Chapter 9 - Bitter

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Tests eventually came before ending and welcoming summer vacation. Of course, Suzu dragged her thrice every week along.

"Hey hey, will you come to the pool with us?" - Suzu poked the violet-eyed with her elbow as she shoved a spoonful of pudding in her mouth.


"Aoi-chan, let's go together. It will be fun," - Kei added.

"Yes, it will be awesome!" - Maya said, "We can't let you miss this Aoi-chan!"

Aoi rolled her eyes. Unbeknownst to her, she had already become a part of this girl group. Even though she wasn't particularly fond of it, it was the only group she belonged to.

"I'll consider it," she mumbled, slicing into the chocolate pastry in front of her.

"Do you have a swimsuit?" Suzu asked Kei.

"I have one, but it's old," the blonde replied. "I might need to buy a new one."

"Same here, I'll have to buy one," Suzu grinned. "What about you, Aoi-chan?"

"I'm not going to wear a swimsuit," Aoi replied firmly, not wanting to entertain the idea even a little.

"Whaaat?"- Maya exclaimed, "At last when the opportunity came to shine in front of the boys!"

"I'm. Not. Wearing. Swimsuit." - Aoi shot a glance at her, "I'm not going to swim too."

"Hey, aren't you being a bit too timid?" Suzu sighed. "Why confine yourself so much? Live a little—"

"It's not about being timid, Suzu," Aoi cut her off, perhaps a little too harshly. Realizing her tone, she quickly apologized, "Sorry, that was rude of me," and lowered her head.

"It's okay, you don't have to apologize," Kei reassured her.

"Yes, I think I was pushing too much," Suzu said in a softer tone.

Aoi sighed. "I just don't like exposing my skin."

"We understand," Suzu said. "But you're still coming, right?"

Aoi looked at her, then at the others in front of her, before finally replying, "Let's see."

She told that but had to change her mind the next day morning when she got a call from Kiyotaka.

"Aoi, are you going to the pool today?" - he asked.

"I haven't made a decision yet, but I think I'll pass."

"Actually, I want your help with something."

The violet-eyed was a bit taken aback, "Help? From me?"

"Yes, I've also asked Hoikita but the more the better," - he said, "Ike was the one who suggested to go to the pool. They are planning to set cameras in the girls' dressing room and peep on them."

Aoi frowned, "Geh, that's so childish."

"So, I want you to get rid of those cameras before the girls go back from the pool." - he finished, "Horikita will be there too."

"Okay," - Aoi agreed, "But why me?"

Kiyotaka replied after a moment, "Because you two are someone I can trust the most for now."

"Is that so," - the black-haired hummed, "Okay then, I'll help."


"No worries," - she said before the call was canceled.

Last night Satsuki also informed me that he was going to the pool with his friends. That didn't make Aoi enough interested. But now that she'd taken the duty, she had to fulfill it.

After taking a bath, she put her school swimsuit along with a towel in her bag.

Suzu messaged her that she is down the building. The others went ahead leaving her as she woke up late.


You're going ryt?




Great. Get down rn

She got down, meeting Suzu along with Horikita. Aoi greeted her. The red-eyed returned it with a cold tone.

"Ayanokoji told you everything, right?" - she asked, once Suzu was away enough not to hear.

Aoi nodded, "Yes, you need not worry," - she said, "Looking forward to working with you."

Horikita nodded. Kiyotaka, Kushida, and Sakura soon joined them. "Where are Ike, Sudo, and the others?"

"Hey! Hey!" - Ike's voice was heard from behind, "Sorry we are late, we overslept."

"Overslept?" - Sakura asked, But you were coming from the direction of the pool."

The trio flinched. Sudo waved his hand, "Leave it, who cares about the details? Let's get going."

Aoi scoffed mentally at their nervousness and stammering. They started for the pool before Suzu asked, "Did you get the suit?"

"Yeah," - Aoi replied, "Did you buy yours?"

Suzu blushed, but showed confidence, "Yeah, you know Kanzaki-kun is going to be there too!" - she squealed, "I can't wait for it!"

"Are you two already dating?"

"Nah, that's too soon. I'll take time."

Aoi smiled a bit seeing her happy face, "Good for you."

Reaching the pool, the girls headed to the dressing room. Aoi clutched her suit.

Now, she sighed, where do I change?

The dressing room was filled with girls changing their dresses. Aoi flushed a bit seeing all the delicate bodies around her.

"Aren't you going to change Aoi-chan?" - Kushida asked while fitting her bra.

"Ah- yes," - the violet haired tried to make up something, "Oh, I forgot something," - she turned, "I'm coming right back."

Kushida tilted her head while Horikita side glanced at her. Aoi gulped before leaving the room hesitating.

It's normal, if I act like this they surely will think that I'm some creep.

Aoi hid in a corner beside the room as she waited for the girls to finish up. And it took longer than her patience could last.

The black-haired groaned in boredom. She watched the girls along with Suzu get out of the room. After a couple of minutes, Horikita, Kushida, and Sakura along with some more girls came out. No one noticed her sitting in the corner.

Gosh, I feel like I'm such a creep.

Realizing no one was left anymore in the room, she decided to go in. The violet-eyed peeked through the door to see if there was a soul. Feeling relieved at the emptiness, she closed the door behind her before standing in from of a locker.

What if someone comes in now?

Ugh, let's just hurry and change.

She opened the locker and took the suit delivered from the authority. With a quick hand, she got rid of her clothes and wore the suit on.

Zipping the front side, she closed the locker walking out of the room. Violet eyes glanced at the Hall to see if anyone from the perverted group was there.

Guess they have someone to monitor somewhere.

Aoi decided to enter the pool by now. As the bright sun hit her eyes, the pink haired rushed to her side, "Aoi-chan! You are here finally!" - Suzu huffed, "What took you so long?"

"I was in the washroom actually," - she lied.

"Is your stomach clear now?"


"Ah! Aoi-chan!" - she let out a slight gasp, "Such a flat chest you have!" - she giggled.

Aoi rolled her eyes, "Shut up, will you?"

"No, it's suuuper cute," - she giggled again earning a murderous glare from the violet-eyed.

"Is that you Aoi?" - a familiar voice called from behind before she turned back.

"Satsu-nii." - Aoi smiled.

Suzu's eyes widened as they glanced several times between the silver-haired handsome guy and Aoi.

"Heh?!" - Suzu gasped, "Aoi-chan, you know this handsome? Your boyfriend?"

"No, no we are more like siblings," - Satsuki waved his hand as he grinned, "You are her friend?"

"Yes, I am," - Suzu flipped her hair, "Though she doesn't accept me as."

Satsuki chuckled, "Don't worry, she'll slowly get along," - he said, "Right Aoi?"

"I'll try," - she replied nonchalantly.

"Oh, I noticed Kanzaki-kun," - Suzu said looking afar, "I'll be back soon, okay?" - without giving the time to respond she rushed away leaving the two alone.

"So...," - Satsuki glanced at the suit she wore, his eyes were worried about a tint of sadness, "You haven't still gotten over that moment," - his voice low, "And you were telling me you're fine."

"I am fine," - Aoi said, grabbing her other elbow, "I'm not disturbed by what happened years ago, it's just that I realized people don't like anything out of the ordinary."

"Don't say that," - Satsuki said, "It wasn't your fault for what happened, don't let it chase out your joy like this."

Aoi locked her violet eyes with gray ones, "I know you are worried, but I'm okay," - she smiled, "It doesn't make any hindrance to my happiness."

Satsuki dropped his shoulders, "If you say so," - he said, "But know that I'm always here, okay?"

"Of course you are," - Aoi smiled.


"Oh, my friend I calling me," - the silver-haired said, "I'll be going, take care Aoi. "


Aoi headed ahead seeing familiar faces. Kushida asked about Yamauchi and the other two freaked out.

They are so obvious.

"Aoi-chan, would you play volleyball?" - Kushida asked.

"I've never played volleyball actually," - Aoi replied.

"No problem, just join us and you'll learn."

"Are you sure? I may let the team down."

Kushida waved her hand, "Don't worry about that, playing is all it's about," - she said, "Besides, we have Sudo and Ike so we'll be fine."

"Okay then, I'll give it a try."

The play started and Aoi noticed her pink-haired 'friend' on the other side. She frowned at her and she nervously smiled.

"They had one person less so asked me if I can join them, teehee," - Suzu showed excuses and the violet-eyed rolled her eyes. She could sense her always stealing a glance at the purple-haired boy from time to time.

So this is her crush? Not a bad choice.

As their play continued, Aoi noticed Kiyotaka beside her taking a position. She couldn't help but notice his physical build. The ball came to her sight and she blocked it properly, sending it flying to Ike.

"Do you workout regularly, Kiyotaka-kun?" - she asked.

The brown haired shifted his place to their side, "Not really."

"But your body says otherwise," - Aoi huffed, "And it's so well built that it cannot be made without working out a lot."

"Not actually," - Kiyotaka denied which made Aoi to decide ignore for now.

While they continued playing, a crowd gathered around the bathroom and Aoi know why. Ike and Sudo were acting too out of character. Meanwhile, Sudo ran off to the washroom while Yamauchi came.

According to Kiyotaka other classes were gathered in front of the bathroom and Kiyotaka had to do something to clear it all. He made Horikita give an attention grasping speech.

Her speech worked as all the students were giving attention to her while the situation backward was cleared. Aoi couldn't but feel mesmerized by their speech of Horikita.

After enjoying half of the day, in the afternoon, Aoi and Horikita got into their duties. The two black haired removed the cameras hidden in the lockers.

"You seem to be close to Ayanokoji-kun." - Horikita suddenly remarked.

"It's not like how you are putting but yes, I think we're close." - Aoi replied.

"You are even on a first-name basis." - Horikita mumbled closing the locker.

Aoi sighed, "I think we're close enough to call ourselves by our names."

"But aren't you rushing too much? Ayanokoji-kun doesn't even seem like to enjoy anything."

The violet-eyed struggled with the urge to roll her eyes, "Is that jealousy?" - she asked, having enough of her crappy personality.

"Look, I like you Horikita-san. I'm not your enemy here. I like how determined and straightforward you are, not everyone is like this. But you should be a bit more gentle to others. I'm not telling you to make friends but at least try to be approachable." - she continued, "Not everyone is as useless as you think, you're not the only one having great expectations."

Horikita frowned, "That's the last thing I want to hear from you, Murasaki-san. Do you have any goals? You're just always trying to escape like others out there."

Aoi was a bit startled but composed herself. She took a breath before saying, "Everyone does not show what their goal is. Yes, I may seem like escaping from things and hassles, but I do not abound to give you the reason why or tell you what my goal is," - the locker closed with a thud as she turned back.

Before leaving the room she turned her head back, "And you should also fix that scowl on your face."

Aoi felt her body get warmer. It's been years since she felt this much angry towards someone. God, she's destroying my respect for her herself.

As she came out to the poolside, she spotted Kiyotaka, moving to his side.

"All done?" - the brown-haired asked.

"Yes," - Aoi nodded.

"They had cameras on every locker," - Horikita came from behind.

"It would be easier if other classes didn't appear," - Kiyotaka said, "If it weren't for you two then the fall of class D was sure."

Aoi stepped aside from the two as they spoke. Violet's eyes searched for Satsuki but couldn't find them. She assumed that he and his friends already left.

Her gaze went to the students giving out all their energy on the pool. She noticed the pink haired along with her friends and some others from class B.

As much as she wanted to take part in that, but the bitter memories of past experiences held her back.

Her gaze snapped when she saw Kiyotaka push Horikita into the pool. Horikita rose her head up breathing in before shooting a glare at Kiyotaka, "What's your problem?"

Kiyotaka offered his hand, "Sorry, sorry."

Horikita took it before pulling him to the pool, splattering water everywhere.

Ao narrowed her eyes, Now, now you aren't middle schoolers-

Kushida joined in splattering water at Horikita, "Take it! Take it!"

Suzu and the others swam closer. She waved a hand towards Aoi, "Aoi-chan, dive in!" - she said, "The pool isn't that deep!"

"Enough deep for someone who doesn't know swimming," - Aoi nervously laughed, "You guys enjoy," - she turned.

"Aoi-chan! Let's dive in!" - Ike exclaimed as he stormed towards her along with Yamauchi and Sudo.

Aoi raised her hand in defense, "No- I'm okay," - she subconsciously stepped backward. Not realizing how slippery the floor was, her foot slipped.

What the-



Should I do big scene or small scene???

The chapter was so hibijibi, it tortured me lol.

Thanks for all of your kind supports, I love you <3

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