Chapter 3: Fun

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I was hearing Starfire talk with Grayson by the other room about me, Dick told Starfire everything he knows about me and started to feel a little bad. I didn't cared any less about that, and I just kept walking, but I decided to walk outside the tower, not that it was 2pm. I was walking very calmly around the tower, very bored trying to make time pass faster. When it was 5pm, I stopped walking like a complete idiot. I returned back to my room, started to meditate, until someone knocked my door, I walked to my door, and it was Raven.

"What do you want?" I asked while I saw her with some casual clothes.

"Kory wants to take us to a Carnival, and wants us in 10 minutes in the car." said Raven as I wasn't all that happy by that, but I just closed the door in front if her face.

"Damn, that is not what I wanted to do, but... whatever." I said that in my mind angry cause now I needed to go to have some 'fun'. I decided to use a different style of clothes, a more cold clothes way.

I also brought my swords and my Shirai Ryu clothes under my normal clothes and walked to the car where it was Raven and Starfire, waiting for the bad boys.

"Why are you using so much clothes?" asked Starfire confused.

"To hide better my clothes and swords!"

"Your clothes and swords?" asked once again Starfire, while I revealed my Shirai Ryu clothes and took out my swords from my back.

"You can leave your swords in the car, we are just going to have some fun, that's all." I put my swords in my back once again, and waited with them for Garfield and Jaime.

The Carnival

Starfire was driving, obviously, Raven was in the passenger seat in front, Jaime was by my right side and Garfield by my left. I took one of my swords and accidentally/not sorry at Jaime's face.

"Dude did you had to bring the sword? No you brought both swords which is worse." asked angrily Jaime.

"Yeah, so what, do you have a problem with me being ready!?"

"F/n, I told to leave the gear in the car, we are just here doing some mandatory 'FUN'" said Starfire while she got off the car. Later Jaime got of with a winner smile, making me a little angry, while me and Raven were the last to get off the car, I left my swords, but I still have my spear chains.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Starts music)

I got my ticket for the Theme Park, but I wasn't all that excited for this, but I just went with it.

"This is an opportunity for us to become more familiar with each other." said Starfire while we don't need to know each other anymore that what we know.

"How much more familiar can we get? We've already seen Garfield lick himself." said Jaime.

"As a dog?" I asked just for Raven answer me.

"I wish!" I had a disgust face after Raven's answer. We were going to a Ferris Wheel, Starfire just wanted us to have fun, especially she wanted me to have fun. We were getting in the Ferris Wheel two by two. Jaime sat with Garfield while I sat with Raven, I wanted to act as normal as possible but I couldn't. Garfield and Jaime were in the seats belows us for now, it stopped at mid air, so we could see the view, me and Raven looked at each other for 2 seconds and at a Gods speed looked away blushing a little of the embarrassment. We got of the Ferris Wheel and we actually parted ways. Jaime and Garfield went to have some fun with the Mini Games, as me and Raven try to find what to do. We walked over the Carnival, but I pointed to a Roller Coaster, she nodded with a reaction that says 'ok I guess'.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Narrator: The Roller Coaster was like that one.

Me and Raven sat in the front, we weren't that excited, when it started moving, I saw Raven creating a little smile each second closer we are from the good part. When we were going down, it was a quick one and everyone screamed out of joy, including Raven. I saw everyone talking and laughing, as Raven had a smile in her still, which it reminded of my mother's smile when she is happy, I smiled a little as well. Raven saw me smile a little, which made her a little but happier. We got off the Roller Coaster and walked to some Mini Games of dart.

"Well, choose which plush doll you want, I don't care?" I asked confused, because I looked back and Raven pulled me to a mirror, which made me have Kim Kardashian's ass. She was laughing, but I pointed at her another mirror, which made her have a crazy big head, I started to laugh back at her, just so she makes me stop laughing by making me stop pointing, but I still had a smile. Raven went and started to throw rings at some bottles, just to win a plush I could have done about 5 minutes ago. I looked at my six rings, grabbed them 3 by 3 and threw them and very surprising/not surprisingly for me, I scored all six rings in the bottles, shocking everyone except Starfire. I later went to the dart place and they handed me 3 darts. Raven walked to me and saw me with 3 darts in one hand. I threw the 3 darts in the bullseye, shocking the owner. I arrived in the token trophy, as I pointed at a sword. Very stupidly it was a sword toy Lightsaber fake, Raven looked at the sword and knew that I was anything but happy. I saw a girl by my right side looking at the sword, so I decided to give it to her very kindly. As the girl ran to her parents, and Raven smiled at me after what I did.

(Ends music)

I was sit in one of the Carnival chairs, drinking Coke, until Raven came with Cotton Candy at me.

"Here! Have some." said Raven, as I got a little piece if Cotton Candy.

"Is pure sugar." I said with a neutral tone.

"Boy, you have been not enjoying life haven't you?" Raven asked sarcastically, but I looked away.

"It was a joke, don't take it too personal."

"I know it is, but if you knew my reasons of not having a life, you wouldn't be trying to comfort me, I don't have a life anymore, the one I had slipped away right when my best friend and clan got murdered."

"It seems that neither of our life's are funny." said Raven while I smiled a little.

"Fucking right sweetie, they sure aren't funny, but that's the least I expect from myself, coming from a clan with pride and honor, I never expected a happy and funny life, I never expected it." I said that with a sad tone, Raven felt a little bad, I was trained to kill and only for that.

"Well, at least I have The Titans, they are already a family to me, you should consider them a family as well. Let me tell you something that I know about you that not even you know about yourself. Even when your grumpy, strict and annoying... you are loyal, kind and generous, is just that you don't like to show it, because it was taken away from you, but that good side of you, still exist inside you, and I'm seeing it right now." said Raven with a little smile, while I looked surprised, and quickly looked down, with a little smile.

"Maybe... maybe it still does." I said that with a kind tone, just for Raven put her hand in my back, trying to comfort me. I heard some music from behind me, and decided to look back. Me and Raven looked back and saw Garfield and Jaime dancing, and Garfield was cleaning the floor with Jaime of how bad he was and how good Garfield was. We walked to where Starfire was and we stayed to watch Garfield make Jaime his slave of the humiliation. When it was over, Garfield won by a Godzilla, Jaime walked down from the game, humiliated.

"Oh, looks like we found something the bug can't do. Please, please, no autographs! I'm a busy man." said Garfield as he starts to dance alone. Jaime walks to us humiliated.

"Free popcorn to anyone who can slay the beast!" said Jaime, so I offered.

"I'll do it!" I shocked the entire team.

"You know how to dance?" asked Raven.

"We Shirai Ryu never run away, we fight, or should I say 'We Dance'!" I said that while I step up to where Beast Boy is.

"All right!" said Garfield excited, while we look face to face.

"Hope your a good loser!" said Garfield getting in his dance place as I go to mine.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Narrator: Imagine Damian being us, and when Damian goes try hard, we put our hoodie on and our eyes generate fire out of anger.

We heard screams and saw red lightning, but what shocked me the most is that I saw Raven falling from the red lightning, with her clothes on.

"RAVEN!!! TITANS GO!!!" screamed Starfire while the entire team transformed.

I was left very stupid on how long they took to transform, it looked stupid. Starfire got the demons that were with Raven, while the other two try to keep them away.

"They're demonic emissaries, my father sent them." said Raven, shocking Starfire.

"Your father?" asked Starfire, I was trying to open the car, but Starfire had locked it, I wasn't very happy.

"Ah fuck." I used a little my fire and broke the entire door, not that I cared any less. I grabbed my swords and ran back to the the fight.


Starfire punched a demon and fell in a popcorn machine, but he wasn't done yet, as the demon and Starfire grabbed hands, but he overpowered her and pushed her from Raven, but Raven used her magic to block the demon's lightning. Jaime was next to being pushed back at Raven, as Raven makes a shield also in Jaime's side. Later BB was punched right to Jaime, but he grabbed him and Raven made a full shield to protect them. Raven looked at front of her and saw fire coming from the floor directly to the sky, and quickly saw a spear chain, sticking at one of the demon's head.

"GET OVER HERE!!!" the demon was pulled after that dark voice, he later was cut in half and burned alive. The other two demons looked back and ran at the fire. It was revealed that it was F/N with his full Scorpion suit, Patrick Seitz voice and white eyes. Scorpion grabbed both of his swords, cut their heads, to quickly burned them alive as well.

"They are not alive, they're from The Netherrealm." said Scorpion, while the Titans didn't know who he was, due to he have a different voice, and a different face, Raven sensed him and quickly knew who that was.

"That's... f/n?" asked Raven while she lowers her shield.

"I Am The Specter of The Netherrealm Scorpion." said Scorpion with a little of his normal voice, but quickly changed to the Scorpion voice.

"That's the real you?" asked Jaime confused.

"I was born out of rage, losing my friends, my entire clan of League of Assassin's. I seek vengeance against the ones who caused this, Slade Wilson caused this, he is... dead... but his clan still lives, and they have League of Assassin's blood, they even have Shirai Ryu's blood... they will die." said Scorpion, as he hears something from behind. He turns back, and sees more red lightning coming, more it looked more like a portal.

"What sorcery is this?" asked Scorpion confused, until he saw someone coming from the portal, The Titans and Scorpion got ready to fight whatever was coming.

"Get ready Titans!" said Starfire, while the demons start to get up as well, when someone got out of the portal, it looked like a complete lizard monster.

"What is this? He looks like... a Saurian... he's like Reptile!" said Scorpion while that monster walks to him.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Starts music)

"Handle the demons, I handle this lizard!" said Scorpion while he walked to the reptile.

"What are you?" asked Scorpion while the Reptile answers back.

"The Reptile that will eat The Scorpion!"

"Not if I burn you alive first, lizard." Scorpion got in his fighting pose ready to attack. They looked at each other intensely, until they moved both foots and slid at each other, but Reptile took Scorpion out of his footing, making him lose his balance and crash against a soda place. He had soda in him, but he got up and ran directly at Reptile, starting to punch him, while Reptile blocked and countered. Scorpion tried to kick him, but Reptile used his tongue and threw him to the air,  just for Reptile throw a big sword Kirehashi at Scorpion in the air, but Scorpion teleported behind Reptile and used chains and sticked it at Reptile's back and threw him. Reptile landed in foot and grabbed once again his sword, just for Scorpion grab one of his swords. They run at each other and clash swords about 9 times, when they clash swords the last time, Reptile spit some acid in Scorpion's face, but he missed, and Scorpion cut a finger of Reptile.

"DAMN YOU EARTHREALMER!!!" Reptile punched Scorpion, and makes an acid ball, and throws it at Scorpion, burning a little his clothes and right arm.

"Damn you!" Scorpion gets angry and throws his chains spears at Reptile and sticks it in his chest.

"COME HERE!!!" Scorpion pulls Reptile to him, and quickly kicks him to the air and pushes him away as well.

Scorpion slid and made a leg takedown on Reptile, and quickly kicked his face. He was about to stomp it, but Reptile kicked his face making walk a little back. Reptile start to punch none stop at Scorpion, Scorpion tries to block but he fails. Reptile uses his tongue to choke Scorpion, but he uses his fire, to prevent that.

"This fight is over!" said Scorpion, taking both of his swords, he starts to swing it at Reptile, cutting him, Scorpion puts both spear chains in Reptiles stomach, later punching him far back, but quickly pulling him back, sticking his sword in his chest and pushing him to the ground, sticking a lot more his weapons. Reptile stands up way to wounded, just for Scorpion kill him.


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