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Juliet's POV

I woke in the middle of the night, not being able to sleep. I looked to my right, seeing Ronnie passed out, still shirtless and holding the pillow I normally used. I couldn't help but feel anger toward him. I don't know what I was thinking, thinking that he would magically be in love with me after we had sex. It was a pathetic thought.

I stood, putting shorts, a tee, and my tennis shoes on. I needed fresh air, I needed to smell something that wasn't his cologne. I grabbed my phone and cigarettes, quietly leaving the hotel room.

When I made it outside, I began walking. As I walked, I looked around, realizing this wasn't the best place to walk around at night. There were people smoking and the roads were cracked, a crappy part of town.

I continued to walk, pulling my cigarette smoke into my lungs. When I reached an intersection, I stopped, thinking about which way I should go.

"Hey," a raspy voice said, making me jump.

"Hi?" I asked.

"Wanna try something?" The man asked, pulling something out of his pocket.

"No thanks, I'm good," I said, seeing the needle in his hand. It was tempting, but I promised Ronnie.

"It's like heroin but ten times the strength, makes you fucked up for way longer," he said, handing it to me.

I inspected it. It didn't look used, it wasn't tampered with, still in its packaging. I bit my lip, trying to fight the urge to take it. Well, Ronnie wouldn't even care, right? He doesn't care enough about me to want to be with me, why would he care about this? "How much?" I asked.

"Free of charge," he said, "just tell your friends and bring me some business. The name is Jared."

I nodded, "thanks," I said, turning back to the hotel.

I walked up the stairs and back into our room, going straight to the bathroom. I unboxed the needle, seeing the seal was completely sealed, making me less nervous.

When I pulled it out, I examined it, flicking it a couple of times and pushing it down to get the air out. I bit my lip as I looked at myself in the mirror, why am I doing this?

I held out my arm, pressing the needle into the skin. The familiar sting felt heavenly, making my throw my head back as the liquid filled my body. When it was empty, I tossed it in the trash, placing the cap on it first.

I wiped off the bit of blood and walked back to my bed. Plopping down on it and finally falling asleep.


I yawned as I woke, stretching my arms. The lights were off and the shades were closed, no light coming into the room. "Ronnie?" I asked, groggy. No response. "Ronnie?" I said louder, walking over to his bed. He wasn't there, in his place was a note.

Juliet, I love you but I can't stay. I saw the needle in the bathroom, I saw the scar on your arm. You refuse to let me help you or even try to change. I can't be around that. Don't think that my only intention was to have sex and then leave, that's a coincidence. Please, don't come after me this time. I'm done, maybe in the future we can reconnect, but I'm done for now.

I love you, my Dear Juliet,

I collapsed on the ground, trying to cry but no tears were coming out, probably because I was still fucked up on heroin.

I sat in disbelief. Ronnie left me.


*2 years later - 2006*

"Good morning baby," I heard from beside me.

I opened my eyes, a smile on my face when I saw Griffin beside me, "good morning." I said, giving him a kiss.

"Now," he said, sitting up and pulling me with him, "do you want me to make breakfast or do you wanna go out?"

I let out a 'mmm' sound, still sleepy, "let's stay in, we're off today anyway."

"Sounds amazing," he said, pulling me down with him, my head now resting on his shirtless chest.

I traced over his tattoos, the few he had. I looked up at him, resting my chin on his chest. I studied him, his hazel eyes and black hair. Every time I looked at him, I could help but compare him to Ronnie. They had the same general look, though Griffin was less emo and more alternative. I hadn't changed much except my arms now covered in tattoos and my hair longer.

I whined, sitting up, "come on, I'm hungry," I said, pulling Griffin with me. He chuckled, hugging me when we stood.

I ran to the kitchen, giggling as he chased after me. When he caught me, he grabbed me, lifting me onto the counter. He stood between my legs, his hand resting on my cheek. He stared at me, making me look around. "What? Is there something on my face?" I asked.

He laughed, "no, I just really love you."

I smiled and gave him a kiss. I never said it back to him. Simply because I knew I didn't mean it. I loved him as a person, but I wasn't in love with him like he was with me. He was really sweet about it though, never forcing me or getting upset that I didn't say it. He gave me time, time to grow to love him, which I didn't know if I would.

"What is the plan for today?" I asked.

"Stay in all day, watch some movies, and maybe do some other things if you're up to it," he smirked.

"I'm always up to it," I smirked, kissing him again.

"Alright, alright, let me make my queen breakfast," he laughed, turning around and beginning to make what looked like pancakes. I smiled, sitting on the counter and watching him.

"Did I ever tell you how thankful I am for you?" I asked.

"Thankful for what?" He smiled.

"That you found me that day," I jumped down, wrapping my arms around him from behind, "I don't know where I would be if you hadn't. You gave me a home, love, and encouragement, and I'm so thankful for that."

He turned around, looking down at me, "any decent person would."

I smiled, giving him another kiss.

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