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That next morning was rough. He only had two days left to be here and we had to practice both of those days. I was going to spend as much time with him as possible. I roused myself to find him wrapped in my arms snoring quietly. Yet another perfect moment. I wish he didn't live so far away, I sighed and decided to take it all in before it was over. He groggily blinked his eyes open. "Morning Kuroo,"
"Good morning, beautiful,"
He laughed and kissed my cheek. "I love you," I breathed.
He hesitated, "I love you too,"

By the time we were both ready for volleyball practice we both realized we hadn't eaten anything and I had to stop at a gas station so we could scarf down a donut. Once we arrived I could tell he didn't want to go in. I squeezed his hand and unlocked the doors, he hesitantly climbed out of the car and let go of my hand after one last tight squeeze.

Just like last time the hallways where empty until a familiar voice caterwauled, "TSUKISHIMAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"
He shivered and I watched as his face went blank. I lost the warm, caring Tsuki; at least for now. Redhead bolted down the hall with the black haired boy panting while trying to keep up. "Hinata wait!" He begged.
"TSUKKI!!!" Redhead forced his weight onto his heels and slid across the hallway tile trying to stop. The tall boy couldn't stop so easily and ran into Hinata, accident or not they both turned red and fell to the floor. "Tsukki why'd you skip the practice yesterday in the park,"
"I didn't skip." He finally spoke, and when he did it was cold and harsh. My spine tingled, I knew he did this but I never got a full taste for it until now. His freezing tone was seductive in a way I never thought him to be.

He was an agitated tyrant with words cold enough to give you frost bite.

The black haired boy was also taken aback by this new side, which made me assume this was a new Tsukki to everyone. "Y-yes you did!" The taller one stammered while getting off the newly cleaned floor.
"I left, that isn't the same as skipping." He glanced over at me for a second, as if to say sorry. I wasn't bothered though... this new side was sexy and mysterious. Hinata ogled in amazement, still on the floor; he wasn't looking at Beanpole; he was looking at me.

Thats when I noticed Stringbean was far down the hallway already. I snickered and jogged to catch up.
"Damn Tsukki," I made a kissy face.
"What?" He said softly.
"I like it when you get all harsh," I blew him a kiss. He shoved me playfully and laughed quietly so no one but me could hear. No one but me.

I was special.

He was mine.

And I was his.

Nobody got to have we did.

The gym was already very inhabited with players drenched in sweat. I hastily unzipped my jacket and flung it by Bokuto's backpack. "Bye m'darling,"
He rolled his eyes and smirked. "Bye Kuroo,"
I jogged to meet up with my team but my eyes couldn't help but be drawn to the lanky beauty I saw just days ago. He was where we first met. In his natural habitat. This was where he would really shine.

We played Fukurodani first, Bokuto's team. He glared at me through the net and I blew him a playful kiss. I started on right front middle blocker position, I would move to the middle once the ball was hit. Bokuto served and I darted to middle. "Sets out!" I heard Kenma yell. Shit. Who's setting now? Lev. Are you kidding me right now... I heard Bokuto snicker as the tall bulky 1st years set went out. I managed to run to it and send it over with a perfect bump. Not preferred but it got over. I sprinted back to my position. "Damn it Lev!"
"S-Sorry Captain!"
"It's whatever, Yaku, you get the set next time Kenma can't,"
"It's coming over!" Lev shouted.
I planted my feet. This was it. I got to block once again. My cadence was perfect, I glared Bokuto right in the eyes and we both jumped in unison. My arms stung after he tried forcing his way through my wall. No one can get past me with just sheer strength.

Once I landed I saw Bokuto land on his ass. I swore I've never laughed so hard. "HAHA B-BO-" I cackled .
"LOOK AWAY!!! MY PRIDE IS DAMAGED!!!" He covered his face with his arm dramatically and faked crying noises. "Nekoma 1, Fukurodani 0," the ref called.

"HELL YEAH BABY!" I flexed at his sorry ass.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Karasuno watching on the bleachers. There was Tsukki. Smiling at my jubilance. Hinata was starry eyed next to the black haired boy. The captain and coach just looked worried. I snickered and ran back to my home position.

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