Party (SJ)

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You are 15 in this story

You would think being the daughter of Scarlett Johannson  and Colin Jost would be the best thing in the world, and your not wrong but for y/n it also came with a lot of down sides having such a public life.

Y/n had just got home from school when she found her mom and dad in the kitchen.

Scarlett clocked her daughter and immediately embraced her
"Hey Sweetheart how was school?" She asked as she squeezed her daughter...

"It was good... I got invited to a party tonight and I was wondering..."

Scarlett immediately pulled away from her daughter..

"No absolutely not.. no chance in hell are you going young lady." She demanded at her

"Scar don't you think.." Colin attempted to say.

"No Colin. I'm sorry y/n but the answer is no.. not happening."

Y/n immediately ran to her room and refused to come out..once she heard her parents head to bed she knew she could get her plan in action. Y/n carefully snuck out to attend the party.. without her parents finding out. A few hours had last and it was now 12:00am and y/n snuck back in..,

"So where have you been young lady?" Scarlett question the young girl

Y/n went to answer before she got the chance her mom said ...

"Don't bother trying to explain.. your grounded, I'm so upset with you right now. Get out of my sight."

"All I want is to be normal" y/n shouted as she walked up the stairs, to which Scarlett sighed.

Y/n stuck out her grounding and her and her parents set out rules so everyone was happy and y/n had more normality.

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