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Scarlett's Pov

I have been away filming the Black Widow stand alone for the last 8 months in LA. Unfortunately I wasn't able to bring my daughter y/n with me. She's back home in New York with Lizzie looking after her. It broke my heart leaving, she may be 16 but she is still my little baby, always.

I still have a month left of filming, and knowing it may be extended was killing me. I was on a break so I decided to FaceTime my daughter. It rang out with no answer, I was a bit disappointed but decided to text her as maybe she was out.

y/n/n 💕

Mama ❤️
Hey baby, just checking in

I hope your having fun with
Aunt Lizzie. I miss you so much.
I love you xxx

A few hours went by and it was now lunch time and I still haven't heard from my daughter. It was slowly driving me insane, I just want my Little girl here with me safe in my arms. I let out a heavy sigh before heading back to set.

Y/n's Pov

I have always been a massive Mamas girl, since i was a baby. My mom is my best friend in the whole world. I get really anxious when she's away, i spent a lot of the time crying recently just wanting a hug from my mama. I may be 16 but i will always need my mom. Me and Aunt liz had been speaking to Flo, my moms co-star for her new movie, she's said mom had been missing being away from me a lot. To be honest i missed her too, so much.

We organised with Flo a way to surprise my mom. Lizzie and i would go to the airport and get a plane to Moms filming Location. Florence would then meet us at the airport to take us back to surprise mom. Which brings me to where we are now.

I'm stood outside the set door Florence went in to tell Kate i was here . She came back letting  me and liz in. Mom was "Filming" a scene when Kate the director gave me a wink.

"Cut" Kate shouted.

Scarlett's Pov

"Cut" i heard Kate yell.

I look to her confused
"did i do something wrong" i asked

"No you were perfect" i heard someone say. That's not Kate's voice. I turn my head to see my Daughter with a huge smile on her face. I instantly drop into a crouch hiding my face sobbing. Before running to my daughter pulling her into my embrace.

"i can't believe your really here! I missed you so much baby!" i whisper stroking her hair holding her head close to me.

"I missed you more mommy" she whispers back to me as i feel her tears on my shoulder. I pull away slightly wiping her tears, she reaches up wiping mine away. I smile cupping her cheeks kissing her fore head. At which point i see both Lizzie and Florence filming the whole thing. I pull y/n in front of me wrapping my arms around her shoulders resting my head on her head.

"I'm assuming this was both of your ideas?" i ask causing them to giggle and nod.

"It was indeed" Florence says with a wide smile.

Kate gave me the afternoon off, i took y/n back to where i was staying, Lizzie had gone to stay with flo.

Myself and Y/n were cuddled up in my bed catching up on the last 8 months.

"I really missed you mama. I hate being away from you for so long." she whispers nuzzling her head into my neck. I kiss the top of her head, stroking her hair.

"I know sweetheart, i hate it too. I'm not leaving you again anytime soon. I missed you more than anything" i say holding her close to me.

"Mommy?" she whispers.

"Baby?" i whisper back

"can i sleep with you tonight?" she asks shyly.

"oh sweetheart. you don't need to ask! of course you can" i say kissing her head resting my head on top of hers. She snuggled closer to me.

"I Love You more than anything my beautiful baby girl!" i say to her.

"i love you so much mama" she says back

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