im not sick (SJ)

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16 years old


Scarlett's POV

I'm stood there staring at my little baby, my heart aching.. how did we even get here. I look at the girl stood in-front of me who looks like my little girl but she's not the same...

a few hours before...

I was sat in my living room on the couch just sat on my phone waiting for my daughter to get home. I have had a busy week shooting so i haven't seen her as much as i would have liked. So i decided that tonight we could spend the evening together snuggled on the couch watching films. I heard the door slam indicating that my little baby had gotten back from school. I watched her walk into the living room, I took one look at her and something didn't feel right.

"Hi baby, did you have a good day.."

"Hi Momma, it was fine. " she smiles, yet it didn't quite meet her eyes.

"So I was thinking that we could have a mommy daughter evening, we can watch movies get take out and just cuddle?" I say walk closer to my little girl to cup her cheeks, rubbing my thumb across her sharp cheek bone, making me frown.

"Oh um.. I'm really tired I think I'm just going to go to bed." She replies rather quickly. Im shocked. Y/n never turns down the opportunity to spend time together. I feel my eyes well up slightly, but I try to brush it away. I kiss her fore head before stepping away.

"that's okay sweetheart. I will call you down when it's dinner okay?" i say sweetly. I swear i see her face fall. She nods before running away to her room. I had a hunch for a while that my little baby isn't well.. but i wasn't sure, i'm still not 100% but i'm hoping tonight should shed some light on the situation. 

It's now 6:00 and dinner is ready so i should go up to y/n/n to let her know that it's ready. She slowly appears downstairs. She looks sad, i pull her into a hug tightly wrapping my arms around her, i slightly move my head down so i'm talking to her as her hides her face in my neck.

"y/n/n sweetheart, are you okay?" i ask softly, stroking her hair. I feel her nod into my chest, i let her go and we go sit at the table.

"Are you gonna eat baby?" i ask her softly, i know not to push her.. my heart aches i think i know what's happening, i'm just praying to god that i'm wrong. Deep down i know that i'm right i felt how tiny she is and it breaks my heart.

"I'm not hungry ate a big lunch." she replies with a half smile. My heart sank to my stomach. My card never got charged today. She hasn't eaten, i don't know how to approach this. I'm worried about my little girl but i don't wanna push her over the edge.

"can you try eat a little bit for mama?" i ask her softly. She doesn't say anything she just nods. I watch her pick up her fork and start to eat. I mentally sigh. Y/n probably gets about half way through before she puts her fork down and stands up..

"I'm just going to the bathroom" she says. immediately i panic. I stand up blocking her way.

"I'm sorry Sweetheart i can't let you do that" I say sternly, even tho inside my heart is breaking.

"What? Why?" y/n responds in a defensive tone yet i can still feel how nervous she is underneath.

"y/n/n your not well, and that's okay baby. I'm gonna help you okay, that's why i'm doing this." I say reaching for her, she pushes me away running up the stairs into her room. I followed quickly after her shouting her name.

"Y/n open the door." I say sternly, trying not to shout, she's done nothing wrong she's just not well. I don't get a clear response, I can just hear her sobbing and breathing heavy.

"Please baby open the door for me." I plead through the door, I'm terrified that she is going to do something silly, I'm beginning to panic. I need to get that damn door open. Think Scar think. Then it hits me.

"Y/n if you don't open this door right now. I'm going to kick it in." I get a loud sob in response as well as some crashing sounds. Well that was it I can't sit by any longer, just as I go to force the door I hear the bolt slide, indicating that it's unlocked. I take a deep breath before opening the door to a sight, that no mother wants to see.

My little girl stood if front of her mirror in a sports bra and shorts, sobbing at her reflection.

"I'm not s-sick..." she says, i think for herself more than anything.

"Y/n/n, it's okay baby, we're gonna get you through this... i'm going to help you get better okay baby." I say softly. As i walk closer to her only now do i see how bad this really is. She's always been petite but now, she's tiny, i can see every inch of her body, and it breaks my heart that i didn't notice sooner.

"i'm not sick." " i'm not sick" she's keeps repeating in a whisper over and over again, until i get close enough to turn her around to face me.

"Sweetheart it's okay..." I say holding her hand cupping her cheek softly to rub it with my thumb.

"I'm sorry Mommy.." she sobs. My heart breaks she never calls me Mommy anymore. In that moment i knew it had sank in for her. I needed to protect my girl at all costs.

"Shhhh.... It's okay Baby. Mommy's here i'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna get you through this baby. I love you so much my Y/n"

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