The party was held out in a plaza near the shops. There were a lot of people, and yet not too many, at least at first.
I was dressed in a gown I thought was suited better for a ball, and on someone with confidence. It felt thin on my frame and I was constantly rubbing my arms.
This wasn't really for warmth, even with the light material, I felt hot and uncomfortable. At the moment, I just wanted some form of comfort.
My hair was pulled back and out of my face, my ears were exposed which felt strange to me. All my locks were held up in a bun, when I usually let it fall down my back.
Everything was so different from home.
"You ok?"
I looked over at Alexa who was dressed a bit differently, but not completely. She was wearing a sort of jumpsuit that also looked like a gown at the same time, her hair slicked back in a high ponytail.
"I'm ok." I nodded with a little smile and she returned the gesture.
"Just let me know if that changes."
I hummed back in agreement and took a deep determined breath, before entering the fray.
Many people talked to me, which was a bit alarming, but I smiled pleasantly. I heard many of the same thing.
"I love your dress! How darling. You look wonderful." But one question jumped out at me, grabbing my attention quickly.
"So you're the future Luna?"
I turned to a girl with rich brown hair and clear skin, her eyes were a brilliant blue and she was taller than me, especially with the heels on her feet.
I was never confident in heels, I was wearing flats, this of course made her a good head taller than me.
She looked me up and down with an expression I was more used to, yet also different.
"How appropriately, underwhelming."
I knew the meaning of the word, but I decided to play dumb.
"Oh, thank you." I offered her a cheery smile, maybe she was just having a bad night.
She rose a brow before a slight smile appeared on her features.
"I must say I'm surprised this is happening so suddenly. So was it love at first sight? Did you two feel the mate bond so strongly?" She asked, and I instantly was made aware that she was mocking me. The Mate bond was a myth, a tale for hopeful children. That one day, they'd lock eyes with the one meant for them.
"I mean, why else would Alpha Kale find any interest in an Omega?"
I froze. How did she know? Was it so obvious? Was she simply insulting me?
"Excuse me." I murmured before turning away from her. She had a plastic smirk over her face as I walked away, admittedly slower than desired.
But if I walked any faster, I'd trip over my skirt and draw even more attention towards me. I hated attention, I didn't want people looking at me anymore.
What did he see in me? What could he see in me? Sure he said he didn't care about rank, but why would he want me? How could he love me?
I found myself distanced from the party, there was a park located a little ways away with a gazebo tucked near some tall trees.
I walked up the steps, admittedly a bit shaky, as I hauled the large skirt up with me.
It wasn't shaped in a circle, but it was close enough, there wasn't anywhere to sit, but for some reason, I preferred it this way. The bars were cool on my palms as I looked back at the lights. But at the same time, I leaned away from them, wanting nothing less but to disappear into the dark. I didn't belong here.
My vision fogged some as I thought back to the girl's words, I didn't get much time to dwell on them however as I spotted someone approaching the park I was in.
My back stiffened as I recognized the dark hair and tall persona in the distance, I wiped my tears away to get a better look. Then I wished I couldn't see him at all.
Kale was walking over, his body was framed nicely in a dark green suit to compliment his thick, and dark hair. He wasn't wandering, but heading straight towards me. Quickly, I turned away from him, looking for something to stare at.
When he'd reached the gazebo, I found myself looking up at the stars. But even they looked different, there were only a few clouds, and they looked sharp instead of misty and soft.
His ton was soft and somewhat concerned. He'd seen me walking away from the party, I knew he had. He was wondering what was wrong.
"Aubrey look at me." He told me, but I didn't.
He may be an Alpha, but he wasn't my Alpha. He couldn't command me like that unless I chose to stay here. Which at the moment I was thinking a hard No.
Being insulted just for my rank, when I had been promised over and over that it didn't matter. Having someone I really, Really liked, keeping things from me because....
"Why?" I said it quietly, but still out loud.
Kale was silent until I spoke again. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I tried to." He sighed softly and I found myself gripping the railing a little harder. I stared at a nearby tree now, my shoulders hunched a bit.
"Then why didn't you?" I'd never heard my voice like this, angry and bitter. The hurt was something very familiar, I hated how much.
"I was afraid, that you'd change."
That made me turn to look at him fully.
"Change? Did you think I'd turn into an ugly pumpkin?" I asked grasping a handful of my skirt, moving it out of my way.
Kale looked amused at my words until he looked up and saw me frowning at him.
"When we first met, you treated me like, me."
My brow furrowed as my confusion grew.
"What are you talking about?" I shook my head when he stepped closer to me, I tried to step away, but only bumped the rail.
"When I was with you, I was just, Kale. If I had told you I was an Alpha. You would have stopped randomly talking to me... sat farther away from me." He paused before smiling a little.
"You wouldn't have thrown that snow ball at me."
I blinked at him blankly as he spoke, listening quietly as he sighed.
"I knew, you'd hate it here, that you wouldn't want to take care of all of this, and I understand. Which is why I originally left without you..but when I did, I never stopped thinking about you."
I swallowed hard at that, staring into his deep brown eyes. This is what I had wanted, I wanted him to think about me, I'd wanted him to come back for me. Perhaps I also wished he'd take me away from the life I'd lived all alone.
But I didn't want this, I didn't want him to love me, I was supposed to live alone, in the cold. I always liked it that way...Except that I didn't like it, I hated it!
"I tried to tell you. You told me you were an Omega, and I tried to tell you then...But it didn't come out." He looked off to the side, swallowing hard. "If..if you want to go back home... I'll take you back." He offered softly.
We sat there for a minute, but neither of us said another word. After a minute, Kale looked up at me sadly, but his expression turned to surprise and concern when he spotted the tears streaming down my cheeks. My lips were bitten til my skin turned pale.
"I...I love being with you Kale...your sister is amazing as is your Beta...but I, I can't just marry you it's...too fast." I shook my head, and hid myself behind clenched fists.
I didn't want to loose Kale, I didn't! But this was so fast! Being a Luna was too much for me to handle. I couldn't do it!
Kale pulled my hands gently from my face and wiped my tears with his thumbs.
"It's Ok! You don't have to marry me, and you can stay as long as you want."
I sniffed as he cupped my cheeks gently. Somehow hearing that upset me, wasn't I upset that he wanted to marry me?
No, that wasn't it. It was the fact that he didn't trust me enough to tell me about his rank. I didn't care about marrying him or not marrying him, as much as I cared about him trusting me. Besides, if we got married without trust. Our union would only slowly fall apart.
I gently grabbed his hands, looking down.
"I...I will stay here, but me."
When I looked up again, Kale looked confused.
"You'll trust me enough to tell me things. No matter how you think I'll react." I told him, my grip on his hands tightening lightly. He stared at me for only a second before nodding.
"You promise? You won't keep things from me?" I asked and he nodded again.
"I promise."
A small smile lit my lips as I leaned up on my toes lightly.
The kiss surprised him, but he didn't pull away. Instead, the Alpha wrapped his free arm around my back.
When we separated, he leaned his forehead on mine, hugging me now with both of his arms, my hands placed gently on his shoulders.
"You better not break your promise." I murmured, pink lighting up my nose and cheeks.
"Not for the world."
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