My mouth shaped an 'o' when I realized it was a direct hit to his face.
Kale blinked at me in surprise before his eyebrows drew downwards. I gasped as the full realization of my actions hit home and he scooped up snow in his hands.
"I'm so-" Too late.
He chucked the cold ball at me with a mix of a growl and a chuckle. I barely ducked out of the way with a squeak. Then I turned and started running. I wasn't too fast on two legs obviously, so I shifted quickly. Dashing through the snow on all fours, getting me farther away from him.
A ball of snow hit a tree just next to me making me yelp and turn to duck out of the line of fire.
That's when I realized he'd shifted and was heading my way. He must have shifted just after throwing the snow ball. Either way, seeing a large Eurasian wolf headed my way wasn't exactly the most calming sight. I scrambled for a bit, being startled by seeing the large animal barreling towards me. I took off further into the trees to try and get away.
His torso was probably still tender from last night, but he didn't even seem winded as he chased after me. No matter how I swerved, or cut corners, he kept up with me somehow.
When he got close enough, he nipped at me getting my ear, but it didn't hurt. He was being, playful? A giggle would have escaped my mouth if I was human, but instead, I felt a smile crawl over my snout.
I jumped over him, taking off in another direction. He ran after me as I weaved through the trees, no longer really trying to lose him. I'd never run with another wolf before, but it was amazing!
We ran around in the snow for what felt like only a few minutes, but must have been hours, before he finally started getting tired. I was breathing heavily from the long run. I wasn't used to exerting myself so much, but I'd been having so much fun, that I didn't even realize how far we'd gotten from the lodge until I looked around. I didn't even recognize the forest surrounding us.
I yelped as the bigger wolf tackled me, pinning me down and dropping a ball of snow from his mouth. A mix of saliva and snow landed on my face making me yelp at the cold and shake about.
This dispersed the snow from my face before I looked up at him. He was panting lightly, but seemed satisfied as he got off and I shifted back.
"Seriously?" I asked as I wiped my face of any remaining water and snow.
"Yes." He said simply after shifting back as well.
A laugh bubbled from my lips as I got to my feet and brushed snow off my front.
"What is it?"
Looking over at Kale, he was was staring at me with a tilted head.
"The clouds are getting a little...dark." I told him, pointing up at the angry looking sky.
Kale turned his gaze to the sky before shaking his head.
"We won't get back to the lodge in time. If that's where you're thinking we should head. I'm too tired to run all the way there and you're exhausted."
I frowned at him not liking that one bit.
"Then..we'll have to find a cave or a good large tree." I told him starting to look around.
"I think I saw one a little ways back." He pointed the way we'd come.
We started off, but it was only a few minutes before it began to snow lightly.
"At this rate, we'll loose our tracks completely." I frowned as we followed the disappearing tracks in the snow. Kale sighed.
"It's alright, look, there's a tree." It was a decently big tree, but the hollowed part was small.
"I don't know if we can both fit." I hummed, but the brunette had already shifted and went in, throwing dirt out.
"H-Hey! That's not something you should be doing, you'll hurt your side!" I objected as the wolf came out and frowned at me.
"I'll do it, I've done it before." I told him before shifting myself and trotting over through the snow.
The wolf growled a little when I came closer, but I simply nudged him out of the way and checked the space. I was small enough that I could fit easily, Kale could probably fit on his own too, but together, we'd be squished.
I dug deep into the dirt, dragging it out into the snow while Kale made a little space in front of the hole so I wouldn't have to worry about the dirt falling back inside.
It was thoughtful of him, but the snow created better heating isolation than dirt. What ever, if I wanted, I could piled the snow back up when I was done.
Once I'd dug a good sized space for us, it was coming down pretty hard and I had Kale go in first before padding down some snow in front, just a little bit.
Then I crawled inside.
Kale shifted back so we'd both have more room and I did the same.
"Why did you pile snow in the entrance? What if the snow covers it?" He frowned, but I waved him off.
"It'll keep us warm, besides if the snow gets too high, I'll go out and pad it down or something."
He stared at me as I leaned against the wall and curled up. After a minute, he crawled over to my side and sat next to me, this would help keep us both warm. I smiled, not minding it at all. But my smile didn't last as I looked outside. It was a good sized storm and it would probably last for the majority of the day. I suddenly wished that I'd stayed in the lodge with Kale, me and my stupid desire to go outside.
"That was fun." I perked up and looked over at Kale.
"What?" My brow raised in confusion as I stared back at him.
"The chase, even if you did hit me with a snow ball, it felt good to run with someone." He told me as he folded his arms over his chest.
"Oh, Same. I don't really run all that much unless hunting. So it was nice." I smiled at him. He hummed before shrugging.
"Well, I'm going to sleep, make sure we don't suffocate." He told me before shutting his eyes.
I was a bit puzzled as to how he was able to sleep in a place like this, but I didn't question it.
"Aye aye." I murmured, still curled up as I looked outside of our little hidy hole and watched the snow continue to fall.
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