X Chapter X Three X

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Chapter 3 : Dreams x And x Nightmares


"Hey, Chizumi! Come over here and blow your candles!!"

"But mom!! Someone fired a gun outside!!!"

"Don't worry, my princess, this is your day so come with us and celebrate!"

"Hey Dad! Please listen to me! Let's get out of here, it's too dangerous!"

"Don't mind it and just smile, Chizumi! We're here for you!"

"Pairo... Kurapika... but--"




I woke up immediately but soon regrets it because of the sunlight that irritates my eyes.

"What happened?" I asked more likely to myself.

"I should be the one asking that to you," I turned to my side and found a worried Pairo.

"Hey... I'm sorry, I'm not aware that you're here," I laughed awkwardly.

"It's fine... I just want to know what's happening to you,"

"Why did you asked? Is there something wrong with me earlier?"

"Yeah. I'm waking you up but it seems like you're struggling to something,"

"Oh, that. I guess I'm just having a nightmare,"

"About what?"

"It's--" I stopped mid way when I realized that I have nothing to say.

"What's wrong?"

"I... can't remember anything," I tried to remember the dream but to no avail.

"Alright. Let's not just talk about it. Maybe it's a good thing to forget about a nightmare," I nodded at his advice.

Pairo walk away and grab something from behind.

"Tadaa~ wear this and get ready," I frowned at his surprise. And actually got confused.

"What is that for?"

"Just wear it and get ready for this day. Because I still have something to show you,"

I examined his smiling face and sighed. "Maybe I don't have any choice,"

I lazily got up from my bed and approach an excited Pairo. "You're really creeping me out,"

"Why? I'm just excited,"

"How obvious,"

I closed the door behind after grabbing the fabric on Pairo's hands.

'I really wonder what's this for... and very curious about Pairo acting strange..."

After I take a bath, I found myself in front of Pairo who is helping me fix the dress.

"What can you say?" Pairo started as we finished fixing the dress.

"Is it too... girly?" I said so unsurely. As much as possible, I don't want to offend Pairo because I know he prepared this all by himself.

But instead, I heard a soft laugh coming from him. "Why not? You're a girl, Chizumi,"

I rolled my eyes. "Indeed,"

"Don't you like it?" He asked.

"No, I don't like it," I said playfully.

"Aww~ that hurts," he smiled because he knew that I'm kidding.

"It's not like that. You know how much I appreciated this,"

"Yeah. I definitely know about that," he walk towards the door and turned the knob. "Make sure to be ready. I'll come back and fetch you here,"

"See you," I nodded even though I'm still confuse of what's going on.

But I can feel something special with this day. I'm not just really sure about what I'm forgetting.

But for now, I'll just go with the flow and wait what will happen today.

"Let see," I picked a silver dusted hair pin and put it on my now brushed black hair-- I mean, dark blue.

Now that I got it wrong, I remembered Kurapika being mistaken in describing my hair color.

"Hey, Kurapika, can you describe how Chizumi look?"

I felt a little nervous of how Kurapika will describe me to Pairo. A part of me wants to know what Kurapika can say about me. But a part of me don't want that too.

"She's too ugly," and this is when he get so playful.

"Grrr~ what did you just say!?" I punched my fist to my palm.

"Do you want me to repeat?" And sometimes, he really get into my nerves.

"Hey, stop it you two! You're always fighting over little things just like that, it's not nice," I heard Pairo giggled a little like he's amused.

"Well, tell your friend about his ugly attitude," I rolled my eyes at Kurapika before picking some flower to put on my basket.

"Kurapika, that's not so nice of you. Don't tease Chizumi, she's a good friend," I heard how Pairo lectured Kurapika.

And I also heard how Kurapika clicked his tongue. That badass.

"You know I'm just playing around,"

"I know. Now, can you describe Chizumi for me?"

"Why do I have to?"

"Don't ask, just do it for me, can you?" Pairo is still convincing Kurapika to describe me to him.

Poor Pairo. I know how much he wanted to see me clearly, but to his dismay, he can't. He's blind and not capable to do that.

"Alright. You know, she has this black hair that reach her waist," Kurapika described. But he got it wrong.

"Hey, my hair is dark blue, not black!" I corrected.

"Eh!?" I rolled my eyes.

Until now, I often mistaken my hair as a color of black like he always do.

I stood in front of full size mirror and saw the other side of me that I thought I'll never saw again-- it's been a while since I saw myself looking pretty like this.

Wearing that red and yellow colored dress that is designed in our traditional tribal clothes and reach my knees, with matching flat shoes.

Now that I saw my reflection in the mirror, I slightly doubt if this is really me. I mean, I'm not used to this.

I used to be in boyish style since my friends are two boys. Not this too girly.

"Hey, Chizumi! We have to go now," I jumped in surprise when Pairo suddenly entered my room.

"That was... fast,"

He slightly laughed. "I'm sorry, I didn't knock on your door. I'm just excited,"

"Alright. So, shall we go?"

He held my hand and we made our way to our destination together. I don't even know where we're going.

But Pairo assured me that he knows where we are going. Although it's somewhat ironic that he's the one who's guiding me instead of the other way around.

"We're here!" Pairo excitedly exclaimed as we reached our point.

I frowned in confusion. "Seriously? We're almost on top of the hill!"

"Such a surprising face from you, Chizumi. Usually, you're the one who bring us to a quiet high places like this, aren't you?"

I turned around and saw a smiling Kurapika, slowly approaching us. "You know me well, Mr. Kurapika,"

"Of course I do, Ms. Chizumi ,"

"Oopps! That's enough, it might bring you two to another fight," thanks to Pairo who always save the day.

"So, what now? What are we going to do here?" I asked curiously.

"Ask Kurapika, the mastermind behind this all," Pairo point a finger to Kurapika.

I raised a brow at him. "Don't make it too fast, I know what to do,"

He made his way to the top of the hill so we just follow behind. Now that I noticed, I'm curious about the basket in Kurapika's hand.

"Whoa!" An amazing view of our place beneath the hill met my eyes.

"I hope Pairo could see this," I mumbled under my breath.

"Alright! Chizumi, stop spacing out. Let's eat now, I brought some foods here," so that is why he had basket on him.

"What an effort,"

"Why? Don't you like it?"

"So you actually prepared all of it?"

"Yeah. Amused, eh?"

"Nah. Not bad,"

He frowned at my comment but I just laughed it off. Too cute for a Kurapika.

"Stop teasing around and just enjoy my preparations, you might regret it because it's only once in a year,"

"I can disturb you every year to make such preparations like this, you know that?"

The expression on his face suddenly fade away and was replaced with a serious one.

"What? Don't worry, I appreciated this and actually enjoying the food without that expression on your face,"

I tried to lighten up the mood but he just smiled.

"It's not about it, duh," he rolled his eyes. Well, slightly.

"Then what's with that face, huh?" I munched the apple while frowning at him.

"It's actually about him leaving," Pairo muttered casually.

"Oh. Wait--what!?" It took me a while to realize what Pairo said. And it really shock me.

"Is that true?" I asked unbelieving.

"Yeah. I said it to Pairo a long time ago, when I was just planning it but now I actually decided."

"And you didn't actually said this to me?" I felt a slight pain about the thought of him not trusting me as his friend.

"Because I know you won't like it,"

"But still, you should have said it to me, at least I could ready myself."

"But there is still this one reason that keeps me from telling that,"

"Then what is it? About me interfering your decision?"

"No it's not! It's about... I don't want you to get mad at me so that I'll be able to enjoy the remaining days with you and Pairo,"

A deafening silence came towards after his confession.

I sighed and a sincere smile took its way to my face.

"Wakarimashta," I mumbled.

"Now I know how dramatic you can be," I heard Pairo laughed hard after hearing my comment.

I joined his laughter while enjoying how Kurapika fume in frustration.

"You guys aren't on right mind. I'm trying to be serious here," Kurapika averted his gaze towards the scenery.

"So, when are you going to leave?" I asked after we calmed down.

"Later, at 3 in the afternoon,"

I gasped. "Why too soon?"

"I need to, it's the outside world we're talking about,"

"So you're really leaving us here? Why?"

"I'm sorry, but I'm serious about it. I promised Pairo that once I passed grandpa's exam, I'll head outside to look for a specialist that can treat Pairo,"

I smiled genuinely. "I'm sure Pairo was grateful about that,"

"Yeah, I really am. Although it was bothering me how Kurapika would go through the outside world without us, just to find a cure for me, I decided to just support him no matter what,"

"That's why I've also made my decision!" I made a gesture of punching my fist upwards. "I'll support Kurapika also about his decision no matter what,"

A pair of hands made its way to my shoulders and another pair came after, tackling me in.

"What the!? Yamero!! You're choking me!!!"

"And because of that..." Pairo held out a match stick and a match box while trailing off his sentence.

"Tadaa~ please light out the candle..." then Kurapika held out a small cake.

"Wait--what's going on?" I got very confused about what's up on them.

"Chizumi, don't frown! Today is your special day so just smile even just this whole day," Pairo giggled at my innocent smile.

"I'm very sorry, I don't get it. Can you please tell me what's up?"

"Well then..." Kurapika put the cake in front of my face as the light of the candle reflects on my orbs.


A greeting that I didn't expect the most. What a shame.

"Now, make a wish before you blow your candle," Pairo said excitedly.

"Alright. I wish..." 'I wish this day would never end.'

I opened my eyes before I blow the candle. "I hope your wish will come true," Kurapika said while smiling genuinely.

"Yeah. You guys are the reason why I wish something like that. And even if I didn't wish that, you already made my dream come true,"

"Hey don't cry, I said you should be happy today," Pairo held me on my shoulders.

"You don't know how happy I am today. Tears was the evidence how words can't contain my happiness,"

I wiped the remaining tears in my face as I smiled cheekily. "But how come you know my birthday than me?"

They face palmed as they shook their heads. "Maybe you're already having a memory loss?" Kurapika said unsurely.

"So all this time, you're not really aware about what's on this day? To think that our actions might give you a hint?" Pairo asked really curious.

"Uhm... no? I'm really not. Yes I think that your actions are somewhat strange but I didn't come to that thought,"

"Unbelievable..." they mumbled to theirselves but I heard it so I just laughed it off.

I sliced the cake in equal parts and give the other one to Pairo and same to Kurapika.

"Ne, Chizumi, here's my little gift for you. I hope you'll like it," Pairo suddenly handed me a small book that is colored with mix blue and green.

It was entitled "Memories" that was written in gold cursive letter.

I opened it and the first thing that caught my eye was the three different colors of cherry blossom.

"Red stands for Pairo, Yellow stands for Kurapika and Blue stands for... me, am I right?"

"Yeah, you got it right. And don't underestimate that cherry blossoms because it is somewhat a special kind,"

"Is it because it has unique colors?"

"Nope. Because it doesn't wither for a very long time,"

I stared at the cherry blossoms in awe as I started to flip the pages of the book.

"So this is actually a... an album isn't it?"

"Yup. A specially made album for you,"

I hugged Pairo tightly that startled him. "Ohohoho does that mean that you really like it?"

"I love it! Arigato gozaimasu,"

"Okairi, Chizumi," after our hug, I embrace the album like I don't want to lose it.

"Hey, we're not yet done! Because Pairo has some present, of course I have too," and now it's Kurapika's turn to surprise me about something.

He gave out a small white box with a gold ribbon on it. I opened it and saw a red ruby earrings.

I gasped as I realized that it was a true ruby. "H-hey! Isn't this too expensive?"

"Uhm... maybe?"

"W-what!? You shouldn't bought this just for a present for me you idiot!"

"Is that a thanksgiving?"

"No it's not! I can't accept this if it's too expensive!"

He shook his head. "You should accept that. You don't know how hard to create that,"

"Wait--what? Did I hear it right? You... really made this by yourself?"

"Uhuh, that's right,"

"Whoa! I didn't know that you'll get this far just for a gift,"

"Hey! Don't get it wrong! I did it because Pairo said so,"

"Ooppss... I didn't say anything,"

We laughed on Kurapika's blushing face. "Kurapika! Don't get so flustered! Your face could match the color of these ruby earrings."

"Hmp! Okay, enjoy it because it would be just this once,"

I cleared my throat. "Alright. But seriously, I really appreciate this. Arigato gozaimasu,"

I smiled widely and hugged Kurapika tightly. "Okairi,"

Pairo joined us in a group hug, as I hugged them tightly enough like I'm gonna lose them.

"I hope this day would never end... and never ever fade in my memory,"


->Vocabulary Insert<-

Wakarimashta - I Understand
Arigato Gozaimasu - Thank You Very Much
Okairi - You're Welcome

(I'm not pretty sure that it was the right meaning so please correct me if I'm wrong, thanks ^_^)

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