It's seven thirty, I'm all ready to go. I chose a white strapless dress, tight around the chest and back, with a flowy skirt attached to it. There's a silver belt dividing the two. I chose some flat white sandals, because I didn't want to be almost as tall as Robert. My hair's loosely tied back with a white scrunchy and I've got some sliver dangling earrings in. I chose an elegant, yet not too formal look. Robert should be here in a half hour. When my phone rings, I don't bother checking the caller ID.
"Hey Rob," I say happily.
"Um, hi? It's George..."
Shit. what did I do.
"Oh, hey George. I thought it was my Uncle Rob, he's taking me out tonight." Phew. Fast thinking Freya.
"Oh, haha. Well I wanted to say hi. How's everything going?"
"It's okay, I guess. Grampy's pretty sick now, worse than before."
"Oh, uh, I'm sorry to hear that. I bet he's a real nice guy."
"Yeah, he is."
"So... what you been up to lately?"
"Not a lot, just hanging round with...uh...friends."
"Ah, American Girl has American Friends." I can tell he's smiling through his words, that makes me smile too.
"Yes, and English Boy is really rather annoying when he calls me American Girl."
"Well English Boy can't wait to see American Girl."
"You too, I have to go now though. Like I said, Uncle's taking me out for dinner, his treat."
"Ah okay, well have a really nice night. See you soon, American Girl."
"See you soon."
I put a hand to my mouth as I hang up. That was a close call. I'm such a bad liar. Five minutes pass and I hear the door bell ring. I walk down the stairs carefully - so I don't break my ankle - and open the door to see Robert standing there, looking gorgeous, as always. He's wearing a white dress shirt - a few top buttons undone, with a tan suit jacket and smart, black dress pants. On his feet, he's got black nike trainers. I can't help but think it's a strange combination, but I guess he's Robert Downey Jr, he can wear anything.
"Well hello there Ma'am. Might I say you look paticularly nice today," he says, looking at my whole self. I can't stop my face turning tomato red, and he must notice because he laughs to himself. I grab a white purse with everything I need inside it.
"It's nice to see you Robert," I say smiling as we get into his car.
"It's nice to see you too my dear. How is my ray of sunshine today?"
"She is just fine thank you. How have you been?"
"I've been great, thanks for asking."
"So where are we going?"
"That's a surprise," he answers with a goofy grin. I laugh.
"But Robbiiiiiiie," I squeal as I jump up and down in my seat.
"Robbie'? I usually hate being called that, but it sounds kinda cute when you say it," he says scrunching up his nose with a smile. "But if you get to nickname me, I get to nickname you," he says, taking one hand off the wheel and pointing at me.
"Fine by me," I say, shrugging though secretly dreading it.
"So if I nicknamed you Princess, you wouldn't mind?"
I scrunch my nose up at that. "Not exactly the greatest name I could think of..."
"What about... Honeybunch?"
"No way. No. Way." I laugh a little at his suggestion.
"Fine, what would you prefer?"
"I don't know, I've never had a nickname. 'Freya' can't really be shortened."
"I'm taking option one AND option two, From now on you're Princess Honeybunch."
"If I'm Princess Honeybunch, you're Prince Cuddlebunny."
"I suppose I could manage..."
"Fine then, Prince Cuddlebunny and Princess Honeybunch it is."
"I guess so."
About ten minutes later we pull into a parking lot. I've never eaten here before, but it sure looks fancy. We walk into the restaurant and are lead to a table for two. It's located next to a window, which is unfortunate, because people have already started taking pictures from inside the restaurant, never mind the stares from all directions. I start to feel slightly conscious, but Robert doesn't seem to mind. After we've ordered and the drinks come, we sit and talk about anything and everything. I tell him about Grampy and he said he wanted to meet him. I think he was joking, but he seemed quite serious.
After we've finished eating, he leaves a two hundred dollar note to cover the meal and tip and we leave the restaurant. He holds the door open for me, gentleman that he is, and turns to me with a perfect smile.
"I hope you enjoyed it."
"Robbie, it was beautiful. Thank you so much."
"Anything for my Princess,"he adds with a wink.
When we get in the car it's already 10pm. I don't ask where we're going, but it doesn't seem like he's taking me home. I look around confused, trying to recognise anything in the street.
"I'm taking you to mine. I have another surprise for you."
"Oh, okay."
Soon we're pulling up onto his huge driveway and he's leading me through his front door, my hand in his.
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