your overreacting part 1(SJ)

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Your 19
Trigger Warning ⚠️- Absuse

Scarlett's POV
My daughter y/n has been in a relationship with her boyfriend Olly since they were 17, don't get me wrong they are a cute couple but I'm her Momma and she's my one and only baby so naturally I had my doubts, tho Olly never gave me reason to worry up until about a month ago. Y/n has been different, she doesn't see her friends often anymore, she sees Olly more than anyone. What hurts me the most is I don't get to see my baby as much anymore. I know what your thinking Scarlett she's 19, it doesn't matter how old she is y/n/n is my baby. She always will be and with my line of work our time together is limited as it is, it's always been me and her and then Colin came on the scene when she was 10 and we have been a close family unit since.

I'm sat in the kitchen on my laptop just replying to some emails when y/n comes down stairs.

"Hey Momma" she says sweetly before walking to the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water. I turn to look at my girl to see she is dressed in a long sleeve t-shirt and baggy joggers making me frown as it's like 80 degrees out.

"Hey baby, come give your momma a cuddle!" I exclaim, opening my arms doing grabby hands to my daughter, making her giggle lightly as she makes her way into my arms laying her head on my shoulder. As i wrapped my arms around giving her a tight squeeze she winces.

"I'm sorry sweetheart did i hurt you?" I ask softly pulling away keeping my hands firmly on her arms rubbing them up and down softly. She hesitates looking at me but won't meet my eyes, before saying no. I furrow my eyebrows at her before reaching to lift the sleeves of her shirt up. Immediately y/n pulls away from my grasp, leaving me shocked.

"Y/n is there something i should know sweetheart?" I ask softly. She doesn't say anything, she just keeps avoiding my gaze. I get out of my seat and reach out to cup her cheeks, she flinches and backed away from me, a look up of hurt then concern flashed across my eyes, before the worry and fear set in.

"Y/n/n i would never ever hurt you. you know that right?" I ask softly, shocked by her sudden reaction. I watch as her eyes fill with tears as she nods, it breaks my heart to see my little girl in this state. Somethings not right I just need to find out what.

"Come here baby" I encourage holding my arms out for her to run into. She may be 19 but she took after me, she's my small little bean. Y/n hesitates for a second before running straight into my arms sobbing. I wrap my arms around her tightly, holding her head close to my chest.

"Shhh baby it's okay. Momma's got you sweetheart, I'm not going anywhere." I whisper directly into her ear. I have been holding her for the last 15 minutes she hasn't stopped shaking in my arms, i just carry on whispering sweet things into her ear, swaying us side to side lightly. She starts to calm down, I move us both over to couch, bringing her into my arms.

"You ready to tell momma what's going on baby?" I ask softly, stroking her hair placing a kiss on her forehead. I feel her nod against me before I lead us over to the couch. I sit us both down holding her hands in mine. She doesn't meet my eyes, so I reach up brushing her blonde hair out of her face tucking it behind her ears, placing two fingers under her chin to meet my eye line.

"You know you can tell me anything don't you y/n, I'm your momma" I speak to her softly.

"He didn't mean it Momma, it was an accident" she says to me shaking her head slightly. I furrow my eyebrows i think I already know where this is going but I'm not 100%. I reach forward wiping my tears with the pads of my thumbs, moving to stroke her cheek.

"Who didn't sweetheart?" I ask softly.

"olly." when i heard that mama my blood instantly ran cold. How dare he lay a finger on my little girl. Y/n is the sweetest little soul, and how she's still defending him i don't know.

"Can you tell me what he did?" i ask softly trying not to show my rising anger towards that jerk.

"Mom it was nothing, it was my fault. I made him upset" she's sniffles still snuggled in my arms.

"Sweetheart nothing you could do will ever justify him hurting you. What did he do?" I say softly, combing my fingers through her hair softly.

"I went out with some friends during the day, i got back later than expected, which meant i was late meeting him. I didn't tell him I was meeting them. He got upset and he grabbed me pushed my against the wall, before kneeing me in the stomach. He didn't mean it momma, it's my fault i upset him, i deserved it." She says to me. I can hear every inch of remorse in her voice. She honestly believes this is her fault!

"y/n you didn't deserve this, has he hurt you before this?" I ask softly moving so my arms are still around her but I can now see her face clearly.

"umm yeah a couple times, once a few weeks ago and then when he was drunk a few times. He always apologises, plus i wind him up" She says dismissing everything completely. I move so I'm sat up properly, y/n moving so she's sat opposite me, I move to cup her cheeks.

"Sweetheart, he should never ever lay a finger on you. Ever. I know it's scary baby but we can go to the Cops and we can get this sorted. Your not alone Baby." I say softly trying to keep myself together for my little girl.

"Cops why would we go to the Cops?" she asked moving my hands away from her face backing away from me.

"Y/n what he's doing to you isn't okay, it's abuse." I speak sternly but still softly. I'm worried about my little girl, he's manipulated her so much she thinks this is okay.

"Mom your overreacting. It was an accident" she says agitated, getting up off the couch.

"Y/n please, him hurting you was not an accident. Sweetheart i'm sorry but it's the truth. In fact i don't want you seeing him anymore" I speak truthfully.

"What you can't stop me." she shouts.

"Baby, i'm just trying to protect you." I plead with her. I watch as she rolls her eyes, before grabbing her phone and car keys before heading to the door. I go after her quickly.

"Y/n where are you going?" I sigh.

"Just leave me alone" she shots before walking out the door slamming it behind her.

I audibly sigh, I hear Colin come down the stairs
and into the living room.

" What was all that about?" he asks coming up behind me wrapping his arms around me. I turn to face him letting at a sob.

"Oh Scar" He breathes wrapping his arms tightly around me.

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