Monday 9th September 2011
"Yah!! Kookie-ah" it definitely sound like a males voice, it was his father calling him to get up and get ready for school. "Kookie-ah get up, you're going to miss the school bus" He yelled up the stairs with a soft tone.
"dad, I'm up, I was up before you, I will be down stairs now" Jungkook says in a tired tone, combing his hair with a very small comb. He eventually walks slowly down the stairs, eyes almost shutting, but then he hears the bus pull up outside of his house. His father was rushing around and panicking for no reason
"Kookie-ah hurry, here's money, have a good day love yah" he says while pushing the younger boy out of the door.
Jungkook sees the yellow school bus and hangs his head. He doesn't like school even though he is the best in his class, also he is the most brainiest of all the grade. Jungkook walked up the small steps with a sigh. There are already thirteen children on the bus and there are not that many spaces left to sit on his own so he decides to sit next to this girl with long black hair to her waist. She looked a bit shy at first, but then spoke up.
"H-hi uh are you Kookie" The girl questions and bows her head. Jungkook looks at her and replies.
"Yes I..uh my name is Jungkook but people call me Kookie as a nick name. what's yours?" he replies a bit awkwardly. she looked up at him but blanks his question and continues with her questions.
"Well I heard that you were getting bullied by some of the older students is that true" Jungkook looks at her and thinks to himself 'why is she so nosy?' so he replies bluntly.
"U-uh yeah why do you care" he replied whilst looking away. The girl started to talk but she was embarrassed to, but eventually spoke.
"Well they have been bullying me too, but I don't know why they would bully you?, because you're cute" she started to blush and hide from him behind her hands and her hair falls over her face.
Jungkook just stares at her and then realized what she said 'WAIT WHAT?? I'm cute' he thinks in his head and there was about two minutes of awkward silence but he eventually spoke
"Hey.....u-uh you're cute too" The girl sat up on the seat, smiling blissfully. She was thankful for the complement from Jungkook.
"hey we should hang out more, oh... we are here let's get off" they walked down those tiny steps and headed into the school gates.
Jungkook hadn't seen this girl before in his school, but he didn't say anything they just walked to the playground.
"Hey what's your name anyways"Jungkook spoke up, staring with big eyes, at this girl.
"My name is Soojin" she replied whilst hanging her head down. Jungkook just smiled and asked what lesson she has and for some reason he couldn't believe that she was in the same class as him all day and he didn't even recognize her, they walked to class and Soojin sat by him in every class, it was the most happy day of Jungkook's boring days at school. The school day passed very quickly and then Jungkook and Soojin walked home together and kept talking about their life and why people bully them.
Jungkook found out a lot of things about Soojin. She was his age but only a little bit older but that really didn't matter, also he found out what hobbies she has, but the main thing stuck out was that she says" I can see weird things" and he was so confused because he sees weird things too. He thought to himself whilst sitting on his bed reading a book and then he whispered " are we .. no it can't be .....was we suppose to meet and live together for ever" he was interrupted because his parents called him downstairs for his food
"Hey Kookie-ah what's that face for" his father asked looking at Jungkook with a eyebrows rising.
"U-uh I don't kn-know what your on about" Jungkook suddenly shook his head and started eating his kimchi and noodles.
"Yes you do" his father replies and Jungkook just shrugs and continues eating. When he finishes his food he runs up to his room and starts to do his homework but suddenly he jumps because he feels someone poking their finger into his side, and who else would it be.
"J-jimin, I know that's you aish stop ... p-please you're tickling me ahha" Jungkook turns around and sees a goofy smile and and he smiles back
"Hey Kookie-ah what are you doing" Jimin walks toward the bed and sits at the end of it
"I'm doing my homework now if you mind I have to do this other wise I will get a deten" Jimin cuts him off by grabbing him by the hand and throws him on the bed
"Hey Kookie don't be boring come and play please" Jimin was on his knees begging and his eyes were like a puppy. Jungkook tried to cover up the fact that he was blushing and going red in the face but it didn't really work because Jimin got up on the bed and started to tickle him again, but their faces was so close together that they were breathing in the same air. They were staring at each others eyes.
Jimin thought 'I can't do this because I'm already dating with someone Min Yoongi. I love him so much but now I'm not sure if I like him or Kookie, eugh why does this have to be so hard?.' Jungkook leaned in closer that his lips touched Jimin's. when they parted Jimin gasped, Jungkook just blinked and stared at Jimin. Jimin didn't know what he was going to do so he got up of the bed and replied "Kookie I have to go, see you later" and just like that he was gone in a blink of an eye.
Jungkook gets up of the bed and carries on with his homework but then he starts to daydream.
What the hell was I thinking leaning in for a kiss, i'm stupid Jimin went because of what I did. But I heard voices, it was coming from my closed art book. I opened it and it was the drawings talking to me about how that was a bad idea but how could of they see us the book was closed. I scratched the back of my head to think but I couldn't because the voices were getting louder and there was a lot or voices coming from my pencil case and all my books. I stood up and screamed"AISH SHUT UP" and put my fingers in my ears. Then it went silent but them my bedroom door came flying open, it almost hit me but I was about two centimeters away, thank god.
"Kookie-ah are you okay you screamed and I was worried so I ran up the stairs and..." Jungkook cut him off by sitting his father on his bed and tells him that he's fine, but clearly he wasn't but no one needs to know that.
"Appa , i'm ok I just feel a bit light headed that's all I think I need to lay down" he faints and his Eomma catches him, placing him on his bed, gently. She cuddles her son because she wants him to be like the other children. But no one's the same, everyone is different. SeokJin starts to sob but Namjoon entres the room, spotting his wife crying. He holds her in his arms, slowly walking out of the boy's bedroom. Then closing the door behind them.
'What was he thinking , kissing me like that , I.... Love Yoongi and I would never ever leave him he was my first love (wings reference) and he is the first one who kissed me, that was the best day of my life but now Kookie kissed me I can't just forget that it happened... what am I supposed to do? Kookie why?'
I eventually saw Yoongi and he was sleeping on the couch, he is so adorable when he sleeps I could just stare at his sleepy eyes all day. All that I can think about is Kookie , and that stupid kiss. It keeps replaying in my head, It was amazing...What am I doing??
"Oh hey you're awake, how was you sleep?" I looked at his perfect lips but I couldn't face it I had to tell Yoongi what happened between Kookie and me.
"H-hi what time is it? Oh and yeah it was a nice peaceful one thanks for asking beautiful" he spoke with a sleepy husky voice and that gave me chills at the back of my spine. I looked for the time and its WOW "It's 01:52 pm how long have you been asleep?" I had my eyes wide open staring at this adorable, sleepy person and smiled
"oh shoot I've been asleep for like 7 hours I'm suppose to see that girl today... shoot she's probably confused" he quickly got off the couch and pecked his lips on mine and went into the kitchen and grabbed a bunch of junk food. He gave me them and smiled. "I gotta go, I will chat to you in abit you can tell me what happened with Kookie later...I gotta see her, bye babe" he then leaves the room. Now he got me thinking about Kookie again, with his pink, cute, adorable lips. Why does he do this to me! WHY?
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net