malibu, California.' I hold a hand to my mouth and hold my breath. "Welcome back to California my dear." 

"OH MY GOD ROBERT I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" I jump on him and wrap my legs around his waist. Both of us smiling goofily.

"I know you do." He winks and smiles even more; if that's even possible.

He holds me up by my waist with ease, and then lets me down because I'm jumping around too excitedly. "How much was this place?!"

"It doesn't matter! I could never put a price on you. All that matters is you're coming with me, and I'm gonna get you a job on Iron Man Two as my makeup artist and we're gonna do just fine. Freya, you're gonna do juuuust fine."

Tears start falling even more, but they're happy tears. Well, mostly. The reminder that my mom died in California, hurts. But the feeling I have right now, it overrides that. At least for now anyway.

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