Chapter 19

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Bianca and I talked on the couch as James stayed in the kitchen to feed Axel and Fox their own dinner and parts of my chicken I hadn't eaten. "So he's staying tonight?" Bianca whispered. I nodded biting my lip nervously. "Are you sure y'all don't have other.... Plans?" She asked. I shrugged. I couldn't do it. No. Not the night before my surgery, not at all really. I'm attracted to James of course, but he needs to understand that it's been almost three months since I was violated by that person. I was probably over thinking this whole situation when in reality James just wanted to spend some time with me.

"Tell him no, if he does happen to want... That from you." Bianca said. I nodded. "Listen don't freak, I know you. You wanted to be all pure and everything for your future husband, and that was taken away from you without warning, and if he can't see that, just send him over to my door and I'm sure I could rip him a new one." She winked. She hopped off the couch as I thanked her. She helped me up and we walked into the kitchen. James was talking on his phone.

"They should be here by noon. Her surgery is at ten, so ill drop her off and then go pick you up and get them from the airport." He said quietly. Bianca cleared her throat, but I wish she hadn't so I would what he was talking about. He turned around in a flash showing his beautiful smile and looking at me with his gorgeous long lashed eyes. "Yup sounds good, okay gotta go bye." James smiled and hung up.

"Who was that?" Bianca asked before I had a chance to.

"Carlos." Was all he answered. I watched Bianca glare at him then she looked to me.

"I'm going to bed, as should you two. You two have a big day ahead of you tomorrow. I asked for half a day off so ill be off at three." Bianca informed me bringing me in for a hug. She pulled away but had hands on my shoulders. "You'll do fine doll." She winked and then turned to James who was now making his way over to me. "You," she started. "Take care of my best friend. I don't shave my head for just anyone. Mistreat her or her wishes once and your ass is mine." She said taking a step towards him. Even though she was quite a bit smaller than him, you could see in his eyes he knew that she meant what she said. She then turned back to me, "Night night! Don't let the bed bugs bite, or anything else for that matter!" She then skipped off to her bedroom and slammed the door. I giggled walked over to James and slipped my arms around his waist.

"She is really intimidating for someone smaller than you." He chuckled in my ear.

"Oh I know, trust me." I told him. I broke away from him grabbing Axel's leash and handing James Fox's. We left the apartment for a midnight stroll through the green trees by our apartment complex. Axel and Fox were too busy smelling each other and other things to even really care about James and I.

"James?" I said as we sat down on a bench. The moon was full tonight and it's light casted through the tree leaves.

"Yeah sweetheart?" James said his arm around me and the other tugging on Fox's leash.

"I'm scared."

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