Till Death We Part

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Look I'm updating regularly as promised. Anyways, this I believe is going to be the final chapter of this story. I have two more song fics lines up, or if preferred I have a few AUs I want to test out either in one shots or full on stories. If anyone has any preferences, suggestions, or otherwise, I'm all ears. As always, my one rule is don't be mean. I don't like seeing it, other readers don't like seeing it, so positive or constructive thoughts only please! Now, onto the story!

**As always, throughout this fic everyone is a legal adult somewhere in their twenties unless otherwise specified. The chapters also go in order of the song, not necessarily in chronological order. Some chapters may be longer or shorter than others.**


I wanna live with you

Even when we're ghosts

'Cause you were always there for me when I needed you most

I'm gonna love you till

My lungs give out

I promise till death we part like in our vows

So I wrote this song for you, now everybody knows

Finally it's just you and me till we're grey and old

Just say you won't let go


"We are gathered here today to say farewell to Bokuto Kotarou, and commit him into the hands of..."

It's been a week since he heard the priest say those words. Still, Keiji could hear them echoing in his mind, ricocheting off his skull only to loudly ring out again. He couldn't seem to drown it out. Though, there wasn't much noise in this quiet house anymore.

"He lived a good, long life," people keep saying. His, now all grown up, kids even tried to coax him out of the house by saying that, "Dad wouldn't want you cooped up in here. We're all gathering at Auntie's house. You should come."

He didn't go.

He couldn't help it. This was the house he and Kotarou made a home of. They spent ages working and saving up for it. They had to put so much work into it when they first bought it. They made it their own, built a family. Keiji couldn't bring himself to leave the once loud house. Even in old age Kotarou always managed to breathe rambunctious life into the place.

Keiji lifted his cup of tea to his lips. Gah, drats. Empty. Taking a moment to get up, he shuffled over to the kitchen and put on another pot of water. He glanced around the kitchen. Mostly everything was as it had been before Kotarou passed.

Wait, what's that? He must have not noticed it before, but tucked between a few recipe books was a small shoe box. Pulling it out, Keiji sat at the kitchen table before actually looking at it.

There was nothing very special about the box. It was a simple, plain white one with some sneaker company logo on it. It seemed that it was the box from one of Kotarou's favorite pairs of volleyball shoes. However, one significant difference on the outside that set it apart from any other shoe box was the small handwritten note on the top.

"My Keiji <3" he read aloud. He could feel tears welling up in his eyes already. He nearly put the box back, ready to forget about it. As he went to get up though, a different voice popped into his head. It wasn't the priest this time.

"Surprise! Did you like it?"

"Kou..." He breathed out in a whisper. His mind briefly flashed back to his husbands smiling face when he and the kids made Keiji breakfast in bed together. He looked back at the box. It would be a sin not to open it now.

Lifting off the top, his eyes were graced by an array of photos and little items from throughout the years. Keiji genuinely smiles, tears falling down his cheeks as he looked through every single one. It went as far back as high school. He stopped on one particular picture.

It was a photo of Keiji and Kotarou at Kotarou's graduation. It seemed the picture was taken without their knowledge, since Kou had slung his body onto Keiji on a bear hug as tears ran down both of their faces. Keiji almost laughed at the memory. Kotarou was moving away not long after, it was one of the last times they had seen each other for a while, before Kuroo's birthday party.

He went to go put everything back in the box when the photo fell onto the floor. As Keiji went to go pick it up, he noticed something written on the back.

"Thanks for being there for me when I needed you most. I love you, Keiji. Your husband, Kotarou."

Keiji broke down into sob right then and there, still smiling however. He placed everything back in the box, keeping the photo out. Going into his bedroom, he placed the photo on his bedside table. There it would stay until Keiji himself passed a few years later, still loving his husband with all his heart until his dying breath.


That's it for this one. I'll probably update and get started on another story this coming week. Thanks for reading!

Update: 4/15/19
I got to 1k views :D thanks so much all! Also I have a new Haikyuu story out if anyone wants to go by and check it out, that'd be cool.

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