So I thought I'd try third person for a while! Hope you like it:)
"Hi, we'll take a hawaiian, a margarita... annnd... a pepperoni...yeah that's great thanks...Number six Elvaston Place...okay...okay thanks...bye." Robert hangs up the phone and turns back to Emma. "So Emma, has Freya said anything about me?"
"Well, she certainly loves you! Jesus christ, I thought George would be the one, he used to be so great! Now I can't believe what he did to her, and on Christmas Day too!"
"I know, I swear if I ever see him, I'll beat him till he's bloody-nosed and black-eyed," Robert replied, feeling the tension begin to build inside him. He wanted to give Freya her second Christmas present, the engagement ring. Little did he know that George would ever come into the picture. It hurt him that she'd moved on, but he did too, so he just had to face it. He bought the ring a week after Freya came back home. When he planned to come to England and propose to her. He came to England, but Freya had already moved on. Freya told him they didn't get together until a year after, but Robert swore he saw more than a friendship. And he never told her he was there at her prom night two years later, but he was, and the couple were definitely serious then. It tore his heart in two, but he had to accept it. So he went home and proposed to Susan. Big mistake.
"Now Robert, don't get yourself into trouble. That girl loves you, and if you leave her, she'll have no one. She's told you what her dad did to her right?"
"About the belt?" Robert lowers his voice, although Freya's out shopping with her brother, he still wouldn't risk her hearing that. Emma shakes her head and looks into her lap, not knowing how to begin her explanation.
"He almost raped her, did everything to her and made her do everything to him. Just as he was about to do the worst to her, Ryan busted in and took him down," Emma explained. Robert felt tears forming, and although he was angry, he just felt more disappointed with himself for not protecting her. 'Why didn't she tell me?' he thought, 'was it to make me feel better?'.
"When was this?" Robert asked, his throat raspy and hoarse.
"When she was seventeen, so...five years ago..."
They let the silence fall among them, while Robert thinks about what happened. Emma places a hand on his knee, a sincere look on her face. "Look, she loves you and you're here now, that's all that matters. Just be there for her from now on." He nods and she pulls back her hand as Ryan and Freya arrive back home.
"Hey," Freya shouts as she enters the apartment. She had just been off shopping for the perfect engagement ring for Emma, helping Ryan pick out the right one for his sure-to-be fiance. They checked out loads of well known, high street jewellers, but none of them had the perfect ring, but she knew as well as he did that they'd know for sure if it was the right one just by looking at it. And they hadn't found it yet. Not until they walked into a small jewellers on the corner of the street. The ring was made of platinum, and was covered entirely with diamonds. There was a large gem, a blue sapphire, and it was, overall, The perfect ring. "Ryan, this is the one," she'd insisted. He nodded in agreement.
"How much for this?" he asked the lady behind the counter. Freya wandered off to look at some other rings, and caught a mysterious-looking man peering through the window. He had his hood up and it was getting dark, so she couldn't see his face at all, but as soon as he saw her look at him, he quickly turned and paced away in another direction. She shrugged it off as Ryan came back over to her with a satisfied yet disheartened face.
"Well? How much?" Freya asked.
"Two-thousand-seven-hundred and fifty pounds," Ryan mumbled. Her eyes widened immediately.
"Wow, that's way too expensive, I know it's lovely and everything but-"
"I bought it."
"Oh. Well then," Freya said clapping her hands together and smiling.
"She's worth every penny," he said smiling at the thought of his girlfriend becoming his fiance, and it made her warm inside. Not only was Emma like a sister to her, soon she'd be her sister-in-law too.
Robert got out of his seat and walked to Freya, immediately wrapping his arms tight around her. She was a little confused as to why, but she just seized the moment and wrapped her arms around him too. "I'll be there for you every minute of every hour of every day," Robert mumbled, his face like that of a young child. She stroked his cheek before pecking his lips.
"I know you will," she replied, pecking him again, "and that's why I love you."
It was 8pm, and they were already snuggled up in their pjs and watching The Hangover. Emma was lay on one sofa with Ryan, and on the other, Freya and Robert had cuddled for the whole time since they'd laid there. Robert had told everyone that he was supposed to be starring in a movie called Due Date in 2010 with Zach Galifianakis, and that Zach was even more hilarious in person than he was on screen. As soon as the doorbell went, the movie was paused and dinner was served. Everyone got their servings and settled back down to watch the movie. Freya was sure this would be a Christmas to remember, and with Ellie coming along with her new boyfriend Sam, it was gonna be a hell of a house-full. Robert hardly paid attention to the movie, his mind wandering to and fro on what to do about asking Freya to marry him. Obviously it wouldn't be any time soon, but should he do it at all? Would that even be what she wants? He didn't want to drive her away, not after he'd just got her back.
When the movie ended, Ryan and Emma went upstairs to bed, and settled down in the spare room. Meanwhile, Robert could hear Freya snoring quietly. He smiled to himself as he stroked a few strands of hair off her face. "I love you, my princess," he whispered softly into her hair as he kissed the top of her head. He skillfully maneuvered himeself over her so he could get off the sofa without waking her. After all, she needed a good night's sleep. He scooped her up bridal style into his arms and took her to the bedroom, laying her down and tucking her in. He climbed in beside her, as he didn't want to part with her another second longer than he needed to. It didn't take him long, but with Freya safely in his hold, he fell asleep.
As the night departed and morning arrived, a thick white carpet was all that could be seen from every window. Robert and Ryan had to clear the driveway by hand, so that Ellie could park her car there without it sliding away. The girls cooked the breakfast and the guys came back in just in time for it to be served. After everyone finished chatting away and ate their morning meal, they all went back to their rooms to get dressed. Freya wore a red Christmassey jumper covered in reindeer, and jeans whilst Robert wore the same jumper, only in navy blue, with beige chinos rather than jeans. After all, they didn't want to look completely identical. The matching jumpers were a last minute present from Ryan and Emma, and they didn't want to miss the oppurtunity of wearing them around whilst the couple were staying over. Freya was convinced this would be the last snow she'd see in a long time what with moving back to the U.S, and Robert hadn't seen any for a while, so she thought it was hilarious when he dived around in it like a three year old in his first white Christmas.
It was around midday when Ellie arrived, and Freya ran out the door screaming when she saw her old best friend approaching. "Oh my god Frey! It's been too long!"
Once all the girly squealing - which made Robert and Ryan cringe - was over, they all went and settled in the living room, with cups of tea for everyone thanks to Emma. All the girls hit it off right away, it seemed as though they'd all known eachother since childhood. "So Emma, what do you do?" Ellie asked.
"Oh, I'm an actress. I played Hermione in all the Harry Potter movies. I still can't believe Ryan has composed himself until now not asking me all about it," she said. Freya questioned herself why she hadn't had her fan-girl moments yet. Emma Watson is quite a big actress, but she seemed so down to Earth - unlike Robert most of the time. Robert was the optimist, but Freya was the realist - or so Freya believed.
"Wow! Really?! Damn Freya, how'd you meet so many celebs?!" Ellie asked with a shocked tone.
"Well, I told you how I met Robert ages ago, so you know the reason for that. And as for Miss Hermione over here, well she's with Ryan."
"Damn. Oh! That reminds me! George. What's happened to him?!"
"Oh...uh..." Freya sighs and makes eye contact with Emma, who's giving her the most sympathetic of looks ever. It makes Freya cringe inside. "George cheated, he moved to Germany and married someone else behind my back."
Ellie's reaction is the same as everyone's always is: shock and anger. Freya is actually starting to get sick of it.
"What?! I thought he was gonna marry you!"
"Yeah, well... where's this Sam?"
"He's running a bit late, but he said he'd get here as soon as possible. He's American! You'll love him! He's most certainly tall, dark and handsome!" Ellie says, winking at the other girls, who laugh at her suggestion. "He's got brown hair, and the most adorable hazel coloured eyes. He's thirty-four, and I thought that was bad, but looking at Mrs Grandpa over here, I think I'll be okay!" Freya and Emma shriek with laughter, but Freya double checks to makes sure Robert didn't hear that. He would kill her! Although she never did understand why he was so defensive over his age. 'It's just a number, right?' Freya thought to herself.
It's about half an hour later when there's a knock at the door, and everyone's excited to meet Sam. Ryan and Robert joined the girls back in the living room after letting them have their girly catchup chat. Ryan is sat next to Emma, and Ellie's in the chair, whilst Freya lazily sits across Robert's lap as he strokes her legs softly. Ellie leaps out of the chair to answer the door, and it seems she is most excited out of the group for Sam to meet everyone. Ellie opens the door and kisses him, before taking his arm and dragging him into the living room where everyone else awaits.
He smiles at the small group of people, and Ryan and Emma smile back, introducing themselves.
On the other hand, Robert holds Freya tight, reassuring her she's safe. Her heart almost stops completely, but she can hear Robert's heart beat speed up as he squeezes her hand to make sure she know's he's there and that nothing will happen to her. Robert gave the visitor a death stare. 'What the f*ck is he doing here' he thought. Freya swallows hard before narrowing her eyes at Sam and squeezing Robert's hand back.
"Hi, Sam, I believe we've met before..."
Sam looked at her, a sly look on his face as he looked back.
He smiled.
"Ah, yes. I believe we have, Freya..."
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