5 What's a requel?

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Back at the apartment building,you walk up the stairs with Tara and Sam in silence.The three of you get to Tara's and Sam's apartment and you say goodbye to them.Tara looks at you as if she wants you to come in but you turn and walk to your own apartment.

You try the door handle but the door is closed.Weird,Danny is suppose to be home.It's the weekend,so he doesn't have work and before you left for the police station with Tara and Sam,he told you he'd be here when you'd come back.You take the keys out of your pocket and open the door.

Inside,you take your shoes off and yell out. "Danny!You home?".

There is no response.

With eyebrows knit in confusion,you take your shoes off and walk further into the apartment.

"Danny?".You say.

He's not in the living room or the kitchen.There is no note on the fridge like there usually would be.You check your phone,no text.You unlock your phone and go into your contact list,scrolling to find Danny's number.You call him.It takes him a few minutes to pick up but he finally does.

"Where are you?".You ask him.

"Sorry,my boss called me into work and I forgot to text you".He replies over the phone.

"When will you be back?".You say,sitting down on the couch.

"Like usual.At 7".Danny says.

"All right.I'll see you later".You say and you hung up the phone.

Just as you do that,you hear a knock on the door.A really harsh knock to be exact.Slightly startled,you get up off of the couch,putting your phone down on the coffee table,and you go to open the door.

When you do,there is nobody there.Baffeled, you look around but there is no sign of anyone.You look down to see a box on the floor.

You hesitate to pick it up but you do.You close the door and you make sure to lock it this time.Carrying the box,you make your way into the kitchen and you set the box down on the counter.Tape is sealing the box shut so you grab a pair of scissors and slice the tape.You open the box and inside is a knife.A knife covered in blood.

Before you can react,your phone rings.You grab it and see an unknown number calling you.You don't know whether you should answer it,but you do.

"Hello?".You say.

"Hello,Y/N".The person on the phone says.You recognise the voice changer from the Stab movies.

You stand up. "Who is this?".

"That's nothing you should be concerned about,Y/N".

"Did you leave this box outside my house?".

"You're clever,aren't you?".

"And you're pathetic,aren't you?".

"It's a warning.Stop sticking your nose in other people's business and stop trying to protect Tara.Or else I'll stick that knife down your throat".

Before you can say anything else,the person hangs up and there's a knock on your door.Your heart begins to pound and you reach to grab the scissors you used to open the box.

You slowly make your way over towards the door.Taking a deep breath,you swing the door open and hold up the scissors.Turns out,it's just Tara.

She looks at you as if your crazy holding up the pair of scissors.

"Tara?".You say,putting the scissors down.

"Jesus christ,were you gonna stab me?".She asks.

You pull her into your apartment and you close the door and lock it before replying. "No,no,sorry.Why are you here again?".

Tara ignores your question."Y/N,what's going on?".

You lead her into the kitchen and you set the scissors back down on the counter.Tara walks over to the box and her eyes widen slightly when she see's the knife in the box.

"What the fuck?".Tara says,looking at you.

"I just got a call,aswell.They had the same voice changer as in the Stab movies".You tell her.

"You got a call?".Tara says and you nod. "What did they say?".

You follow Tara as she goes to sit down on your couch. "They said they're warning me.That I need to stop protecting you or else they'd stick their knife down my throat.Honestly,I think that's a little dramatic.Then they just hang up".

"I came over here because I was going to tell
you that Officer Bailey called Sam and told her that her therapist just got murdered.By a Ghostface.They left another mask".Tara says.

"Wait,do you think that....?".You begin to say,your eyes wide.

"It's his blood.Sam's therapists".Tara says as she looks past you at the box.

"Holy shit".You mumble.

Tara stands up and looks at you. "We need to tell Officer Bailey this".


The whole friend group sit on a bunch just outside Blackmore University.The eight friends are at first chatting about normal things,as if the events of the weekend haven't happened.You're acting like everything is normal.Quinn,Anika and Sam are sat on a bench together while you,Tara,Ethan and Chad are sat together.Your sat inbetween Chad and Tara and the girl laughs as you and Chad are arguing about stupid things.Mindy is stood up and she begins talking,stopping everyone's conversations.

"Ok,nerds.Listen up.As terrifying as this all is,I'm actually glad I get a chance to redeem myself for not calling the killers last time.It's fine.Ok.The way I see it,someone is out to make a sequel to the requel".Mindy says and everyone looks at her.

Anika raises her hand. "Um,what's a requel?".

"You're beautiful,sweetie.Let's hold questions to the end".Mindy says to her girlfriend and Anika blinks.

"I didn't realise this was a university lecture".You speak up.

"I'm offended that you think my speech is going to be as boring as a lecture".Mindy looks at you.

Sam says. "Stab 1 took place in Woodsboro.Stab 2 took place in college".

"So we think that the killer is trying to copy the movies?".Tara suggests.

"That is one possibility.Heroes now in college.Check.Suspicious new characters bought in to round out the suspect list and/or body count.Check,check and check".Mindy says and Tara realises she's getting quite into this.

"I don't like this".Ethan says.

"But it can't just be about Stab 2".Mindy points out.

Tara looks at her. "Why not?".

"It would make sense if this were just a sequel.But we're not in a sequel because nobody just makes sequels anymore".Mindy says and everyone looks at her blankly. "We're in a franchise!And there are certain rules to a continuing franchise".

"I had a feeling".Quinn says as everyone sighs.

You stop Mindy from carrying on."Wait,hold on.Are we sure the killer is following a smiliar formula to Stab 2?Like you said,nobody makes sequels anymore,they make franchises.What if they're making their own thing.Their own franchise".

"What do you mean?".Mindy looks at you with a confused look on her face.

"If we're in a franchise then that means there must be a new storyline to turn things around.Something original.So,we can't just base things around Stab 2 because this requel to the sequel or whatever is going to be totally different".You explain and Tara realises you do have a point.

The girl sat next to you knows now why you and Mindy are such good friends.Both of you have your own ideas and because of that you have interesting debates.

"Y/N,you have a great point,so,please let me finish".Mindy says and you sit back. "Rule one.Everything is bigger than last time.Bigger budget,bigger cast,bigger body count.Longer chases,shootouts,beheadings.You got to top what came before to keep people coming back".

"Beheadings?".Chad asks,writing down notes.

"Beheadings".Mindy replies. "Rule two.Whatever happened last time,expect the opposite.Franchises only survive by subverting expactations.If the killers last time were whiny snowflake film nerds with Letterboxd accounts instead of personalities,you can bet the opposite will be true here.And rule three.No one is safe.Legacy characters?Cannon fodder at this point.Usually brought back only to be killed off in some cheap bid for nostalgia.It's not looking too good for Gale and Kirby.Oh and that's not even the worst part!".

"This is the part where she tells us the worst part".Chad speaks up.

"The worst part is franchises are just continuing episodic installments desgined to boost an IP.Which means main characters are completely expendable now too.Laurie Strode,Nancy Thompson,Ellen Ripley,Sally Hardesty,Jigsaw,Tony Stark,James Bond.I mean even Luke Skywalker.All died so their franchises could live on.That means it's not just the friend group.Any of us could go at any time,especially Sam and Tara".Mindy carries on,going off into a rant.

Tara and Sam look at each other and Tara doesn't want to show it because she is terriffied.

"Wait,any of us?".Ethan asks.

"Yeah".Mindy replies.

"Am I in the friend group?".


"Am I like one of the targets?".

Mindy hums.

"Am I gonna die a virgin?".

At Ethan's words Tara looks at you and Chad who are about to burst out laughing.You punch Chad in the arm and he winces.He does the same to you and when you're about to smack him in the back of the head,Mindy speaking cuts you off.

"That was a weird overshare.But it brings us to our current suspects".Mindy says.She walks up infront of Ethan and looks at him. "Ethan.The shy,dorky guy who no one suspects because he's so shy and dorky".

"Wait,why am I on the suspect list?Becuase I'm randomly Chad's roommate?".Ethan asks.

"Roommates lotteries can be juked.You could have fixed it to get next to us".Mindy replies.She moves on and she looks at Quinn. "Quinn.The slutty roommate.A horror movie classic".

"Sex positive but,thank you?".Quinn says.

"How did you come to live with Sam and Tara?".Mindy questions her.

Quinn tells her."I answered their ad online".

"Ok,say no more.You've already implicated yourself enough".

Tara begins to think that Mindy is being a little ridiculous. "It was an anonymous ad,Mindy.And you know we vetted her.Plus her dad is a cop".

"And that makes it more likely that's she's the killer because having a cop dad is a great cover.Do you not remember how these movies work,Tara?".Mindy says.

"Is she always like this?".Quinn says to Sam who nods.

Mindy looks towards her girlfriend who blows her a kiss."Anika.Never trust the love interest".

Anika frowns.Mindy looks at you and smiles. "Y/N.The mysterious girl next door that just randomly seemed to become friends with Tara overnight.A little bit odd,isn't it?".

"Mindy,I was friends with you first.That's how I know Tara".You tell her. "Besides,I was with Tara and Sam at the police station when Sam's therapist was murdered.Unless I am somehow able to be in two places at once,I don't think I can be the killer".

"You see,there are usually two killers.You could have an accomplice".Mindy points out.

"Not always.What about Roman Bridgier?He was alone".Sam says.

"I do have to say that is quite impressive,but do you really think Y/N would be able to be the killer alone?".Mindy raises an eyebrow.

"I don't know whether I should take that as a compliment or not".You say.

"Ok.So,we have our rules and we have our suspects".Sam says.

Ethan cuts her off. "Wait,wait,wait.What about you guys?".

"I mean,I think it's pretty safe to rule out the four of us who went through this last year in Woodsboro".Mindy tells him.

"Agreed".Chad points at his sister with a pen and he smiles.

"Um,not agreed.What if the trauma you all went through caused one or more of you to snap?".Quinn suggests and Sam looks at her.

"Yeah,or the fame you got from the killings made you thirsty for more.I mean,let's be honest here,some of the theories online about Sam are....".Ethan says but Tara cuts him off.

"Don't you fucking dare".Tara glares at him and Ethan looks at her in shock.Of course Tara won't ever let anyone speak badly of Sam.

"Ok,she's right,though.I mean,face facts,if we're all suspects,you're all suspects".Anika says.

These words make Tara think.She pushed these thoughts to the back of her mind but after this conversation,the thought has popped back into her mind.Everyone could be the killer.Including her own sister and friends.Just like Amber.

That's a scary thought.

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