Unknown POV
"Sir, we know where they are. We have the coordinates."
"Excellent. Get ready to set sail, we leave as soon as possible."
Cecilia POV
I awoke to the sun shining bright in my face. Henry was lying next to me, drooling and snoring slightly. I giggled. I swung my feet over the side of the bed and walked over towards the entrance of the cave. I yawned and stretched. I turned around and found Henry still snoring, but now half his body was hanging off the bed. I noticed Izzy was gone.
"Cleo, come on let's go get some breakfast." I whispered, slightly shaking her. She whimpered and snuggled deeper into the blanket. I sighed. "Ok I'll leave without you then. I'll be back later."
I left the cave and walked down the path towards the eating area. When I got there, I found Izzy eating by herself staring into space. I served myself and sat down.
"Hey Izzy." I spoke. She didn't answer.
"Izzy! Hey! Earth to Izzy! Hi!" I shouted, waving my hand in front of her face. She blinked.
"Huh? Oh, hi." Izzy murmured. I rolled my eyes. Izzy stared back into space.
After I finished breakfast I walked back to the cave. I saw Henry still snoring away with King by his side. Cleo was being lazy and fiddling with a rock or something.
"Cleo! Let's go visit Coda and Everest!" I whispered, since Henry was still sleeping. Cleo whimpered when I picked her up.
I walked out of the cave and headed to the Surveor camp. I spotted Coda and Everest almost instantly.
"Coda! Hey!" I called. Coda looked over and smiled. I trotted over to him. He stood up.
"Hi. Haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?" Coda asked. I giggled.
"It's only been like 1 day. But, I'm good. How have you been?" I answered.
He snorted. "Seems like forever to me. I'm good. So...."
"So...." I said, trying to start a conversation. I heard a screech and turned to see Cleo clinging to the Everest's fur. Everest trotted over towards Coda with Cleo still hanging onto her fur. I laughed along with Coda.
"Cleo! Leave poor Everest alone!" I giggled, unhooking her claws from Everest's fur. Cleo screeched. She leapt out of my hands and snuggled into Everest, who was lying on the ground. I laughed.
"Looks like someone made a friend!" I laughed. Coda laughed as well and patted Everest's head.
Coda and I just talked and played with Everest and Cleo. I noticed it was starting to get dark and I was starving. I then also realized, that I hadn't eaten lunch.
"Hey Coda, I better be going. I'll see you tomorrow!" I said. He nodded.
"Bye." Coda said.
I picked up Cleo and walked back to camp. Sheila had made dinner and I ate like a pig. Henry was up, but looked exhausted. How is that possible? The boy sleeps for half the day, and is still tired! Kind of suspicious.
After dinner, Henry headed back to our cave. I helped clean up, which took about 15 minutes, and walked back to the cave. Henry was already sleeping. I'm worried. He looked exhausted! I'll have to ask him about it in the morning. I snuggled into bed and fell asleep within minutes.
I woke up to find the sun creeping into the cave. Henry was snoring. It still looked fairly early so I stayed in bed and dozed.
I must have fallen back asleep because I woke up to find the cave bursting with sunlight. Henry wasn't even here. I was alone. Except for Cleo who was sleeping beside me. I got up and stretched. I picked up Cleo and she snuggled into my arm. She sure is lazy.
I wasn't really hungry but I had a couple berries anyway. I walked down to the water hole and bathed. Cleo splashed in the water with me. She looked so cute!
After I was done, I headed out to find Henry. After a while of searching, I finally found him dozing in the sun on a hill. I crouched down next to him.
"Hi." I said. He opened one eye.
"Hi." he answered.
"What're you doing?" I asked. He sighed.
"Sleeping, resting, what does it look like?" he answered. I rolled my eyes.
"You've been sleeping a lot. Do you feel okay?" I asked.
"Yeah. I feel fine. Just tired." Henry answered quickly. There was something definitely going on. I guess I'll have to play spy.
I closed my eyes. I heard a noise and opened one eye, thinking it was either Henry, King, or Cleo. Henry was sleeping and so were King and Cleo. Since we were on a hill, I could see the ocean. I saw something that excited me, yet scared me.
"Henry, Henry! Wake up, wake up!" I shouted, shaking him. He groaned.
"What?" he moaned.
"Look! It's a ship!"
Unknown POV
"Land ho!"
"Wonderful! We're even closer!"
"We shall reach the land by sun down sir."
"Excellent. Everything is going as planned."
Hiah! So sorry I haven't been updating! I'll probably have another update by later today or sometime this week.
Until next time......
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