Last night was amazing, I have never had that nice of a dinner. Jake being there just made everything better. As I was lying in bed, I realized I really meant what I said about trusting Jake. And it scares me. It scares me because I know with my trust will come my affection. I'm worried that I'll fall because no one has ever shown me this much attention. The last time I loved someone, they died, and the last time I trusted someone, they broke it and made me a slave. So, learning to love and trust again is something I thought I would never be capable of again. And I have Jake to thank for that. I sit up on the bed and stretch slowly.
Today should be interesting, Jake is having some business associates over. Fear seeps into my body. I know what happens when men come over.
Stop that! You know Jake is different and would never hurt you!
I sigh and run a hand down my face. I know the voice inside of my head is right, but I can't help but be wary. It's an instinct. I feel kind of guilty because the thought even crossed my mind. I would like to think that Jake would never hurt me. Ever.
Walking into the bathroom I run a comb through my hair. It looks like a bird made a nest and then tore it up, leaving the mess, and built it again. Basically, it's messy. Once I'm finally satisfied, I brush my teeth and change into skinny jeans with a white blouse.
My stomach growls so I go downstairs to eat. Arms wrap around me from behind and I'm pulled to a hard chest. I let out a scream and throw my elbow back into the persons rock hard stomach. They let out a groan and release me. I whirl around to face my attacker, ready to kick them where the sun doesn't shine, but stop short when I see Jake clutching his stomach.
"Still not a princess," he groans in a very strained voice.
My hand flies to my mouth as I look at him in mortification, "Oh my gosh Charming! I am so, so sorry! I really didn't mean it!"
He raises his hand and I immediately flinch away from him but am surprised when he brushes a piece of hair behind my ear.
"It's okay, I've had worse," he says gently.
I look at him with wide eyes.
He didn't hit me... then again why would He? He's never done anything to hurt me.
He chuckles and shakes his head, "I wasn't expecting that Britt, I thought I would get a nice kiss on the cheek, but instead I got an elbow to the stomach."
"I am so sorry Jake," I say, my cheeks burning from embarrassment.
Without thinking, I go up on my top toes and kiss his cheek gently. He blinks rapidly in surprise before he breaks out in a nice smile.
"What do you want for breakfast?" He asks me as we walk into the kitchen.
"I was thinking of making myself bacon, because who doesn't like bacon?"
"I could just have Janice make you something you know?"
"I'd rather make it myself, I know what it's like to be forced to do something, to be a maid, a slave..." I trail off, my voice breaking.
"I pay them you know, Janice practically raised me and is more of a mother to me than my real one. I know you have met Clara. She has two kids and I pay her enough to easily take care of them. I would never make someone work who doesn't want too."
What he says makes me feel better and I nod at him. Clara seems like a nice girl and knowing that Jake took the time to get to know her makes me that much happier to be around him.
"How about we go out this Sunday?" He asks as we sit at the table, eating bacon and eggs.
"Okay, that sounds like fun." I say with a grin.
The doorbell rings and I quickly hurry to answer it, but Janice beats me to it. Laughter fills the room as three men and a woman walk into the room. I feel sick when I recognize Jimmy. I haven't seen the other men before. The tallest one is very handsome, with striking green eyes and messy black hair. He has his arm wrapped around the stunning woman. She has brown hair with fiery hazel eyes. She has a dress that fits like a second skin, and the heels she's wearing make her long, tan legs look even longer.
The second man is also very attractive. He has dirty blonde hair with deep emerald eyes. He has a very dangerous, mysterious air to him. I'm sure he draws in lots of women. Jake walks into the room and grins at the party who just arrived. He slowly wraps an arm around my waist, like he's scared I'm going to jump away. I've been getting better with him touching me, so I don't flinch.
"Well, if it isn't Brittney." Jimmy says as he grins at me like we are old friends.
"Hello Jimmy," I say in the strongest voice I can manage.
He looks a little angry that I used his name, but I don't give a shit.
"Shane, how have you been?" Jake asks the taller man.
"Great, it's been a while, and I see you've got yourself a girlfriend."
"I'm no-" I start but Jake cuts me off.
"I couldn't help myself when I met this one."
He squeezes his arm around my waist with a small smile. I shoot him a glare, knowing he is trying to mess with me.
"Charley, I see your as single as ever," Jake says, addressing the shorter man.
"Single and ready to mingle," he says winking at me.
A blush crawls up my neck, but I just smile and shake my head at him. The woman steps forward so she's standing in front of me and flashes me a dazzling smile.
"Hello, I'm Cheyenne, but you can call me Chey [shy]," she says, extending her hand to me.
"It's nice to meet you Chey, I'm Brittney, but you can call me B," I respond with a small grin.
"How did you manage to reign Jake here in?" She asks, looking at the man standing by my side.
"He wishes I would take him in," I say with a small laugh.
"Men," she says with a mock exasperated sigh, "they just don't know how to charm a girl."
"I'm not easily charmed, so I guess I have to give Jake props for trying."
"Hey! I'm great at charming girls, you're just difficult," Jake cuts in.
"Please, the first time I met you, you said to, and I quote 'save it for the other guys,'" I say, making air quotes.
"A real charmer Jake, " Chey says with a laugh. "Shane didn't do much better," she says with a roll of her eyes, "the first thing he ever said to me was 'do you have a boyfriend? Because I would tap that if you don't.' He didn't even know me, and he just asked me out with zero charm in that entire thing."
"Oh, come on babe, I thought we were past this. You know I'm not romantic," he says with a groan, making us all laugh.
Today is going to be interesting.
So there's the next chapter. What do you guys think?
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