chapter 11: risks of the job

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Yeonjun's POV:

We just got to the location of our next call, an office building that's three stories high. We don't know anything about the guy who's doing this, only what I could come up with from the little information we had. People that came out of the building said he was a middle-aged guy, average height with an above-average build. We don't even know why he's in here, so we're going in with almost no information.

"Alright, let's split up and each take a floor..." Chan said, getting us into a little huddle before we entered the building, "Tae and Changbin can take the third floor, Soob and Yeonjun can take the second floor, and Ryu and I will take the ground floor. Go slow, only take the stairs, and be quiet unless you need something. Got it?"

We all nodded, and then entered the building. Chan and Ryujin broke off first, going down one of the hallways on the first floor as soon as we walked in. The rest of us went to the stairs, Taehyun and Changbin going first. Soobin was behind me, slowly walking up the stairs and making sure we were all safe. Soobin and I stopped at the entrance to the second floor, and Changbin and Taehyun kept going up the stairs.

We were on either side of the door, and Soobin whispered to me, "I can lead. Grab my vest to stop me if you see anything."

I nodded, double checking that the safety on my rifle was off, "Ready?..." I whispered back, and Soobin nodded. He put the buttstock of his rifle on his shoulder, taking a breath as I whispered, "Ok, one... two... three—" I opened the door to the second floor, and Soobin instantly raised his gun and went in first.

The entire floor was office space, not seeing anything initially because it was all just desks. There were a few offices scattered around the edges, so Soobin went there first. Everything seemed spotless, not a single thing out of place. I was wondering if he was ever on this floor to begin with, but then Soobin took one hand away from his rifle and held up a fist.

We both instantly stopped, and he quietly pointed to something on the floor. I looked over his shoulder, seeing a stack of papers scattered on the floor. He must've been searching for something in here, and Soobin must've thought the same thing. He took a step closer to the wall, leaning up against it. I did the same, staying behind him as he peeked his head around the corner and into the office.

I guess he didn't see anything, turning around to face me. He was about to tell me something, but his eyes suddenly widened as he looked over my shoulder, and everything felt like it was in slow motion. He threw his rifle on the floor as he yelled, "Duck!"

I didn't react quick enough, getting a hard hit to the side of my head instead. I instantly fell to the floor from the pain, screaming since the ringing in my ears was deafening to say the least. I brought my hand up to hold onto the spot where I got hit, feeling the blood pouring out already. 

"Second floor! Officer down! Tango!" I heard Soobin say over the ringing, trying my best to pick myself up and help since he's by himself right now. Our emergency word for when someone's hurt or in danger was repeating in my head:




I turned my head in his direction, watching as Soobin grabbed onto the fire extinguisher in the guy's hands, and then elbowed him in the face right after. The guy groaned in pain as I stood up, the whole room spinning was making it quite difficult to focus. My rifle was on the floor, and I was trying my best to find it since my vision was fogging up.

I barely heard the clank of the fire extinguisher hitting the floor, turning my head towards him again once I got hold of my rifle. I tried to stand up straight, almost falling instead and needing to hold onto the wall behind me. Soobin skillfully twisted the guy's arm behind him, and then tackled him to the floor. I blinked heavily as Soobin put handcuffs on the subject, and I was too busy grabbing onto the wall because I was losing my balance.

I think Soobin could tell that I was in bad shape, keeping the subject on the floor as he said between heavy breaths, "Yeon, it's ok..." I was trying to focus on him, but I wasn't able to because of the spinning, "They'll be here in a second, ok? Just sit and breathe." He added, and I couldn't bring myself to speak.




Everything was too much, the spinning, the throbbing, the pain, the ringing. It was too many things at once, and I know Soobin would've come over to me right now if he didn't need to detain the subject who's currently on the floor. My hand was shaking, squatting down a little bit to place my rifle on the floor. I almost fell trying to stand back up, grabbing a hold of the corner of the wall to keep me at least a little stable.

The door opened to the stairwell in the distance, squinting as two people ran closer. I realized it was Tae and Changbin once they were close enough, "Changbin, can you take him outside?" Soobin quickly asked, and Changbin instantly went over to help him.

Taehyun widened his eyes when he saw me and hurried over, placing his rifle on the ground next to mine. He brought his finger up to his ear, "Chan, we need medical to the second floor. It's Yeonjun. Head injury – At least level seven." He quickly said, reaching out and pushing away some of my hair to get a better look at the wound on my head.

His words were repeating in my head, and I was blinking heavily to try and rack my brain as to what 'level seven' meant. I know it has to do with injuries, but what does it entail? I remember everything, and yet somehow, this tiny piece of information is slipping my mind.

He opened one of the pockets on his vest, taking out some gauze pads. He instantly reached out again and placed it on the spot where I got hit, "Shit, what happened?" I felt bad that I could barely hear him over the high pitching ringing in my ears.

I blinked a few times to try and make the dizziness go away, but it wasn't working, "I-I..." I had to stop in the middle of my sentence, trying to regain myself, "I don't know." I replied, trying my best to gather my thoughts together.




I saw how Changbin dragged the subject towards the stairwell, and then Soobin rushed over to me. He had that look in his eyes, "He hit him with a fucking fire extinguisher." Soobin said, the angry tone laced in his voice. He placed a hand on my back, the other holding onto my forearm.

I was still holding onto the wall, managing to reply, "I-I'm fine." Before I took a deep breath. I closed my eyes tight a few times to try and make my vision better, but it didn't help at all.

I tried to stand up straight as I let go of the wall, but the world was still spinning. I instantly started falling over, but Soobin was there to catch me, "Woah, woah, Jun—" He said as he caught me, holding me a bit tighter than before, "Ok, take it easy..." I leaned on him, reaching up to hold onto his vest, "Let's just sit until the paramedics get here, alright?" He said softly, guiding me to sit on the floor.

Taehyun helped, holding my forearm with one hand while the other was still trying to stop the bleeding. Soobin took his hand away from my forearm just to hold my hand, trying to get into my eyeline, "Is the room spinning or is your vision blurry?" He asked worriedly, squeezing my hand.

I gulped, "B-Both ..." My hand was still shaking, blinking a few more times even though I knew it wouldn't help, "The ringing is s-so loud."

Tae took his hand away from my head suddenly, noticing how the gauze pads were completely red now. He threw them to the side, taking a few more out of his vest pocket and putting his hand back in the same spot, "Hey, you're going to be alright. Don't worry, Chan and Ryu are coming right now..." Taehyun said, pausing for a moment, "Can you tell me what the date is today? Or where we are right now?"

I was trying to remember, but the dizziness wasn't helping me focus, "Umm... W-Wednesday? No, wait—It's Thursday..." I replied, closing my eyes for a moment to try and remember, "August twenty—N-No, the umm... The eighteenth?" I asked, very unsure about my answer because I couldn't remember.

What the fuck? I always remember everything.

"And umm..." I looked around trying to jog my memory as to where we were, "W-We're here for a call. I just—Fuck, what was this company called?"

Taehyun and Soobin both looked at each other, mumbling, "Shit..." under their breaths. I guess that wasn't the answer they wanted.

Taehyun pursed his lips together, taking his hand away from my forearm and touching his ear, "Chan, where the fuck are the medics?! Level nine — Level nine!" He said through his teeth, barely hearing it in my own earpiece.

"God, Yeonjun, I'm so sorry..." Soobin said, rubbing his thumb against my knuckles, "This is all my fault. I'm so sorry."

"I-I didn't even hear him..." I quickly replied, "It's not your fault."

He softly sighed, not really knowing how to respond. I heard the door open again in the distance, barely picking it up at all from the ringing. I took a deep breath, tightening my grip on Soobin's hand in the process.

~ ~ ~

I've been here for hours, getting every scan and test imaginable because they need to be extra sure of everything. I swear, I didn't need to be here for that long, but I'm still on this stupid hospital bed. I'm not allowed to sleep either, something about how my brain might swell up or something – it made no sense to me. I just want to get out of here and be in my apartment.

At least the spinning and blurriness stopped, but goddam my head hurts like a bitch. The light was bothering me as well, so the doctor dimmed it for me. I didn't have to get stitches for the cut on the side of my head, so they just bandaged it up once they were done with all their tests.

I could see Chan talking to the doctor outside the room, but I couldn't hear anything since the door was closed. Everyone was still here, waiting until I was released from the hospital. I think it's around nine at night, and I feel terrible because they should've gone home hours ago.

I scrunched my eyebrows when Soobin stood up, walking closer to the doctor and Chan. The doctor handed him some forms, making me even more confused. I don't know what they were talking about, but the doctor smiled and backed away to come inside right after. He closed the door softly behind him, moving closer until he could whisper, "I'm just going to go over a few things with you before you're discharged..."


"So, you're not allowed to go back to work until your symptoms clear, and even then, you have to get approval by a doctor to go back to work. You've got a pretty serious concussion..." He said, handing me a bunch of papers, "I don't want you to be alone tonight in case something happens, so your coworker offered to drive you home. If your vision starts to get blurry or if the room starts spinning again, come back here immediately. You're not allowed to sleep until twelve o'clock, and when you do, have your head propped up so the swelling can go down. And change the bandage twice a day..." He kept going, "Try not to look at your phone, and stay in a quiet, dark room as much as possible. It'll help the symptoms go away faster. I explained this all to your coworkers as well."

I nodded, grabbing the papers from him, "Thanks."

"You're free to leave whenever you're ready. Just check out at the front desk." He added, taking a few steps back and walking out of the room.

I sighed, sitting up slowly and throwing my legs over the edge of the bed. I was still in my uniform, slipping on my combat boots and loosely tying them. I took slow steps, grabbing my vest that was sitting on the chair in the corner before I walked towards the door.

I squinted since it was so bright, bringing my hand up with the papers he gave to me to block it a little bit. Chan came closer to me first, the rest of my team standing up right after, "Hey, are you feeling better?" He whispered, knowing how the loud noise would make my headache worse.

I gave him a soft smile, "I'm fine. My head just hurts."




Ryujin scoffed, "Yeah, no shit, genius..." She said, making all of us laugh to get the edge off. She came closer, giving me a small hug, "I'm glad you're alright, though."

I hugged her back for a moment before she pulled away, everyone else following suit and doing the same thing. Soobin was the last one, chuckling a bit as we hugged, "You guys didn't have to stay." I said, loud enough so they could all hear.

Soobin felt so warm, rubbing my back a bit as he pulled away. He raised an eyebrow, "Why would we leave?..." He asked, smiling a bit. He reached out and grabbed my vest from me, "I'll carry this to the car."

He had some of the same packets that the doctor had given me, "Oh, so you were the unlucky soul who got chosen to drive me home."

He laughed lightly, "Actually, I offered..." He replied, looking away from me for a moment, "Do you want me to stay with you tonight? The doctor said you shouldn't be alone."

I smiled, nodding as I said, "Yeah, that's fine."

Of all the people to stay at my apartment, I would've chosen him first.

He gave me his little bunny smile, "Cool. You just have to check out, right?"

I nodded again, saying my goodbyes to everyone before Soobin and I went to the front desk. I checked out, and then we made our way outside and to Soobin's car. At least it was dark now, so the brightness wasn't bothering me, but my head was still pounding in pain.

It was quiet for a while as Soobin drove, neither of us really having anything to say. I pursed my lips, "I know you're probably still going to be beating yourself up about this for the rest of your life..." I said quietly, and Soobin glanced at me for a moment before he had to look back at the road, "But just know that it wasn't your fault and I'm not mad at you whatsoever. I should've been watching our six."




He sighed, "I-I don't like when my teammates get hurt..." He replied, pausing for a moment, "I feel kind of... useless, I guess. I feel like I could've prevented that."

I smiled softly, "You got the subject in custody while I couldn't even stand up. You're not useless."

I could see him trying to hold back a smile, "Thanks..." He mumbled, and I could see the light pink color flushing his cheeks. He tried to change the subject quickly, "I'll get us some food after we get to your place. I'm starving, and we have to stay up until midnight somehow."

I chuckled lightly, "Yeah, I'm really hungry."

"What's your favorite ice cream?..." He asked, turning to me once he stopped at a red light. He rolled his eyes since I gave him a look, "I'll obviously get us real dinner, but also ice cream. My treat."

I had to look away from him since I was smiling so wide, probably looking like a dork, "You don't have to do that."

"I'm not the one who got whacked in the head with a fire extinguisher..." He replied, and then started driving again since the light turned green, "Come on, I've never met anyone who hates ice cream."

I chuckled a bit, "Mint choco."

He paused for a moment, and I had to look over at him because he was taking a while to reply. He instantly had a disgusted look on his face, "Ew, that's your favorite? How hard did that guy hit you?"

I sighed, and Soobin was giggling as he drove, "It's good; don't be a hater."

Soobin lifted one hand off the steering wheel in defense, "I'm not a hater. I'm just confused on why you enjoy the grossest ice cream flavor there is."

I shook my head, smiling as I mumbled under my breath, "Such a hater."

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