N'Shawn P.O.V
Beep beep beep!
I crawled out of bed when my alarm went off and slammed the snooze button. Three minutes later my mom walked it with a toothbrush in her mouth, telling me to get up.
I went in my closet and pulled out my Lebron 11 "Everglades" and the matching socks. Then I went to my drawer and pulled out a black aeropostal shirt with the matching sweatpants. I grabbed some boxers and basketball shorts and jumped in the shower.
"Shawn don't forget to pick your sister up after school " I heard my mom yell after I grabbed two toaster strudels out the toaster and headed out the door.
"Yea, I got it " I yelled as I cranked up my Acura.
It ain't the best car, but hey at least I got one.
I drove down 65th street on my way to pick up my best friend, Cali. I've know Cali since first grade. I remember it like it was yesterday.
"Hey, stop touching me !"
"I'm not touching you " I had my finger in her face a millimeter from her nose.
"Ew! there's a booger on your finger . Don't touch me, or I'll tell my brother!"
I smeared it right on her cheek and her brother whooped my ass after school. All three of us got detention and somehow we became friends.
Boogers bring us together, at least in first grade they did.
I pulled up and she came out.
"Did you do your trigonometry homework? " she said flipping through her binder.
" I don't do homework that I can't spell"
"As always, anyway I did mine. Want me to copy it for you? "
"Sure, and are you coming with me to pick up Sierra after school?"
"Of course, turn the radio up please "
You wake up, flawless
"Nope, I'm sick of that damn song "
"Shawn come on, please "
If I hear that song one more time, I'm gonna blow my ears off my head.
"Welcome class, I hope you all had a great weekend. Shay please take up the homework , Alex please pass out the papers for today. "
"N'Shawn, bro you trying out for the basketball team or nah? " I heard Chris whisper from across the class.
"Yea, I might "
I looked over at Cali and she was on her phone. I already know who she was texting.
After school I headed to my locker to get my backpack and found Cali waiting for me. Just as we were bout to walk off, Mike walks up and kisses Cali.
"Wassup bae, you wanna go get something to eat?" he said acting like he didn't see me.
"Actually I can't, I'm gonna go with Shawn to pick up Sierra. We can go tomorrow though "
"You always with Shawn, damn I'm starting to think y'all got something going on"
"See, that's your problem. You always get jealous, and for what? No damn reason. I'll text you when I get home."
He looked pissed when we walked off. Ol' dude got mental issues, anger issues, or something. As long as he ain't hitting Cali, I can't complain though.
"Cali, why you with that dude? It's something wrong with him, I swear it is. "
"Chill out Shawn, we do hang out alot you can't really blame him for getting mad. "
"You could do better, but hey that's your choice. I gotta deal with it "
When we pulled up I damn near lost my mind.
"Sierra get in this damn car before I beat yo ass"
She ran to the car and the boy she was with ran off.
"What the hell is wrong with you? The fuck you doing kissing on boys and shit? "
"It was only a kiss, why are you overreacting? "
"Overreacting? Ima show yo ass overreacting. How 'bout I take you to a clinic and let em put silicon in your lips? Let you have some flappy bird lips. Give you some Jay Z lips, is that what you want? Some Pillsbury crescent roll lips? Ain't nobody gone wanna kiss you then.
"Chill, Shawn she fourteen. Stop trippin' " Cali was sitting over there laughing like the shit was funny, I don't see shit funny.
"I'm sorry Shawn, it won't happen again "
"Bet not, and let me see his ass again ima shoot him." Cali just thought that was so funny, I was serious though. I only got one little sister and I plan on keeping her away from boys as long as possible.
"I'll talk to her, if you want" Cali said when Sierra went in the house.
"I guess it's some girl thing. Maybe you should "
After my mom came home and made dinner I drove Cali home. On the way to her house I could hear her arguing with Mike. Probably cause I'm taking her home.
After I dropped Cali off I went to sit at the lake. It's where I go to talk to my dad. He doesn't respond but I know he's listening. He always is.
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