Your not my mom pt 2 (SJ)

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Scarlett's pov

I was watching tv when my phone went I looked at the caller ID only for it to read my step daughters name. I was confused but non the less I answered it.

"Darcy is everything okay?" I question as soon as I answer...
I didn't get a response I could just hear heavy breathing the other end of the phone.

"Darcy?" I try again but this time I get a response

"I-I can't b-breathe.." she says "I c-can't b-breathe" she sobs to me

"Sweetheart I need to you take deep breaths okay, in and out, where are you?" I spoke calmly to mask the fact that on the inside I was internally panicking.

"I'm at s-school in the b-bathroom.." she says through her sobs. I can hear her sobs picking up and her breathing becoming more erratic.

"It's okay. It's okay honey I'm on my way, just stay where you are and keep taking to me okay? Let me hear your voice" I say sweetly as I get in the car luckily the school is only a 10 minute drive.

"Mommy I'm s-scared" Darcy sobs

Mommy... she just called me mommy. She has never called me mommy or mama or anything like that. I was ecstatic but soon remember my 13 year old at the End of the phone.

"I know. I know I'm almost hear baby okay just keep breathing and I will be there in 5 minutes" I say

Shortly after I pull up at her school and head to the bathroom to be met with a broken looking Darcy I rush over to her pulling her into my lap. She straddles me clinging to me like a koala. She buries her head into my neck and continues to sob.
I have never held her before. I begin to stroke her hair trying to calm her down.

"Okay baby you need to follow my breathing okay, listen to my heart beat can you do that for me?" I say softly

I feel her nod and slowly she begins to calm down. She brings her head out of my neck too meet my gaze, only now do I see the cuts and bruising on her cheeks and eye as well as the dried blood around her nose.

I brush darcys hair out of her face and rest my hand on her cheek slowly creasing it with my thumb. She leans into my touch as a tear runs down her cheek. I place a kiss on her forehead before lifting her up on to the counter.

"Let's get you cleaned up hmm?" I say. Darcy nods in response I start to clean her face gently she hisses in pain as I clean the cuts on her cheeks.

" I'm sorry angel, I don't mean to hurt you.. I'm almost done I promise" I say
She nods again as I continue until I'm all done.

I through the dirty tissue in the bin and turn again to face her bringing her face into my hands

"There we go all done. You were so brave" I cooe before kissing her nose making her giggle. I step back so she can hope of the counter and she immediately embraces me putting her face in my chest.

To say I was shocked was an under statement but I was happy so happy.

"Thank you ma- Scarlett" she whispers

I stroke the back of her head and kiss her forehead before pulling away to kneel at her height.

"Can you tell me what happened angel?" I ask holding on to her little hands

"These girls have been bullying me for years and it got worse after you and my dad started dating. They say that my mom left me because I'm a waste of space and that you will leave to when you see it. Then they started taking bad about you and I didn't like it so I hit her.. then they pinned me to the floor and did this." She says as a tear runs down her cheek. I go to speak but my heart breaks at what Darcy says next.

"My mom left because she hated me.. and now I have made you hate me I ruin everything for dad" she sobs

"Hey hey look at me. I don't hate you darce not one single bit. I love you as my own daughter, because your are. I love your dad so much and I love you so much. And I promise you I'm not going anywhere because your my daughter now" I say whipping her tears

She engulfs me in a hug again which I return pulling her closer to me and holding her tight.

"I love you to Scarlett" she whispers making my heart swell.

"Do you want me to call your dad" I ask

I feel her shake her head
" no I just want you mama" she responds

"Okay baby let's get you home, so we can snuggle"

And that's what we did until Colin got home. When he did I told him everything and how I finally understood why she kept pushing me away and how she called me mama.

He joined us on the couch I had Darcy in my arms. It was silent until.

Darcy's pov
Maybe it was stupid to ask after I pushed her away for so long but Scarlett did say she loved me like her daughter so.. here goes nothing

"Mama, Scarlett I mean.." I begin..

"Yeah baby" she says stroking my hair

"Will you adopted me? And actually be my mom. I know I pushed you away and I understand if you don't want me as your daughter. But I really do want you as my mom." I say looking down

I feel two fingers pull up my chin and I am met with Scarlett's teary eyes...

"I would love nothing more than to be your mama" she says to which I immediately hug her.

I can see my dad smiling with a few tears falling.

"I love you mama" I say to Scarlett

" I love you my sweet baby girl.. so much" she responds kissing my head and pulling me into her chest.

"And I love you both. My girls. My perfect family." Dad says.

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