Chaewon Part I: Dolcissimo

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Dolcissimo  - a musical term that requires a part to be played in a very sweet manner

"I would like Kim Chaewon to be my partner for the National Concours, Mr. Director." Y/N said seriously as he hands over the document back to the director.

"Thank you, Y/N-ssi. I trust that you would inform her of your decision as soon as possible. I expect that you and Ms. Kim would give it your best during the day of the concours. Starting today, I hope the both of you would take this time to decide on what piece the both of you are going to perform. Remember that this academy, including myself, will always support you regardless of the outcome." The director said as Y/N smiled due to his words of encouragement.

After excusing himself from the office, Y/N knew that he had one very important thing to do first, and that is to apologize to the other three girls whom he did not choose as his partner. He knows that doing this would be painful to them, but he has to fully accept his decision wholeheartedly so as not to cause any more doubts to linger in him.

Out of the three, Yena was the one who took it the hardest. She cried knowing that Y/N won't be able to fulfill his promise to her back then, as he stayed beside her for a while to comfort her. He gave her one final hug so as to ease the painful feelings she has while the two of them made a promise to remain the best of friends.

As for Minju, the girl simply gave him small words of encouragement and fully accepted his decision, concluding that Y/N simply followed his heart when he made the choice. She told him that she is still hoping for that time when they will perform with each other again, and that she will continue to hone her skills in order to be worthy of playing alongside him.

Sakura respected his decision, making peace with the fact the Y/N will give the best performance he could do like what they did before. She promised to lend her support, and made clear that she would still give both Y/N and Chaewon her time to mentor them during their rehearsals if needed. Having heard this, Y/N thanked her and told her that he would never forget what he learned from her during their recital.

Classroom Building, that same afternoon

After he finished telling the others about his decision, Y/N went back to his classroom in order to tell Chaewon that he chose her to participate with him at the contest. As he walked the halls in a quick pace, Y/N knew that his choice to pick one of his childhood friends would be something he won't regret.

Once he reached their classroom door, he opened it to find Chaewon sitting in her desk, as she was talking to Felix and Han during their free period. Y/N wasted no time and approached her, as he tries to catch his breath once he stopped in front of her.

"Y/N, are you okay? Why are you so tired all of a sudden?"Chaewon asked him.

"I came back from the director's office just now, after I informed him of whom I chose to be my partner for the Nationals."

His words immediately caught Felix and Han's attention, while Chaewon felt nervous as what he was about to say.

"Well, Y/N, who did you choose?"Han said, eagerly waiting for him to answer.

"Firstly, I regret to inform you Chaewon that we won't be able to participate in our club's activities for a while. We must tell our advisor that we're going to have to spend our time after school to practice for our performance at the concours."Y/N said with a very serious tone.

At first, the three of them weren't able to process what Y/N just said. They were too shocked to comprehend his words before they could believe it. Then it clicked.

Chaewon's hands shook as she tried to stop her tears from falling, while Felix and Han were both laughing and cheering the for the both of them as their class joined in on the celebration.

"Chaewon, with your beautiful voice coupled with me playing the piano, I know that we would be able to give them a performance they'll never forget. For that reason alone, I know I made the right choice."

"Thank you, Y/N, for giving me this chance. This means a lot for me too, and I promise that I'll do everything I can to give them nothing but the best that they can expect from us."

Having said this, the two smiled at each other, a sign that they are both ready to face this great opportunity ahead of them. Felix tried to hide his excitement about his sister's wish finally coming true, as he and Han bumped their fists while giving a sign of support for both of them.

Academy Practice Room, the next day

Y/N, Chaewon, Felix and Han all sat together inside one of the practice rooms quietly. After the announcement was made by the director over the PA system, Chaewon's close friends and club members, specifically Wonyoung and Hitomi, hurried to their classroom, having brought something with them. It was a music sheet containing a sophisticated musical piece that they both wanted them to perform for the concours, should Y/N choose her as his partner. Chaewon thanked her friends for preparing something like this for her, but she was surprised when the two left immediately after giving them the piece, all the while giggling as they ran.

Once Y/N opened the folder containing it, he immediately blushed once he found out what it is.

"Chaewon-ah, a-are you sure you really want us t-to play this piece? I mean, if you're uncomfortable with it, we could just-"

"I-it's okay, Y/N. There's no problem with us selecting t-this to play at the concours. I'll try to perform it as best as I can, even if I still don't know how to express it yet."

"But this is Handel's Ombra mai fu, it's a difficult opus that requires a very unique style of interpretation, not to mention the fact that we need to play it according to the meaning it implies, which is-"

"Romance and eternal devotion." Felix quickly said as he and Han tried not to show themselves smiling.

"That piece is perfect for the both of you, I mean, both Hitomi-ssi and Wonyoung-ssi were REALLY looking forward to your performance of this very special piece. Imagine how they would feel if you two decided not to play it, you wouldn't want to disappoint them right?" Han said sarcastically as he enjoys the reactions between them.

"Well, if you insist Han, since you are such an expert for these kinds of things, maybe you wouldn't mind Y/N telling the truth to Eunbi-unnie, right?" Chaewon fired back at him.

It was Han's turn to be embarrassed this time, as Chaewon tries to end the conversation in her favor.

"Now be a good boy and take my mischievous brother out of here, we need to begin practicing." She said as she points the way out for the both of them.

"Yes, ma'am. Let's go Felix, the club leader's going to be mad at us again if we're late." He said as he drags Felix forcefully out the practice room exit.

"Han, you traitor! I thought you were on my side!" He exclaims as Han took him back to the club room.

With the two gone, Y/N and Chaewon went silent again as either of them was waiting for the other to start.

"S-so Chaewon-ah, should we start?" Y/N spoke as Chaewon looked at him calmly.

"Of course, Y/N. I really wanted to, but I need to hear you play it first so I can study it, then we can start practicing it together."

"Very well then. Let me just take a look at it first." Y/N said as he started reading it first.

As he was doing this, Chaewon was looking at him intimately, while she still can't believe the fact that they are really going to perform together on a national competition. She gave a smile as she was looking at him while thinking of the promise she made to herself 3 years ago.

("Y/N, you really don't know how happy I am right now. This is my chance. Once all of this is over, I'm finally going to be honest to myself, and to you. I can finally tell you the truth about my feelings, and I really want us to be together. Hopefully, this time, we won't be leaving each other again.")

While deep in thought, Chaewon didn't notice that Y/N was looking at her. Once she realized it, she immediately looked away and asked him.

"I-I'm really sorry I didn't hear you, Y/N. I was just thinking about something else. So, what was it you've said just now?"

"Oh, um, I said that I'm already done reading it. I can start playing it now, if you're ready."

"All right then, maestro, show me what you can do." Chaewon playfully said as Y/N starts to perform.

Once he started, both of them started to feel the delicate emotions brought about by the sweet melodies the piece wanted to emanate. Y/N starts to be absorbed by the peaceful sounds of the piano as he was playing it, while quietly thanking Hitomi and Wonyoung for taking the time looking for this wonderful masterpiece. As he was playing the middle parts, he took a quick glance at Chaewon, who with her eyes closed, was peacefully listening to the tunes he is playing. He can't help but feel something radiant the more he tries to look at her.

("Chaewon-ah, looking at you now, I finally believe that I was right in choosing you. I remember back then, you always sing for me whenever I feel down, with your beautiful and elegant voice always gives me a pure sense of happiness that only you can give. I still don't know what's going to happen after all this is over, but I finally understood what Eunbi-noona told me when I was still deciding on whom my partner will be. There's no doubt in my mind now, but I think I've fallen for you, Kim Chaewon.")

Once he finished playing, Chaewon smiled at him, turning his cheeks red as he tries to hide it from her, luckily, she didn't notice it.

"It was a truly wonderful piece, Y/N. I hate to admit it, but my brother was right. This piece is perfect for our performance. I can't help but feel excited once we finally mastered it." She said as Y/N chuckled.

"It really is, Chaewon-ah. I'm really looking forward to our duet next month. Until then, practice makes perfect." He said to her.

"That means we're going to be spending a lot of time together, right?" Chaewon asked him innocently, as Y/N felt surprised.

"Y-yes, and I'll make sure we make the most of our free time rehearsing it with you." Y/N replied.

Noticing it was getting late, the two of them prepared to go home. While making their way towards school entrance, they met Hitomi and Wonyoung. Both of them were eager to ask their opinions about the piece they chose for them.

"So how was it, Y/N-sunbaenim? Are you going to play the piece we gave you for the concours?" Wonyoung asked.

"It is a very wonderful piece. Thank you for finding it for us. Both Chaewon and I can't thank you girls enough."

"I-it was nothing, Y/N-sunbaenim. A-anyway, I-I'm really looking forward to you and Chaewon-unnie's performance." Hitomi said as she stutters while speaking to him.

"Aww, you really are cute Hitomi-chan. Still, thank you both for being good and caring friends to me, your unnie." Chaewon said as she can't help but give them a hug, making Y/N smile at them.

Hitomi's POV:

We bowed as Y/N-sunbaenim and Chaewon-unnie parted with us at the station. I really can't be happy enough for him, because Wonyoung and I are helping them get more close to each other. If he's happy, then I should be happy for them too, right?

I'm truly helping Chaewon-unnie fulfill her wish, and she's so close to finally having it. Wonyoung, Felix-sunbaenim, Han-sunbaenim, Eunbi-unnie and I are the only ones who knew about her true feelings for him. I'm glad that she finally has this chance after so long.............











































But what about my own happiness?

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