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As we arrived at the park I immediately regretted it. Tsukki let go of my hand and a cold expression washed over his face. "Whats wrong?"  I followed his eyes and watched him glance over to a couple of his teammates practicing with some of mine. "Did you know they would be here...?"
"No," I sighed, "We can leave if you want,"
"I'm fine, I just can't let them know yet..."
"Thats alright!" I smiled trying to be comforting, but in all honesty I probably just looked threatening.

I studied the teammates he was nervous around and saw a few familiar faces. Redhead was a prominent figure, he was loud and stood out among the rest of them. "Lets practice over here," I tossed him the volleyball and he set it back to me. "TSUKISHIMA!!"
"Oh God," I caught the ball and waited for his reaction. I saw Bokuto sprinting at me out of the the corner of my eye but it was too late. "SURPRISE!" He ran into my back and wrapped his hands around my waist. "Hey Bokuto," I pried his hands off my torso and turned to face him. He looked past me, "Hey! Tsukishima right?"
"Why don't you guys come practice with us?" He pointed at Redhead who was frantically waving at us.
"Okay,"Tsukki solemnly said.
I shot him a are you sure?!! Look. He nodded in response. We began walking over with Bokuto, the closer we got the more excited Redhead got. "Look Kageyama! Tsukishima is coming to hang out with us!"
"Wow, Tsukishima you must be really famous," I emphasized on Tsukishima.
"God lets hope not," he whined.
I laughed and ran to Redhead. "Hey little guy!"
"Kuroo!"  We high-fived.
"Let me introduce you to everyone," Tsukki put his hand on my shoulder and started pointing at his team. I smiled at his touch. "This is Hinata, you've already met him." He sighed, "This is the king,"
"WOULD YOU CUT THAT OUT!" The black haired boy yelled.
"His actual name is Kageyama," He pointed at a sturdy brown haired guy, "Thats Daichi, our captain," Daichi waved and I smiled. "So thats the competition? Looks like we have an easy win Bokuto!" I laughed.
"We're not that easy Kuroo! We're ready to fight tooth and nail,"
"I look forward to it, Shortstack,"
"What did you just call me?"
"I think you heard me," I laughed, "You look about 5'8 maybe 5'9,"
He rolled his eyes and laughed.
"Um anyways, thats Asahi and Sugawara," Tsukki cut in our friendly banter.
"Lets play!" Bokuto yelled.
We all stood around in a circle and passed back and forth.
After a couple hours of scrimmages and passing we were all pretty tired.
"Theres a gas station nearby, Tsukishima do you want to go get some food with me?" I inquired.
"I'll go!" Hinata and Bokuto both stood up and yelled.
"Sure," Beanpole calmly stood up and we walked out of the park into the parking lot.

Once we were in the car I placed my hand on his thigh. "I miss you,"
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"You're so cold around them,"
"I feel like I have to be," He inched closer to me and put his hand over mine. "I'm sorry Kuroo, I'm myself when I'm with you,"
I smiled and caressed his cheek. He leaned in and kissed me passionately. He climbed over to my seat and sat on my lap and continued to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer to me. It was hot. Passionate. Sloppy. God I loved it so much. He pulled away but kept his forehead against mine. "Kuroo," he panted.
"Yes, dear?" I teased.

He put my hands on his face and slipped a hand up my shirt. "This is really attractive," he panted.
Looking at his face so up close made me realize how beautiful he really was, fair skin, light hair, deep eyes. I couldn't take much more, I loved him more than I've ever loved anyone else before and I barely knew him. He felt it too. I could tell. He leaned back in and kissed me deeply. This went on for a few more minutes and then we heard a knock.

We froze.



Fucking shit.

I looked over at the window and saw Bokuto staring in awe through the window. Stringbean rolled off me
and back on the seat. "Start the engine,"
When I put my key in Bokuto opened the back door and hopped in the back seat. "You just aren't going to say anything?" I asked while looking at Tsukki. He was shaking.
"I mean I wish you told me,"
"I'm sorry,"
"But I'm okay with it, you know I'm gonna support you Kuroo! You're my best friend,"
Tsukki looked at me and then at Bokuto, "Don't tell anyone,"
"Wasn't planning on it,"
"Why are you here anyway?" I asked while turning the key.
"Your car was in the lot for a solid 30 minutes we were getting hungry, you're lucky it was me and not that short ginger kid,"
"God could you imagine!" I cackled.
"AHHH WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!?" He made his voice squeaky and mimicked in Redhead's voice.
I laughed so hard a tear rolled down my face. Beanpole was amused too.
We drove the the gas station and grabbed everyone food and got back into the car when all of a sudden Bokuto asked, "How long have you two been.... intimate?"
"Since we met," Tsukki answered.
"Like at the volleyball training?"
Beanpole looked over to me with his harsh eyes, I was scared but then they softened. "Yeah,"
"Thats soon,"
"I really like him," Tsukki said calmly, "If you're worried about this being a meaningless hookup don't be,"
I was surprised he was saying this, especially around Bokuto. Bokuto nodded, "I won't tell anyone until you guys are ready,"
I reached back and tickled him, "Now you know one of our secrets we need to know yours!" I laughed manically.
Bokuto was laughing uncontrollably, "fine! Fine! Fine! One time I told my brother to piss off a balcony because the toilet wasn't working and he peed on a guy!"
I stopped.
Tsukki turned around a stared at him.
"Ok, no more secrets," Beanpole muttered.
"Whatever your secret is bigger than mine anyway,"
"At least I didn't tell someone to piss off a balcony,"
"Still gonna do it,"
Bokuto scoffed.
I pulled into the parking lot of the park and saw our teams waiting. "They must be hungry,"
"Doesn't matter, lets just say my engine wouldn't start,"
We all got out with the bags of food and walked over to them shamelessly. "WHERE WERE YOU?!!" Redhead snatched the bag and grabbed a sandwich.
"Sorry guys my engine wouldn't start,"
Bokuto gave me a sly look but I just ignored it.
"Anyway we should get going before my engine acts up again," I glanced at Stringbean who was nodding.
We walked to my car after saying goodbye. "You know..." I started.
"We never finished where we left off,"

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