Lose Control

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"The King and Queen of the masquerade is..Loki Laufeyson and Bonnie Bennett!" Tony said and I was shocked. A lady come up on the stage and gave me flowers and a crown. Loki came up on the stage and she gave him a crown. Loki walked over to me and put his arm around me.

"Aren't they adorable. How about we get a little romance action? Kiss!" Tony said and every on started chanting kiss even Thor who was the loudest in the crowd. Loki lifted up my chin and turned my head towards him before leaving down and giving me a peck on the lips. "Oh come on! You guys can do better than that." Tony said.

Loki looked down at me and I nod my head before he kissed me passionately.The crowd once again went crazy and we pulled away. I looked towards the avengers and saw they all had their mouths wide open even Tony. I laughed and waved my hand as we went off the stage. When we got back to the others their mouths were closed but by the look on their faces they were still shocked. "Brother you didn't tell me you and Lady Bonnie was courting." Thor said. "We weren't before but we are now." Loki said. Everyone looked at me to see what I was going to say. "Yeah we're going out." I said.

"Yes I was right! Steve, Bruce and Clint you guys pay up!" Natasha said. The three of them groaned taking a 100 from there pockets and places it in Natasha's hands. She takes the money and puts it in her purse. I laughed as Loki took his mask of as I did the same. "I have to say Tony I was surprised. I didn't think you were going to pick me or Loki." I said.

"Hey if it was up to me it wouldn't have been the two of you,but the people voted." He said. "Yeah okay." I said and Tony huffed. "Im going to get something to drink I'll be back." I said giving Loki a kiss before walking towards the punch bowl."Bonnie."I looked around and saw no one. I shrugged my shoulders and poured me my drink."BONNIE!"I dropped my cup out of my hands as a pain shot through my head. I turned around and saw someone I haven't seen in a long time."Jeremy?" I asked. He was wearing a black and white suit.

"We need to talk." he said his tone serious. He grabbed my arm and dragged me outside into the hallway."How is this possible? You're dead." I said."I still am. Bonnie what are you doing with him? Did you forget that he killed your uncle.""He didn't kill him! It was an accident. He apologized." I said."And you really believe him? He is a talented liar Bonnie."he said."Your not real." I said."I am real Bonnie. I'm here but I can't stay here for long."he said."What do you mean?" I asked.

"You can bring me back. I could stay here with you." he said grabbing my hands. "I'm sorry Jeremy..I can't do that to him." I said. I started walking away. "He'll turn on you, they all will. And when they do don't expect me to be here." He said. I stopped and turned around. "Jeremy." I started but he was gone. I heard a clank behind me and saw one if Tony's Iron man suits.

"Tony what the hell do you want now?" I asked. He didn't answer or lift up his hood. The suits eyes turned an unnatural blue as it lifted up its arm blasting me in the process. I broke through the wall and I heard screaming before I landed hard on the floor. I got up and looked around as everyone in the ball room started at me. I heard walking and saw Tonys suit raise it's arm again and shot me in the arm.

I hissed in pain as I stumbled back a little. I opened my eyes and all I saw was white and black. I could feel my wound heal and close up as I glared at Tony's suit. It came charging at me and lifted my arm and it stopped malfunctioning. I moved my arm to the side and its arm went out before bending and cracking.


We all looked at Stark as he fell to the floor in pain. "Tony what's wrong!" Natasha said. "My arm!" He said again before yellowing again. "My leg!" I looked towards Bonnie and saw that her eyes where white. Tonys suit had one it's arm twisted and a leg dented. "Its Bonnie! She must have but a spell connecting the suit and Stark." Clint said.

Steve, Bruce and Thor ran up to bonnie but she pushed then back with her magic. "Loki do something!" Natasha said. "Like what?" I asked. "She will kill Tony do something! Or I will.Shut her down!" she said. I walked up to Bonnie as she was I front of Tony's suit. "Bonnie stop this!" I said. She didn't even glance at me. I went to touch her arm but a force of a black sand like mist sent me flying into a table. She's out of control. "LOKI SHUT HER DOWN NOW!"


I walked up to Tony in his suit as he looked up at me. "You shouldn't have messed with me." I said sticking my hand in his chest. The black veins came down my arm but before it could go in his heart I felt something go through my back. I retracted my hand and looked down. I had a sword going through my stomach. I got down on my knees as I looked up at Loki.

"You tried to kill me?" I asked hurt. Tears streamed from my white eyes before they boiled up with anger. "HE ATTACKED ME! HE TRIED TO KILL ME! AND WHEN I TRIED TO PROTECT MYSELF YOU TRIED TO KILL ME! YOU TURNED ON ME, ALL OF YOU!". I said. I looked down at the ground. "Jeremy was right....I should have listen to him." I said.

"I forgive you Bonnie." I looked up and saw Jeremy. "Come with me Bonnie. You can bring me back and I can protect you from them....from him. I won't hurt you." Jeremy said holding out his arms. I grapes the sword in my hands as it turned to black dust and my wound heals. I got up and walked towards Jeremy. The avengers and Loki started pleading. "QUITE!" I yelled as all the lights in the room flicked. I ran into Jeremy's arms and he hugged me close. In an instant we disappeared.

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