Chapter Fifteen

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Madison's p.o.v »»»

I grabbed my phone off my nightstand texting Luke that'd I'd be over in fifteen minutes, when my mom walked into my room unannounced.

"Going somewhere?" she asked, looking me up and down. I huffed in annoyance and kept quiet.

She marched up to me, grabbing my arm roughly, "Madison Taylor you are not going anywhere until you listen to me." she demanded, glaring down at my small form.

My eyes widened in surprise at her sudden outburst. "You're hurting me!" I said, tugging my arm back from her death grip.

"The sheriff is coming to ask you questions and I need you to not entirely tell the truth if my name is brought up."

I look at her in disbelief, "Are you telling me to lie?" I hiss lowly.

She shakes her head and grabs my shoulders, "I'm asking you to give three answers: Yes, No, and I don't recall."

I was about to say something, when my dad came in with Sheriff Hill behind him.

Dad looked worriedly at me and then angrily at my mother, "Amanda, what are you doing?" he demanded with hard eyes, rolling over to us in his wheelchair. I look away annoyed to see Sheriff Hill looking suspiciously at us.

Oh, great he's going to call CPS now, because he just loves poking his nose in everybody's business.

"There a problem here?" Sheriff Hill asks with his hand resting on his gun holster. I shot him a 'are you kidding me?' look while resting my hands on my hips. What a joke.

That question seems to snap mom out of her anguish, "No, there's no problem at all." she responds quickly, pushing her way out of my bedroom.

The sheriff clears his throat, getting my dad and I's attention. "I came to ask you some questions regarding your death." He says without any regard to my feelings about that word. Death.

Knowing I couldn't get myself out of this one, I comply, "Fine, let me just cancel my plans." I say, messaging Luke that I couldn't make it. I slip my phone into the back pocket of my jeans, walking past Sheriff Hill, "Shall we?" I say, leading him to the living room.

I sit on the sofa, Sheriff Hill taking a seat on the one opposite of me.

"Alright," he says, pulling his notebook out to take notes, "What were you doing at Clarkson Lake on February 12th?"

I glance over at my dad, before looking back at Mr.
Hill, "To kill myself."

"Why was Tyler one of your last phone calls?" Hill interrogated me.


"DID TYLER KILL YOU?" Hill screamed making me sink further in my seat.

"Andrew, let the girl talk." My dad's strong voice demanded, defending me.

Sheriff Hill calmed down and apologized for his behavior, "Going back to my previous question: why was he your last phone call?"

"I called everyone on my contact list." I explained.

"For someone to talk you out of your decision?" He asks, writing down information while I nodded.

"And where were your parents during this whole thing? Surely, you called them as well."

I stop for a moment, thinking back to that day. My father was out at Junction Diner with a few friends, so that checks out... but my mother? She wasn't around at the time. I look at my dad and notice his eyes are burning a hole in me, while he shakes his head slowly mouthing the words 'Don't.'

I sigh, looking back at the sheriff, "My dad was at the diner with a few of his friends."
"And your mom?"
I bite my lip harshly, hating what I was about to do. "She was here at home."
"Is there anyone who can back up her story?"
I shrug, "You'll have to ask her."

Sheriff Hill nods, walking towards the door, "I think that's it for today." I show him out, closing the door.
Turning sharply to look at my dad, "You and mom are going to tell me what the hell is going on right now."

My dad exhales, resting a hand over his chest while mom walks in ready to faint.

"Okay, we'll tell you the truth about that night." My mom's face pales as the words leave her mouth.


After the whole talk with my parents, I didn't have the energy to go to school today. After they explained what happened, Tyler came over with a few questions of his own. I just couldn't handle it anymore, I needed to rest.

I stayed in my room most of the day wearing my pajamas. It was 2:30 pm when I woke up and I instantly checked my phone for miss calls and texts.

I push myself off the bed and peek out my window, I guess Tyler wasn't in the mood to go to school either, because his truck is parked in his driveway. I sigh, stepping away from the curtains.

I hated fighting with Tyler, it seemed to be the only thing we do now. I know he didn't like Luke, but I can't ditch him because Tyler wants me to. Everything is so messed up.

A knock at the door makes me snap out of my thoughts.

"Coming!" I yelled, running over to open it.

"Dr. Sullen?" I ask as the middle-aged woman smiles up at me with a stack of papers in her hand.

"Good afternoon, we have an appointment today... did you forget?" She says, walking towards the same sofa she sits on when she comes over. I shook my head embarrassed, "I must've forgotten."

"That's okay. Today's session won't be long." She says.

I lay down on the purple sofa while she sits with her legs crossed, looking at me observantly, "So, anything new?"

I bit my lip unsure if I can tell her what my parents admitted to me last night, "Everything I say is confidential, right?" I sat, looking up at her nervously.

She nods, "100 percent."

"Ok, well, my parents told me a key piece in the occurrence of my death and-" I rambled getting interjected by my father barging in.

"Madison! What are you doing?" He asks wildly.

Dr. Sullen stands up suddenly looking at my father with hatred, "This is a closed session, Mr. Taylor."

He narrows his eyes at her, "I suggest you leave now." He said, literally pushing her out.

Dr. Sullen grabs her things and looks at me before walking out, "We're not done here," She says with determination clear in her eyes, "I'm going to find out what happened to you."

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