Wake Me Up

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GD opens the car door for me and I climb in. He gets in and starts it up. Its a beautiful car that purrs to life.
"Woooww," I breathe. Looking around the car.
He smiles, "Do you like it?"
"What's not to like?"
We're quiet for a moment until...

"Soooooo...I'm your favorite member?"
I roll my eyes and cover my face.
"Yes," is my muffled reply.
He snickers, "That's cute. I was hoping it was me."
I snap my head back up, "You were?"
"Of course," he leans over and whispers in my ear,"You're my favorite too."
I scoff a bit, "Favorite what?"
"Favorite girl."
"Oh wow! You're a smooth one eh?"
He grins, "I try."
I look at him,"Well done."

He smiles but keeps his eyes on the road. We have a comfortable silence the rest of the way. Me only giving him directions here and there.
We get to my apartment and he opens the door for me.
His brows come together, "TOP's car is still here."
I look over kinda confused until realization dawns on us both. We look at each other and laugh.
"Ummm...maybe we should wait a few minutes." I suggest.
"Good idea."

We get back in the car. Neither of us knowing what to say to the other. Finally he breaks the ice.
"You're really pretty Grace."
I put on a cute face, "Why thank you, so are you."
He laughs, "And so very funny."
He turns in his seat to face me. I face him too. He leans in just a little, "I would really like to get to know you better. Would that be alright?"

I would love to say yes, but honestly, men and me have never gone well. I'm damaged by them. They always want one thing, and when I don't give them that one thing they leave me. I've been used as an object over and over. I'm not sure this is a good idea.

What the Hell. Why not?
"I would like that."
He gives me a bashful smile. "Does that mean I can have your number?"
I hold my hand out for his phone. He passes it to me and I call myself. He takes it back and calls me then hangs up.
"Now you have mine too. Answer me Ok?"
I smile and nod,"Ok."
He leans in and hugs me. I wrap my arms around his waist and hug him back. As he breaks it, he looks me in the eyes and my heart flips. I give him a small smile and peck his cheek.
He smiles so big he looks like a Halloween pumpkin.

We chit chat for awhile and notice that TOP still hasn't left.
"Ok, this is getting old. I hope to God they're not doing what I think they are."
He snickers a little,"Why? At least they're hitting it off."
I roll my eyes, "They just met!"
He shrugs, "Chemistry is chemistry. Who cares if it's been a day or a year? If you like each other go for it."
I raise an eyebrow.
"Oh no! I wasn't trying to say...oh shit."
He covers his face and I laugh so hard. I reach up and take his hands away.
"I can't say I completely agree, but I do agree with this." I lean in and wrap my arms around his neck giving him a sweet kiss.
We break apart and he grins,"I'll take it."
He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me deeper.
We hear a knock on the window and jump apart.

There is a smirking TOP looking in at us. He clears his throat.
"What do we have here?"
GD looks at TOP with a killer smile, "Shut up hyung."
TOP walks to his car laughing.
GD and I are a bit awkward for a moment until he gets out of the car and comes around to open my door.

He helps me out, but doesn't let go of my hand. I can't help but smile. I never would've guessed that this guy of all people would like me at all. This is a bit surreal. Then again...I kissed him just now. Me...Grace, just kissed GD.

We get to the door and he kinda pulls me to him. I smile and look into his chocolate brown eyes.
"I'll call you tomorrow. Ok?"
I nod,"Ok."
He leans in and kisses me softly, hugs me a bit, "Good night."
"Good night GD."
"JiYong," he corrects me with a tilt of his head.
"If you like. I didn't want to assume."
He laughs a little. Nods a bit and waves, turning to walk back to his car.

I open the door to my apartment, walk in, close the door, and breathe out a sigh as I press my back to the door.

I'm met by a screaming Mia. She runs to me and smacks a hand on each side of my head. She has a wicked grin and whisper yells, "This was the best night of my life!"
"I certainly hope so! You just brought TOP home!"
She backs away scrunching her nose, "Bitch we just made out. Don't get huffy."
"Alright," I say rolling my eyes,"keep your pants on."
"Haha very funny. How'd you get home?"
"JiYong brought me."
"Ahhhhhh! I can't take this! I'm gonna explode!"
I laugh, "Take it easy fangirl."

We both head to bed. However, I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to sleep or not. About an hour after laying down I get a text...

Good night. I couldn't wait till tomorrow. Sorry.

I smile to myself. He's so sweet.

Don't be sorry. I'm glad. Good night.

I put my phone down and drift off.

The next day I walk into work. Taeyang is writing something when he hears me walk in. He spins around to face me.
"So...our Gracie. How was your night?"
I give him a sweet face, "I don't know what you could possibly mean." Fluttering my lashes at him
He laughs,"Ok, but Hyo Rin will be here soon and you KNOW she's going to want information."
"I don't KISS and tell Bro."
He smiles so big his eyes are gone.

"Look at these lyrics for the melody we wrote. What do you think?"
I read them over. They're so beautiful a tear runs down my cheek.
"It's perfect. When are you going to record it?"
"I did it this morning. I'm calling it Wake Me Up. Do you like it?"
"I love it."
My phone rings.
"Good morning. Sleep well?"
It's JiYong, "Of course did you?"
"Hmmmm...not really. I had a beautiful girl on my mind."
"Oh geez, keep being that sweet and I'll get a toothache."
"Oh Goooodddd." Taeyang mumbles.
I shoot him a shut up look.

"So I was hoping I could take you to dinner tonight. Are you free?"
"Well I would love to, but isn't that really hard for you? Won't you be recognized?"
He chuckles,"I have my ways. So are we on?"
"Yes. I'll look forward to it."
I can hear the smile in his voice,"Ok. I'll pick you up around seven?"
"Ok I'll be ready." I'm smiling like a maniac. I can't help myself.
Taeyang starts making kissy noises followed by a gagging sound. I swat his arm.
"Great! It's a date! I'll see you later."
I giggle and we both say goodbye and hang up.

"I'm going to puke." Taeyang groans.
"Need I remind you that yourself and Rin started this?"
He throws his head back,"Yeah but damn, it's like watching your sister date your best bro."
I squeeze his shoulder, "Exactly."

We get the song pretty much nailed down. I get grilled by Rin when she comes by. She leaves practically skipping. Finally I get home to get ready. I know he is probably taking me somewhere fancy, but I'm still me. I like to doll up, but I'm Grace still. So not to much sparkle, but enough to feel pretty. I do my hair up, and some soft evening makeup.

I hope I look alright and there's a knock on the door. I go to open it but Mia runs up and puts a hand out. She turns toward the door to see a beautifully dressed JiYong. She gulps then squares her shoulders, "Listen here young man."
JiYong's eyebrows shoot up, and my jaw hits the floor.
She continues,"I don't care how awesome and famous you are. If you hurt my bestie, or are anything less than a gentleman tonight, your ass is mine. Do we understand each other?"
"Y-yes ma'am."
I roll my eyes and push her side.
"Bye Mother!"

We make our way to the restaurant,and are lead to a private room. It's beautiful and intimate. I scan the room and see a beautifully set table with candles, and a sitting area off to the back with a leather couch and a coffee table of some sort.
It's stunning.

He leads me by the hand and pulls out my chair. I smile at him and have a seat. He asks the waiter to pour the wine. We take out our menus and make our choices. He keeps looking up and smiling at me. When I catch him he looks back down and blushes.
"What?" I ask.
He runs his fingers through his dark hair,"I've never seen anyone look more beautiful in candle light. I can't stop staring," he pulls his ear,"I'm so sorry."
Now it's my turn to blush,"Don't be sorry. You look amazing too. I can't believe I'm here."
He tilts his head,"Why?"
I shrug,"I dunno...I'm not a model, actress, or idol. I guess I'm just a bit surprised that you're interested in me."
He laughs and reaches across the table for my hand. I give it to him, and he looks into my eyes.
"Your eyes are the color of dark honey. You have no idea how beautiful you are do you?"
It's all I can do not to swoon.

The waiter brings our food, and we enjoy it. We talk about our lives. Where we want to go with our careers. Our friends...but when he talks about his family I offer no information about mine.

We finish our food and he stands up offering me his hand. I take it and he leads me to the leather couch. We sit there very close. Sipping wine, holding hands, looking into each other's eyes. He has the most beautiful face I've ever seen.

He takes our glasses and places them on the table. Then, puts and arm around me and leans in to kiss me. I let him and put my hand behind his neck. His lips are so soft but insistant. I melt into him as he pulls me closer. We're so close together my legs are in his lap. He moves to kissing my jaw and down to my neck. His hand just grazing my thigh.

The alarm goes off in my head. To fast! To fast! Nobody should have their hands on me this fast!
I gasp and jump.
He moves back a little and looks me in the eyes.
"Are you ok?" He looks concerned and sweet.
"Y-yeah...I just...ummm."
He kisses my nose and leans his forehead to mine.
"I want you, but I want you to be comfortable. Please talk to me."
Tears are threatening to spill, but I blink them away.
"I'm fine...just, This is a bit too fast for me. I really like you...but I need to go slow. C-can we do that?"
He closes his eyes, and breathes out. Lifting his head, he looks at me, puts a hand on each side of my face and looks me in the eye.
"We can do that. Because you're worth waiting for."

We get back to his car. When we get in he kisses the back of my hand and holds it. I feel terrible. I don't want him to think I'm rejecting him.

We get to my place, and he walks me to the door.
"I had a good time tonight."
He takes my hand, "Me too. I hope we can do it again."
He chuckles, "Of course. I enjoy spending time with you. I really like you."
"I just thought maybe that-"
He shuts me up with a kiss.
"I know what you thought. Like I told you, you're worth waiting for."
I give him an uncertain smile and put my arms around his neck. He wraps his around my waist, kissing me again. This time it's sweet and reassuring.
"Good night." We say at the same time. We laugh a little and he hugs me and walks to his car.

I go into my apartment. Mia is softly snoring on the couch. I go to my room to change when my phone rings.

I look down and see it's from my mom.
There are choking sobs coming through the line.
"Mom what's wrong?!"
I hear her gulping back the tears.
"Grace...it's your dad...he's...he's dead."
I hit my knees where I am. Totally blank.

Now I'll never know why. The one question I've worried and waited for. Why?

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