3 The Bodega Incident

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On your walk around New York City,you realise two important things.One,you understand agree with both Tara and Sam and two,Tara is an idiot for thinking that you two aren't friends.

You weigh up both of Tara's and Sam's points of views and you have come to the conclusion that both of them have great points.Sam should give Tara a little bit of freedom,but Tara should put it on herself to deal with whatever happened last year.Ignoring it won't make it go away,but constantly thinking about it will hurt more.She should just speak up about it when it's relivant and not hide how she truly feels about the attack in Woodsboro.

On the other side of the situation,what Tara said to you was bullshit and you know she knows it.You haven't been friends long,you know that,but the past couple of days you have been talking to each other has made you feel like you have known her your whole life.You have similar interests,similar qualities.Your a perfect match.And saying that you two aren't actually friends won't make this situation hurt less,but it'll hurt even more.

So,after your silent debate in your mind,you take it upon yourself to walk back to the apartement.

You walk up the stairs to the apartment before opening the door and walking up another small set of stairs.You open the next door and look up to see Sam and Danny making out.Your face instantly twists into a grimace.

"Disgusting".You say as you walk over,making the two of them pull away.

"Y/N,shut the fuck up".Danny says as Sam looks at him.

You roll your eyes and you look at Sam. "Is Tara home?".

"Yeah.The others are up there too".Sam tells you and you nod.

"I'll leave you two to it,then".You grin and Danny looks ready to kill you.

You sprint up the stairs before he can.


Finally,you make it to Tara's and Sam's apartement.You knock on the door and Mindy opens it.

"Hey.You good?".Mindy asks,letting you in.

"I have to talk to Tara".You reply as you close the door behind you.

Mindy points over to a closed door. "That's her room.Go get 'em,tiger".

"Shut up".You roll your eyes and you walk over to where Mindy pointed.

You take a breath and knock on the door.

You hear Tara shout. "Come in!".

You put your hand on the doorhandle and you push the door open to see Tara sat on her bed and Quinn sitting on a chair.

Tara looks at you suprised while Quinn looks from you to Tara.

"I'm gonna go.I'll let you guys chat".Quinn says with a smile as she stands up and walks over to the door,closing it.

Tara and you look at each other for a moment,nothing saying anything.In all honesty,you don't know what to say.You haven't planned anything out.

"Hi".You let out,making Tara look up at you.

"Hey".She says in almost a whisper.

"How are you feeling?".You ask her.

Tara takes a deep breath before replying. "I've been better,I'm not gonna lie".

"I want to talk to you.About tonight".You tell her.

"Go for it".Tara says,patting the spot on the bed next to her.

You hesitate before going for it and sitting down next to her,you arms brushing against each other.

"Firstly,I just want to say that I understand what you're going through.I might not understand what you have gone through last year,but I get how you're feeling.I can read you like a book.And I see you,Tara.I see you".You say and she looks at you right in the eyes.You feel like your about to melt.

You look her in the eyes and she looks like she's about to cry.She looks down at her feet.

"Thank you".Tara says. "Thank you for saying that.I really needed that".

"Anytime".You smile at her.

Tara looks up at you again,noticing your smile. "I also want to thank you for not letting me go up those stairs.I think I was just more messed up than I realised".

"I would of never have let you go up with that guy.Even if you shouted whatever insults you could of think of at me".You tell her and she frowns.

"I'm so sorry about what I said when we left that party.I did not mean any of it.I'm so grateful for what you did and for the fact that you're even here for me.I mean,I don't care that we've only been talking to each other for a couple of days.You're just....you're really great".Tara says to you.

Your heart feels like it's on fire.You quickly put out that fire and turn to Tara with a grin.

"I know I'm great".You say and Tara rolls her eyes with a smile.

"You know,my mum used to always say that there is only a couple of people in your life that you'll meet and you'll instantly click with.I think your that person for me".Tara tells you.

The fire in your heart rises again but your quick to stomp it out.

"Oh yeah?".You raise and eyebrow.

Tara nods and it feels like as if she moves closer to you.The space between the two of you grows smaller and smaller and even though you don't want to,you still lean in close to her.

Before anything can happen,Quinn comes in and Tara's head shoots to look at her.

"I forgot my phone".Quinn says,looking around and finally looking up at you and Tara who are staring at her.She raises her eyebrows. "What?".

"Nothing".Both you and Tara say.


Tara sits down next to you in the living room as all of you and your friends are watching the news.The girls heart feels like it skips a beat as she watches the news reporter talk.

Sam and Danny walk in after Chad called them from downstairs.

"What's going on?".Sam says as she over,Danny trailing behind her.

"Cute boy.Nice".Quinn points up to Danny.

"There names have just been released by police.Jason Carvey and Greg Bruckner".The news reporter on the screen says.

"Holy shit,that's that chode from our Film Studies class?The one obsessed with Argento".Mindy says.

The newsreporter continues. "Also found at the scene were various ghostface costumes a character popularised by the Stab movie franchise".

Tara looks at you and then at her sister.

Sam sighs before walking. "Pack a bag.We leave in ten".

"Sam!Wait,Sam!".Tara yells as she gets up to run after her sister.

"We're getting out of the city".Sam says.

"What?".Danny says.

Chad turns to him and starts pushing him lightly backwards."Thank you very much suspicious new guy but we got it from here.Have a good night.Get home safe.Go,go,go".

"Chad,that's my brother".You say to him and he turns around to face you.

"Oh".Chad says.

Tara watches as Sam looks at the knifes in the kitchen.It's offical,Sam has gone absolutley crazy.

"Sam!What....Hold on".Tara says.

"Come on".Sam ignores her sister,walking straight past her.

"No,wait,let's talk about this for a second".Tara tells her. "Because this might not have anything to do with us".

Sam spins around and the two of them stop walking. "Are you serious?".

"It's a big city.It's Halloween.Everybody's wearing masks.You don't know!".Tara yells.

"Tara,Tara,this isn't a coincedence.You knew him!".Sam yells back.

Tara looks down."Barely".

"Chad,Mindy,back me up".Sam says before she looks at you. "Y/N".

"It's a little bit....".Chad starts.

"Close to home".Mindy ends,still on the couch with Anika.

"See".Sam says.

Tara turns around to look at Quinn. "Quinn,your dad's a cop.Right?Can you call him and find out what's going on?Before you make the utilateral decision to abandon my college education and flee the fucking state".

Sam looks at Quinn who picks her phone up. "I'm calling him now".

Tara thanks her. "Thank you".

Before anything else can be said or done,the sound of a phone ringing startles everyone.Sam turns around to see her phone on the table.

Nervous,she walks forward,her breath uneven.Tara,you and everyone else in the room watch on edge as she does so.She picks the phone up.

"Who is it?".Tara says.

She looks down to see Sam decline a call from Gale.

"Why did everyone just freak out when her phone rang?".Ethan asks.

"Have you ever watched a Stab movie?".You reply and Ethan shakes his head.

Tara watches as Quinn walks up to Sam

with her phone,handing it to her.

"My dad wants to talk to you".Quinn says.

Tara watches her sisters face as she talks to Quinn's dad and when they finally hang up,all she says is.

"We have to go down to the station".


Tara follows Sam out the door of the apartment building.

Honestly,she thinks all of this is a bit ridiculous.The fact that Sam's driving license was at Jason's and Greg's place is quite suspicious she has to admit,but she thinks this must all be just a big coincidence.She hopes it's just a coincidence.

"Sam,slow done".Tara tells her sister as she finds it difficult to catch up with her.

"Tara,no.Get back inside,lock the door".Sam says as she realises Tara has followed her.

"Are you serious?Now you don't wanna stick together?".Tara raises an eyebrow.

Sam shakes her head. "Fine".

The two of them continue walking down the street.

Tara can sense that Sam is on edge as she looks around,making sure that nobody is following them.The further into the city they get and the darker it gets,Tara becomes paranoid too.She checks every corner to make sure no one is lurking there.

Suddenly,the sound of a phone can be heard from Sam's pocket.

She takes it out and the two
sisters stop.Tara's heart drops as she see's that the caller ID is Richie,which is just impossible.

"What the fuck?".Tara says.

"I never deleted his contact".Sam tells her. "This is coming from his number".

"Don't pick that up.Just let it ring".Tara orders her.

Of course,the stubborn person she is,Sam picks the phone up and presses it to her ear.

"Sam".Tara looks at her.

"Who is this?".Sam asks.

"Hello,Samantha.Did you miss me?".The person on the phone replies.

"I want you to think long and hard whether you really wanna do this because the last two people that fucked with us ended up dead".Sam says as she looks around.

The person on the phone continues."You should be thanking me,Sam.Jason and Greg were gonna kill you and your sister.I gutted them before they had the chance".

Tara notices somebody in a hood and dark clothes approaching them,they're on the phone.However,as they walk past,both her and Sam realise it's just a random person and they relax.

"So what?You're protecting us now?".Sam asks.

"Not quite.I'm going to show the world who you really are.A liar and a killer.I'm going to punish you,Sam".The person replies.

"You shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet asshole".Sam says.

"Don't be cute you're gonna pay for what you did.And I'm not gonna stop until I butcher you.You and anyone who gets between us.You and Tara better watch your back".The person warns.

"You better watch yours".Sam says.

Suddenly,somebody slips behind Tara and puts their arm around her throat, raising a knife. Sam realises this and puts the phone down. Startled,Tara elbows the ghostface in the face.Tara and Sam push the ghostface back and they land in the bushes.

"Come on!Run!".Sam yells,grabbing Tara as they start running.

Tara's heart pounds in her chest,looking back to see the ghostface running after them.They sprint,shouting for nearby people to help them.

"In there!".Sam shouts as they turn a corner.

The two sisters run into a bodega.They go straight up to the man at the counter.

"Please help us!We were attacked!".Tara shouts and the man at the counter looks confused.

Sam yells. "Call 991!".

"There's a man out there and he's trying to kill us".

A man behind them gets mad and yells at them for skipping the line until the ghostface barges in.Sam pushes Tara back and stands infront of her.

This is when Tara finally gets a look at the new killer.The mask looks different.It's cracked and dirty,it looks like it has been used for decades.It looks worn out.

The man that was complaining gets face to face with the ghostface.Tara starts to think that he's making a big mistake.

"You got a problem here,guy?".He says.

The ghostface just turns their head slightly before grabbing the man and stabbing him multiple times.

Everybody gasps.Frightened,they run out or run to hide.A man pushes his wife back and runs towards the ghostface.The ghostface throws the man they just have stabbed before grabbing the other guy and stabbing him in the neck.

Tara and Sam gasp,walking backwards.The ghostface looks at them menacingly.Just their look,even though they're wearing a mask,is just enough to make Tara feel threatened.

"Hey!".The man at the counter yells,pointing a shotgun at the ghostface who turns around.

He shoots at the ghostface,but they duck.So does Tara and Sam.The man behind the counter walks around to check if the killer is dead but when he walks around,ghostface is not there.

He looks at Tara and Sam.He then yells. "Go out the back!".

Tara thanks him.However,the door is locked and Tara sprints back around.

"Fuck it's locked.Keys!We need the keys!".She yells,the adrenaline rushing through her blood.

The man searches around for the keys but when he looks up to the mirror above him,he see's the killer approaching him from the back.

"Watch out!Watch out!".Tara shouts,Sam running back to her.

He spins around to block the ghostface with his gun but the killer stabs him in the shoulder, taking the gun from him.They hit him in the face and the man falls.The ghostface points the shotgun at the man as he begs for them not to shoot him but they don't listen,shooting him,blood spilling everywhere.

Sam pushes Tara back and the two of them slip quietly into an aisle.Sam shushes Tara as they stop crawling.Music can be heard and so can the footsteps of the killer as they walk around.Tara listens carefully even though her heart is pounding in her ears.

Sam looks at Tara and with her eyes shows her that they're gonna move forwards.Before they can even do that,the ghostface shoots the freezer behind them,glass flying everywhere.They duck down.

Tara and Sam crawl forwards and the killer shoots again but this time into the aisle the two sisters are in.They duck down again,things falling ontop of their heads.

Footsteps can be heard and the ghostface moves around,looking at the first aisle.Before looking into the one next to that but there's no one there.

Tara has her head in the crook of Sam's neck as she tries to steady her breathing.She can feel the presence of the killer standing a few feet behind her and she can feel the pounding of her heart.Grey tears are slowly falling down her face.

She watches in fear as Sam slowly moves her hand to pick up a crushed can,her hand shaking as she does so.Sam picks it up and turns to throw it in the opposite direction that they are in.

The footsteps of the ghostface move away from them making Tara let out the air that she was holding in quietly.

Sam nods her head and Tara moves to crawl again.The aisle is a mess.Shattered glass, crushed cans and brokens boxes everywhere.Everything here that makes noise could kill them.Tara tries to not think about that,she focuses on moving and making sure her hand doesn't land on the glass which is basically impossible at this point.

The footsteps continue as the girls crawl.Tara tenses up whenever she hears the sound of the glass quietly moving around or the sound of boots on tiles.

Tara's hand accidentally lands on a peice of glass and it crunches quite loudly.The two sisters stop and so does the sound of the footsteps.

Tara looks at Sam who's looking in fear through the crack in the shelves.The killer is on the otherside.They start to think that it's clear until the ghostface turns around and Tara and Sam pushe the shelf onto them as they fire the gun.

The two sisters begin to run and they finally escape just as the police cars pull up outside.The look back inside and they are shocked as the killer is gone and there's a mask laying on the ground.


It's quite late when you finally decide to settle into your room.You and Danny carried on watching the news.He could tell you're worried about Tara and you are.You really are.He turned off the news and the two of you watched some shitty movie he found on this random channel.He also let you talk about how bad the directing and the writing is without shouting at you that you're runining the movie.

You walk out of your room and into the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth.

As you brush your teeth you hear a knock on the bathroom door.You open it to see Danny standing with Mindy.

"Mindy?What's going on?".You ask as you put your toothbrush away.

"It's Tara".She replies and your head instantly shoots to look at her. "She got attacked".

After Mindy explained what happened to you,you decided that you're going to go down to Tara right now.You don't even have a jacket with you and your shoes are barely on your feet when you run out the apartment building, Mindy and the others trailing behind you.

As you get to the bodega where Tara and Sam were attacked,you notice an ambulance and multiple police cars.The police lights flashing.Finally,you notice Tara sitting in a ambulance.She has a thermal blanket over her and a paramedic is talking to her.

Once they walk away,she makes eye contact with you.You sprint towards her and she stands up.

"Tara.Oh my god.Are you ok?Are you hurt?".You ask as you put your hands on her arms,checking her for any signs of injury.

"No,Y/N.I'm fine".She replies. "I'm a little shaken up though".

"Jesus christ,you scared me".You tell her.

"I'm sorry".Tara says,looking down.

"You have nothing to be sorry for.It's not your fault this psycho is after you".You say.

Tara looks up at you and she grips onto your shirt.The fear still present in her eyes."I want to go home".

When Sam comes over,all of you get escorted back home by the police.Something you think never would of happened to you.

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