chapter 1: the meet cute

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Soobin's POV:

My alarm is at six every morning, groaning when I finally wake up. It's colder than it normally is, not that I ever feel warm in the first place. I brought my hands up, rubbing my eyes to try and help the headache already forming, but it's no use. It's the same every day, taking a deep breath as motivation to get out of bed. I usually make myself something small for breakfast since I've never really been a morning person, brewing some warm tea too. I put it in my to-go mug, having packed my work bag already last night.

My drive to work is only ten minutes, but I always find myself getting lost in my thoughts. I'm not sure if it's because I woke up so early or the extent of my job. I'm a sniper for Team One, the top swat team in South Korea. Basically, we respond to calls of armed crimes like robberies, bomb threats, kidnappings, all types of things. It depends on the situation, but my job is to look down a scope and keep my eyes fixed on the target. My boss tries to calm them down in an effort to arrest them peacefully. But, if I'm given the command, I pull the trigger within less than a second. It's only for specific things, like if the person is actively shooting at us or another person, or if they suddenly point the gun at my boss.


The command for me to shoot. It runs through my head the whole day, slowly eating away at my mental state. My job is depressing, really taking a toll when you get paid to kill people. My therapist thinks otherwise, and I'm just trying my best to understand that what I do is actually saving people instead of the other way around. The problem is that the only people who can really understand what I'm talking about are the rest of my team. It makes dating difficult, because once they find out what I do, they get scared and run away. I don't know how my teammates manage to get married, but I guess I'm still young.

I shook my head, taking a deep breath as I pulled into the parking lot. I gripped the steering wheel once I parked, closing my eyes, and taking another deep breath to calm myself down, "Yesterday was just a lot. Today will be better..." I whispered to myself, remembering how my boss had given me the command yesterday when we responded to a call, "You did the right thing. He was going to kill people if you didn't do anything." I whispered again, beginning to sound like my therapist.

I took another deep breath, a tip from my therapist that actually seems to work. I'm new to the world of therapy, and I honestly thought it was stupid at first, but now I like going to see Dr. Hwang every week. The government pays for it because my boss could see how I was struggling to cope, and he got it to go through our insurance. He's too nice to me. I definitely don't deserve it.

I opened my eyes, slowly letting go of the steering wheel and grabbing my tea. I hopped out of my car, grabbing my duffle bag and walking into our headquarters. I have to use my swipe card to get in since it's for employees only, giving a little wave to Yuna, our receptionist. I don't think 'receptionist' really fits her role since she plays a vital part in making sure everything runs smoothly. She answers the calls coming in from the emergency response line and debriefs us quickly before we head out. She constantly looks up information while we're on calls as well to make sure we have all the knowledge about the people we're dealing with. She stays in our earpieces the whole time, and it's somewhat comforting that there's someone else looking out for you other than your teammates.

I went to the locker room once I passed her desk, needing to get changed in case a call comes in. Our shift technically doesn't start until seven since there usually aren't any calls before that, but you never know. There are some days that go by and we don't get a single call, and then there are other days when we have five calls and work twelve hours straight. It really just depends on the day.

The lights were off when I walked in, flipping the switch; I guess I'm the first one here. I made my way over to my locker, placing my duffle bag down and changing into my uniform. It's nothing special, just cargo pants, boots, and a black tee shirt tucked into the waistband. Then, when a call comes in, we have to sprint to put on our vests and gear. I tucked my shirt into my pants since it makes it easier to put the vest on over it, and then started stuffing my pockets with everything I needed. I almost have a routine at this point, putting my multi-tool knife in my left leg pocket since my leg holster goes on the other side. I put my gloves in my back pocket for when I need them, and then put my dog tags around my neck. The last thing is the sweatband I tie around my head. It's almost like a good luck charm, needing to lift up the hair falling into my eyes to put it on properly. I wear it because my parents got it for me a long time ago when I was just a private in the army. I guess I wear it so that I know they're always with me.

My parents didn't think this was a good idea, especially my mom. I just don't think she wanted me to get hurt, much less risk my life day in and day out. But I made it clear to them that this is what I wanted to do. It's my passion, but at least now I can call them if something happens. That was something that really made me feel alone when I was in the army; I couldn't contact anyone for months at a time. It took a toll on me more than I thought it would, and my parents would constantly worry about me. But then when I was discharged, my parents didn't know what happened to me until I got back home. My mom begged me to find a job where I could be near them, and I settled for this. At least I still get to protect people, which is why I joined the army in the first place—

"Soobin!..." I heard, snapping me out of my thoughts. I already knew who it was, Changbin, one of my teammates. He always does his best to try and make me smile, and I don't understand where he gets all this energy from every morning. I turned my head, seeing him walk over to me with a little smile on his face, "Good morning. How're you doing?"

I gave him a smile back, watching as he placed his duffle bag on the bench and opened his locker, "Good. How're you?"

"Good..." I could see how the smile on his face grew, "Felix woke up early and made me breakfast. He's so cute."

I chuckled lightly, placing my hands on my hips, "Can you just propose already?"

"I'm waiting for the perfect moment. I already have the ring..." He replied, changing into his uniform as well, "I don't want to rush it."

I rolled my eyes, "You've been together for six years."

He put his hands up in defense, "That doesn't mean he has to say 'yes'..." He replied, and I rolled my eyes again. I don't know what he's so scared about because I've met Felix, and goddam I've never seen two people more in love with each other, "Also, boss said The Legacy is starting today. You missed it when you were in your debriefing yesterday."

I scrunched my eyebrows, confused about what he said. There's a new guy joining our team, and apparently, his father was on Team One way back in the day. So, everyone calls him The Legacy, but I don't even know what his real name is. It's kind of silly to be honest, I would hate it if everyone only thought of me as a 'legacy' rather than myself, "I thought he was staring next week...?"

Changbin shrugged, "We all did. Chan said he wanted to get started right away even though he's moving from Busan. Already went through training camp."

I sighed, "Well, God knows we could use an extra set of hands on our team."

Changbin nodded, "That's for sure. Chan said he's a genius as well."

I pursed my lips; our little family is growing today. It was the five of us; Taehyun, Changbin, Ryujin, Me, and our boss/team leader, Chan. It'll be nice to have another person on our team, especially so that we can be in pairs to keep each other safe. I've heard that The Legacy comes from the Behavioral Analysis Unit in the government agency; a team trained, taught, and designed to catch serial killers and high-profile criminals. I don't know much about them, but they basically profile people based on their behavior in order to catch them. This type of thing started over in the United States back in the seventies, and has since been circulating around the globe. Chan thought he would be able to help profile people for us as well, so we have some extra insight into the criminals we deal with on a regular basis.

Should be an interesting guy.

"Alright, well I need to get my sniper from the forensic team." I replied, taking a few steps towards the door.

Changbin smiled at me, "Hope they didn't ruin the sights this time."

I chuckled, crossing my fingers and holding them up to him, "Me too." I said as I walked out of the locker room.

Whenever I'm given the command to pull the trigger, I have to go through this two-hour-long process afterwards. It's to protect me from any legal case, so I understand what it's for, but it's just draining. They have to take my sniper and do a bunch of tests on it, and I have to do a bunch of paperwork. The last thing I want to do after events like these is relive them, but I have to write about what happened from my perspective for the case file. It just makes me question everything I do, but I'll bring it up to Dr. Hwang next time I see her.

I was able to get my sniper back, bringing it to my work area instantly to see if anything was wrong. I set it down on the table, seeing how one of the dials was in the wrong spot on my scope. I closed my eyes and sighed; it takes me twenty minutes to sight this scope in down at the range. I opened my eyes again, shaking my head since I don't even understand why they need to touch the scope. Whatever. I need to clean it anyway.

I started taking it apart, which is basically muscle memory at this point from doing it so many times. My hands are already covered in grease and crud from it being so dirty, grabbing a bunch of my tools to help this go faster. I was halfway done when I heard a small, "Excuse me?"

I picked my head up, surprised to see someone standing in front of my desk. It was a guy, a bit shorter than me. He seemed confused and embarrassed, bringing a hand up to rub the back of his neck, "Sorry to bother you, but I'm a bit lost at the moment."

I raised an eyebrow, scanning his entire figure for a moment. He was wearing a white shirt without a single wrinkle in it, which reminded me of my days in the army. His hair was short as well, buzzed on the sides and longer on the top like mine. He had hazel eyes, and I think I was looking at them for too long. I noticed the dog tags he was wearing under his shirt, similar to mine, "You're the new guy?" I asked, picking up the towel from my work bench and wiping off my hands.

He chuckled, smiling as he nodded his head, "Yeah, and I guess you're the sniper. Soobin, right?"

I was surprised that he knew who I was, and it made the corners of my lips curve upwards, "That's me."

He nodded, "I was reading up on all of you last night."

"You've done your homework then, huh?" I replied, still smiling.

He shrugged, "I wanted to be prepared for my first day..." He said, gripping the strap of his duffle bag across his chest. He seemed anxious, taking one of his hands away and reaching it out to me instead, "I'm Yeonjun, by the way."

I put my hands up, "I would shake your hand, but mine are filthy."

He laughed lightly, and I did too as he pulled his hand away, "No problem."

We were quiet for a few seconds, and it was a little awkward. I mean, I'm never good in situations like these. Meeting new people has always been hard, which has also come up in therapy. I cleared my throat since he didn't say anything, "Did you get your uniform yet?"

He shook his head, "I've been trying to find the equipment room for ten minutes."

I gave him a soft smile, gesturing for him to follow me, "I'll show you..." I said, walking next to him down the hall. I kept trying to wipe off my hands as we walked, and tried to make small talk, "I heard you're from the government." I said, not wanting to bring up how he's a legacy. I bet everyone will be asking about that, so he might need a breath of fresh air.

He nodded, "Behavioral Analysis Unit, yes. Don't worry, though; I still have a lot of experience in the field. It's part of our job."

I smiled, "If Chan hired you, I trust you..." I said, wanting him to feel welcome, "I come from the army."

"Yeah, I know..." He quickly replied, turning to me with a little smile on his face, "I can tell by the way you stand."

I chuckled a little, scrunching my eyebrows, "The way I stand? What do you mean?"

"Every branch of the military is taught to stand a certain way when performing their marches or ceremonies. It's subtle, but different..." He replied, and I was honestly impressed, "Sorry; I'm kind of hyper observant. It was my job for five years at the BAU. It's basically engraved into my brain at this point."

I smiled back at him, "Chan was right about you being a genius..." I said, making him let out the tension with a short laugh, "Is this what profiling is?"

He hummed as we turned a corner, "Something like that, yeah. There's a bit more that goes into it than just being observant. You need to make inferences based on behavior and tendencies to try and predict their future actions."

"Well, I'll definitely need to hear more about this..." I said, knowing the equipment room was only a few more feet in front of us. I gestured ahead of me, pointing out the little window where we get our extra equipment. I called out, "Jisung!" As we walked over, and I saw him peek his head out into the hallway.

He smiled at me, "Hey, Soobin!" He replied once we got close enough.

I leaned forward, resting my elbows on the counter, "How're you doing?"

"I'm good. How're you? I heard there was a tough call yesterday." He replied, sitting back in his desk chair.

I sighed, "It's alright..." I said vaguely, not wanting to talk about it, "Forensics messed up my scope again."

Jisung rolled his eyes, "Why do they even need to touch it?"

"Tell me about it..." I laughed out, and then there was an awkward silence between us. I turned to Yeonjun, who was standing next to me, a step back so that he didn't intrude. He held onto the strap of his bag again, and I gave him a little smile so he would feel more comfortable, "This is Yeonjun. He needs to get his uniform."

Jisung's eyes lit up, smiling as he asked, "You're The Legacy?"

Yeonjun seemed a little embarrassed, a forced smile that even I could notice, "That's me."

"Nice! Well, I'm Jisung. I'm in charge of all your gear and equipment..." He got up from his chair, "I have your stuff ready. One second." He added, taking a few steps backwards and going down one of the aisles of shelves.

I heard Yeonjun take a breath next to me, and it made me turn to him. He seemed anxious again, but I guess he doesn't do well in new settings like this. I know what that feels like, "I can give you a tour once you get changed."

He smiled at me, and it wasn't forced this time, "That would be great. Thank you."

I nodded, "How was training camp?"

"Pretty good. Reminded me of when I joined the BAU, but hopefully I'll be able to do well. This is a bit more than wearing a bullet-proof vest over a button-down shirt."

"Don't worry. It didn't take me too long to adapt." I replied as Jisung came back from what he needed to get.

He was carrying a box filled with stuff, smiling as he placed it down on the counter and said, "Alright, this is all your stuff. Nine pairs of pants, three in each color. Two pairs of boots, nine shirts, and a few jackets and sweatshirts..." He took something out of the box, handing it to Yeonjun, "This is the key to your locker and your swipe card to get into the building. I already set up your vest in the locker room, and your cell phone is in the box... Umm..." He brought a hand up, pushing up his glasses as he added, "I think that's it. Come find me if you need anything, and you can switch out anything that doesn't fit."

Yeonjun shoved his key and swipe card in his pocket, taking the box as he replied, "Thank you so much. I really appreciate it."

Jisung smiled, "Have a good first day."

"Thank you..." He said again, bowing a little before we started walking back down the hallway. He nudged my shoulder to get my attention, "Where's the locker room?"

I smiled, "First stop of the tour."

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