Episode 2

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 Seonghwa found himself standing in front of probably the biggest building he's ever stood in front of with intentions of going inside.

 His heart raced as many wealthy people walked around him, showing off their expensive suits, brand name ties and bags, expensive watches, phones, everything he could never dream to afford.

 The young blonde boy wore his nicest suit which he had received as a gift from his mother before her passing.

 His suit it him perfectly, pain all black, buttoned up halfway, with a nice black turtle neck underneath with his only piece of jewelry, a simple gold necklace which was passed down from his late mother.

 He headed for the building, with a bit less confidence than before. the boy felt lost as soon as he entered the building. He went straight to the front desk for assistance.

 "I'm here for a job interview for the secretary position of Mr. Yun"

 The lady smiled at the boy, making him feel more at ease, he smiled back softly, trying to hide his nervousness.

 "What is your name?"

 "Park Seonghwa"

 The woman began typing on the computer before looking back up at him.

 "Take the elevator to floor 20, it will be the only door on that floor, good luck"

 The woman then smiled again and went onto assisting the other person as Seonghwa walked away, heading to the elevator as told.

 Seonghwa entered the elevator, internally reminding himself how to breathe.

 The pay was too high for him to pass up, despite already having a 'job' at a bar, besides its only a secretary job which didn't need anything more than a high school diploma, which he had, straight A's his whole life, in order to not disappoint as he never had enough money to go to college, no matter what he'd save, his father ended up taking it all from him in order to pay the bills and support his own alcohol addiction.

 Seonghwa stepped out of the elevator and went straight to the door only for it to swing open as soon as his hand touched the knob. A woman in white cocktail dress stormed out, slamming the door behind her, cursing under her breath.

 Seonghwa was startled by the sudden occurrence, reminding himself how to breathe yet again, he wondered, 'Was she here for and interview too? Am I next?' his own thoughts made him more anxious. He calmed himself down before finally gaining enough courage to walk inside

 He didn't take another step as the guy sitting at the desk was already staring right at him with an emotionless expression.

 "take a seat"

 Seonghwa gulped and took in a deep breath before approaching the desk and having a seat in he chair in front of it. the questions began almost immediately.


 "Park Seonghwa"



"Do you have any family members?"

"My father"

"How is your relationship?"

The question sounded very strange to Seonghwa, he was hesitant to answer. 


He wrote something down on a piece of paper. 

"Do you have any talents? Or hobbies?"

"I'm good at cooking and cleaning..." 

"Are you afraid of death?"


 The man nodded

 "You're hired, I will send you my schedule via email, memorize it all by tomorrow before work, work is at 7, not a minute late"

"Ah...yes, thank you" 

 Seonghwa stood up and bowed to the man. 

 The man began working on his computer immediately so Seonghwa saw himself out.

 Seonghwa stood in front of the apartment door, nervous to open it, as unaware to how his father would react since Seonghwa hadn't told him where he went. 

 The young boy took in a deep breath before opening the door.
He walked inside, seeing the mess that was made all over the ground. Broken glass, food wrappers.

 Putting on his slippers as he reached for the broom so begin sweeping up the mess before his father became more upset by the boy and the dirty floor, despite it being the fathers mess.

 Seonghwa sat in his room after being lightly beat, it's a lot better than usual. He wasn't bleeding this time. 

 But there was a potent bruise on his cheekbone. 

 He lifted his phone and looked at his email, seeing his new boss's schedule, and also an email from KJ bar asking him to come in tonight to perform. 

 Seonghwa is a very quiet person but many people like his beautiful voice, he's been singing at KJ bar for a few months now as it pays him well and he sort of likes doing it.

 The only fear he has while there is possibly seeing his father there so he constantly scans the crowd while singing out of fear for his own abusive father.

 Seonghwa went to the bar and greeted Jennie which is now a...new friend? Well they are mainly acquaintances but they are decently close. 

 "Are you ready to perform? You said you didn't like big crowds, but everyone was begging for you to perform today...so I had to ask" 

 "It's okay, I can manage" Seonghwa didn't really mean what he said...but...nobody needed to know that.

 Seonghwa sang fools by Troye Sivan, a popular favorite, his favorite to sing as well, despite never in love he could feel the music's vibe just by hearing his own voice singing to it.

 He held the mic tightly as he sang, holding it the perfect distance from his mouth. 

 His broken English singing the English song still sounding beautiful because his accent when he sang in English was adorable to many.

 Seonghwa, the boy not realizing the man in black would remember his voice forever, as well as his face, finally recognizing the boy he saw that rainy day. 

 Also realizing he had hired him for a secretary job...but why didn't the boy mention singing as a hobby? And why does he look so uneasy yet relaxed whilst singing, he seems to have done it many times but was anxious of something or someone...it made him too curious so mid performance he got up and left, he would see the boy tomorrow anyways...


A/N : Hi, I'm trying to practice doing third person storylines so I'm hoping this wasn't terrible, I liked it while I was writing it, at some points I absolutely hated it but I'll get better...hopefully...

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