Placement and Coordinating.

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I pressed my lips together in a tight line.

Two house stood next to each other, they were both lovely houses, bigger than my cottage by a fair amount, the yards were also taken care of very well, except for a section where the house on the right had a garden in the corner, and the house on the left had a fence started, but broken up, the ground uneven, probably from the woman tearing it out of her garden multiple times.

"And you're wondering where the border is?" I asked and they both nodded.

"It's right here." The male said, pointing right outside where he'd put the fence.

"No it's here!" The woman stated pointing just on the other side of the gate. Obviously, they were both just wanting the little amount of space for their own, so they claimed where the border was, even though previously, they had both admitted that they didn't know where the border was.

Without the paperwork, it would be impossible for me to be able to determine where exactly the border was. For all I knew, it could be somewhere completely different from where they both were pointing.

"Maybe if we put the border down the middle of your houses?" I suggested. Seeing that the border was much closer to the woman's house than the male's.

"That could work." The Female smirked but the man wasn't having it.

"Her yard is not that big, and that would leave me with no room for the playground for my kids!" He told me rather emphatically. I looked at their yards again sheepishly before hearing a snicker from behind me. I turned to see who the onlooking third party was, and wished I'd ignored it.

It was the woman from the party, Her brown hair was piled on her head in a perfect bun with bangs framing her clear face as she smirked at me.

"Is the Luna having trouble solving a simple issue?" She asked.

"Oh she's not the Luna, she's just trying to help out is all." The woman spoke up for me and I turned away from both of them, my cheeks burning.

"How quaint." The brunette hummed. "But honestly, these kinds of issues never end with everyone being happy. You should keep that in mind." She called to me as I took a deep breath, calming my burning cheeks.

"Well it looks like without the paperwork we can't find the border." I stated the obvious, but it was to get the two wolves attention back on the task at hand. I just wanted to ignore the girl, but she was right, one of them would hate me if I took the other's side. I just had to find a solution they'd both agree to, at least until the Alpha was able to properly deal with their situation.

"Why don't we just put it here? My garden has been here for years." The woman suggested.

"No! The border is here!" The male argued and I sighed softly, rubbing my head, I hoped I wouldn't get a headache from this.

The man and the woman were glaring at each other as I surveyed the area.

Both yards had a fair amount of space, though the woman's yard looked more full with a porch swing, a small table with a couple of chairs and of course, her garden was fairly large.

I looked at the Male's yard again before turning to the owner of said yard.

"Excuse me, but could you tell me where you were planning on setting your playground?" I asked gently, he nodded, not taking his eyes off the woman until he'd walked clear over to me.

"Right here." He pointed close to where he was planning on putting the fence.
I hummed looking at the rest of his yard.

"How big will it be?" I asked him, and he mapped out a large square of land for me.

I hummed with a nod looking again at his yard.

There weren't a lot of places where it would fit and not be cramped somewhere where the kids could possibly hurt themselves.

"You said you were putting up the fence to protect your neighbor's garden right?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yes, but her garden is too big."

"Your playground is too big, just like your head!" The woman yelled over at us. The male glared at her as I sighed.

"Please no insults, it doesn't help." I called back to the woman and she humphed turning away.

I hummed as I looked at the plans the Male had before shaking my head.

"You are aware that by putting your playground so close to the fence, you've allowed a way for the children to jump over, directly into your neighbor's garden right? The fence would probably do more damage than help." I told him and the Male looked at the garden and then the planned spot before his expression turned sheepish.

"Well what would you have me do?" He asked me with a frown.

I stepped up and went into the Female's yard, looking at her garden and taking a few steps away from it, further into the woman's yard. It wouldn't leave as much room, but she'd still have plenty.

"Miss, is there any way you could possibly move a part of your garden over here, instead of over there?" I asked and she walked over.

"I could move a few plants." She muttered begrudgingly.

I hummed with a smile, this was turning out better than I'd thought.

"And perhaps you could move your playground a few feet closer to your house and then a few feet closer to the front?" I suggested to the Male. He opened his mouth to object, but I spoke faster. "If you do, it would be a bit cramped, but it would give you a little more space between the playground and the fence. Also, imagine if your kids came home and could see the playground from the front of the house. It would be a wonderful way to welcome them home." I added, that made him pause and think before nodding.

"Yes, I suppose that could work, but where would the fence go?" He asked with a frown.

I smiled.

"Well, since your neighbor has so kindly agreed to move her garden a little, you now have room for your fence."

I hadn't really solved their border problem, but hopefully they could now get along with this arrangement.

The male walked over to the woman and shook her hand apologizing for not talking to her about this sooner.

They talked for a little while and I smiled starting to back away. They were getting along now, which made me happy.

When I turned around I saw the girl walking away with a rather upset look, but I tensed, also seeing a rather unhappy Alexa headed my way.

I cleared my throat nervously as I headed to meet her.

So much for helping.

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