Chapter 1: Da Capo

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Da Capo – an Italian musical term that means "from the beginning".

School Life.

One would say that this particular stage in each one's life is an experience of learning, and discovering possibilities. As such, people would look back at this point in their lives to reflect back on their youthful selves, thinking on what they did right, the mistakes they made, and the people who became influential to them as they head towards their future.

The meaning of one's life at school varies for each individual. Some would go on to become the best in their chosen field, while others would make choices that will lead them to unexpected outcomes, and will land them on a career they never knew would be perfect for them. Then there are those who are unsure of themselves, either constantly wondering if they are ready for the world that awaits them after they graduate, or those who struggle to live up to the expectations of others.

This story follows the latter example, as the choices he makes on his first year in high school will decide how he would experience this new chapter of his very own school life.

It is another peaceful spring at Seoul's most prestigious music academy. For its students, it is the start of a new school term, filled with new expectations, challenges, and chances for them to meet their friends and schoolmates whom they missed after a well – deserved vacation. For the first year students, it marks an entirely new experience that most, if not all, would be looking forward to. Others would feel the pressure of going in an entirely new stage in their life, constantly anxious on how they would adjust to a whole different year at high school.

On the first day, no school activities are expected to happen other than the entrance ceremony. Still, students would come in early on this day, eager to catch up with their friends while a few others are busy for the preparations.

Just then, a pair of students began to walk towards the school gates, which caught the attention of everyone who are making their way to school themselves. The girl, who is the older of the two, was greeted by almost everyone walking with them, and even those who are ahead, especially the male students, stopped on their tracks just for a chance to greet her in person.

Meanwhile, the boy with her, who is seemingly surprised with everyone's actions to his older sister, suddenly realizes that he too, is earning the attention of everyone. As they walk towards the school entrance, he heard several whispers from all the students they walked past to.

"Who is that guy? Is he Eunbi – sunbaenim's younger brother?"

"I think so. The resemblance between them is clear."

"Yeah, he looks really cute, and a bit shy too!"

"He's a really lucky guy to have her as an older sister!"

"I bet he's a genius too, but I wonder what instrument he plays."

"I'm curious as well, but no matter what he plays, he'll be an instant celebrity here just like her."

Hearing those comments by everyone seems to be putting pressure on him, which caught his sister's eye. After entering the school grounds, Eunbi looked for a place with less people for her to talk with her brother.

"Now Y/N, I told you before, don't let the expectations of others get to you. Just enjoy your time here to focus on your music and let your talent speak for itself."

"But noona, I'm not sure if I can perform well with you at the entrance ceremony. I mean, you are way more skilled than me, and I might make mistakes during the performance. I just don't want you to be embarrassed today just because of me."

"You'll do fine, after all, we practiced a lot during our break, remember. I'm confident that we'll both do well today. There's no one else besides me, mom and dad, who knows what you're capable of, so let's show everyone how talented you are. Remember that I'm always proud of you, my little brother."

"Thanks, noona. I'm really glad that I would be in the same school with you this year."

After that, the two siblings shared a small hug, then made their way to the principal's office to get Y/N's class schedule. Afterwards, the two headed towards the auditorium to prepare for their performance. After an hour of preparations, all students went to the auditorium for the start of the school's opening ceremonies. The principal, as well as some of the members of the faculty, made their speeches about what to expect for everyone in this new school year. But the one thing that they are anticipating is the school's annual performance for the opening ceremony.

All of them are aware that Kwon Eunbi, one of the school's most talented violinists, is set to perform today. What they did not know is who her accompanist is, and they were in for a surprise once Y/N's name is announced, as the two went up the stage to begin. Y/N went to prepare in playing the piano as Eunbi readies her violin. After giving each other a sign that they're both ready, they went on to play their chosen piece: Vivaldi's Four Seasons (Spring).

The performance was nothing short of spectacular. Eunbi, true to her reputation, played above everyone's expectations. The precision, technique and her overall skill showed themselves as they delivered every part of the piece to life. Y/N, meanwhile, exhibited his own level of talent for the first time, making the audience captivated by his skills. He gave no signs of struggling to keep up with his sister, in fact, it was the opposite. Both were in perfect harmony, complementing each other as they went on to the final part of the opus.

Deep silence followed the siblings' performance, as the two held each other and bowed to the stunned crowd. Then, it was followed by an overwhelming applause from the principal, the instructors, and all of the students. Y/N and Eunbi smiled at each other, as tears of joy fell to the older sister's cheeks. It showed how proud she was of her brother's performance, and hopes that this will provide him with a bit of positivity as he begins his stay at the academy.

Once the ceremonies are over, everyone went to their respective classes for their homeroom period. Eunbi and Y/N walks to their assigned classrooms as Eunbi talks to him before she goes toward the seniors department.

"All right, good luck on your first day Y/N. I hope you make some good friends in your class today."

"I'll try noona, but I feel bad that I won't see any of my friends from my old school though."

"Well, I guess that's true. But I'm not sure of the fact that you won't meet any familiar faces here."

"What do you mean, noona?" He asked out of curiosity.

"Let's just say that she's a friend of yours whom you haven't seen for 3 years, and it just so happens that she's studying here with her twin brother. So you see, you won't be lonely here anytime soon." She said teasingly as she walks away.

"Wait noona, you can't mean-" He was cut off when suddenly a pair of hands covered his eyes.

"It's been a while, Y/N."

That voice. It can't be.


Note: I decided to use musical terms for the titles of each chapter. I thought that doing this could give you some clues on what will happen to each part, plus I think it fits my story well based on the setting. 

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