Ch 13: Stay Hidden

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I froze. Henry tensed even more beside me. I glanced over at him. His eyes were wide and he looked like he was going to pass out. Usually I would jump at the chance to mock and tease him for being such a wimp but now I was just as scared as he was. The newcomers were looking for us and they had our parents.

The newcomers continued walking, but Henry and I stayed where we were.

"Did you hear that?! They want us! They have our parents! They must be the Stiefs!" Henry whisper yelled.

"Yeah I heard you knuckle head! I'm sitting right next to you! Just calm down, alright?" I whisper yelled back.

We sat in silence for a couple minutes.

"We should probably head back." I mumbled. Henry nodded.

We got up and started towards the camp. It was a very quiet walk.


So now I'm sitting in my shared cave with Henry. Let me tell you, telling the others what we heard and saw could have gone better.


"Th-th-the people a-a-are coming after u-u-us! Th-th-they w-want us!" Henry sobs.

Everyone's head turns. I mentally slap my forehead with my palm.

We agreed that we wouldn't tell anyone about what we heard.

"What?" Captain Sawyer asks, walking over towards us.

"The new p-p-people are t-the Stiefs! T-t-the people w-who took our p-parents! They want u-u-us!" Henry sobbed again.

Sheila walked over and embraced him, cooing softly, trying to calm him down.

"How do you know?" Captain Sawyer urged.

"We heard them!" Henry shrieked.

"You what?! Do you know how dangerous that is?!" Captain Sawyer scolded, enraged.

"Sawyer." Sheila warned. Captain Sawyer sighed.

"Ok fine. Explain." Captain Sawyer said. Henry was sobbing still, but now he had the hiccups.

I sighed and explained. After I finished, Captain Sawyer sighed.

"Don't do that again! Now we know what they want, you have to be careful. Everybody has to be careful. Cecilia, you and Henry are to stay in your cave at all times. We will bring you your meals. We can't risk anything." Captain Sawyer ordered.

Flashback Ends

Now you know the story.

"I'm sorry CeCe. I just freaked. I'm really sorry." Henry whispered.

"It's fine, Henry. Forget it." I mumbled.

I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. He had tears in his eyes and he was sniffling. I sighed and got up. I walked over to him and sat down next to him on the ground. He sniffled again, looking at his hands. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. He started to cry.

"I'm weak." Henry mumbled into my shirt.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We're sitting in a cave, because of me. I blubbered. And now I'm sitting her sobbing into my sister's shirt! I'm so weak!" Henry blubbered.

"No your not, Henry. Everyone makes mistakes. Besides crying doesn't make you weak, it makes you human." I said.

We sat in silence for a little more.

"Knock knock. Dinner's here!" Sheila called, entering the cave. My stomach growled.

Sheila handed my a plate, after I pried Henry from my arms. Sheila handed Henry a plate, and we started eating. Sheila ate with us.

"Sheila, how long do we have to stay here?" Henry asked. Sheila sighed and finished chewing.

"I honestly don't know. Captain Sawyer is keeping everything secretive. I understand. Right now, I'm just worrying about keeping you twins safe." Sheila said. We nodded.

After we ate, Sheila went back out.

I closed my eyes and thought.

What if the Stiefs catch us? Why do they want us? What are they planning?

I must have dozed off because when I opened my eyes, Henry was fast asleep on the bed. I sighed and got up. I walked over to the bed and lied down. I settled in and closed my eyes.

"CeCe? I'm scared." Henry whispered. I held in the tears. He sounded so young and scared.

I wanted to reassure him, tell him everything's going to be alright. But I couldn't. I couldn't lie to him.

"Me too Henry. Me too." I whispered back.


Unknown POV

"Sir! Over here!"

"What is it?"

"We've found their camp! We know which cave they are in as well."

"Excellent. We get them either tonight or tomorrow night. In the mean time, we need a plan."

"Yes sir."


Hiah! Sorry about not updating in like forever! Anyway....yeah!

Update coming soon

(Also, sorry about mistakes. I'm kind of over re-reading over this looking for mistakes. Besides, I have auto correct ;P )

Until next time....

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