Prologue/how it all began

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No ones P.O.V.

As Konoha 12 (minus Naruto) are hanging out, Sakura brought up something that has been on the Genin's mind for a little while now.

"Hey, guys?" She started as she starts to feel a little nervous.

"Hn/yeah/what's up?" Was the responses that she got.

"Do any of you guys ever wonder why Naruto is never with us unless it's only a mission?" She asked as they stop and look at each other.

"Your right" they all said quietly.

"I'm worried about him" she added making them all nod.

"Let's go to his house and drag him with us!" Kiba said making them look at him.

"No, it might- I mean, he might not want to come" Shino cuts himself of.

"What were you going to say Shino?" Choji asked making Shino look away before sighing.

"I was going to say it might not be best because he's been through a lot" he mumbles confusing everyone.

"What do you mean?" Sasuke spoke up.

"Haven't you heard all the mean things the villagers say about him? See the glares that they send? How he always seems to hold back? Or that he never really baths with us?" Shino asked them making everyone think back to the times that they went on missions, to the bathhouse and when they get back from missions.

"Your right" Ino said frowning.

"Or the times that he barely eats and puts it as he ate it already?" Shino asked.

"How could we not have seen this?" Lee said frowning.

"I've just realised something" Neji said making everyone look at him.

"What?" They asked.

"Have you ever realised that when we go out to eat he only ever suggests Ichiraku's ramen?" He asked.

"Right" Shikamaru spoke up.

"This is so troublesome, let's go ask him" he said yawning making them nod and they start to walk to Naruto's house.

"Ha, did you see his face? It was priceless" a male villager said laughing but the 11 don't pay any mind to it.

"I know right? That demon deserves that beaten!" Another said laughing as the whole group laughs with him, the 11 stops confused.

"Demon?" They mumbled between each other. Shikamaru walks to the group of men and coughs getting their attention.

"What is it boy?" They asked.

"Who's this demon your talking about?" He asked.

"Oh, it's that blonde kid who's on the same team as Uchiha-sama" they said scowling while Shikamaru and the others are shocked.

"Naruto isn't a demon! He's our friend!" Ino shouted making the guys scoff.

"Tch, he's even got the new generation believing his little lies" they said before walking away ignoring the kids.

"W-we s-should g-go t-to n-na-Naruto's h-house" Hinata stuttered out.

"Yeah" everyone said before rushing to Naruto's house.

After a few minutes they arrive at Naruto's house only to see the door barely on it's hinges which worried the kids even more. They enter Naruto's house to see it trashed with words painted on the walls such as 'DEMON', 'MONSTER', 'GO DIE', 'KILL YOURSELF', and 2 that they wished that they never saw in their friends house, 'SLUT', 'WHORE'.

"Naruto!" They shouted looking around the house for him.

As they get to his kitchen they saw his food and other groceries thrown everywhere on the ground, Sasuke picks up a carton of milk and looks at the date only to see it's expired by 2 weeks making his stomach drop. Everyone picks up a packet of food only for their hearts to drop as well at seeing it all expired. They suddenly heard a groan which snaps them out of their heartbroken state of what their friend is going through. They snapped their heads to the door only to see Naruto leaning on the wall having a hard time staying up.

"Naruto!" They exclaimed as Sakura catches him before he could fall.

"Please... don't shout" he whispered.

"Sorry" they whispered as Sakura takes him to his room and puts him on his bed.

"Naruto..." the girls said sadly at seeing how everything in his room is also trashed, ripped, broken or burnt. The boys all clench their fists at the mess they see his house in which only angers them even more.

"Why are you all here?" He whispered barely able to keep awake.

"We came to check on you" Tenten said as she sits beside him.

"I'm pathetic" he said laughing weakly making his friends frown.

"Your not Naru" they said.

"Your strong" Sakura said.

"Your amazing" Hinata adds.

"Our sunshine" Ino adds.

"Our light in our dark times" Tenten.

"Our youthful friend" Lee.

"Our brother" Kiba.

"The 1 who brought us together" Shino.

"Our Angel" Neji said which sort of surprised everyone but they still smile.

"Our annoying but loving friend" Shikamaru.

"Our loyal friend" Choji.

"Our guide from hatred" Sasuke finished making everyone look at him to see his head down so his hair is covering his face.

"Thank you" Naruto whispered sleepily.

"I'll heal him but I need you guys to talk to him to keep him awake" Sakura quickly said making them nod.

Time skip an hour later.

Sakura sighs in relief at being able to save him.

"How is he?" Everyone asked entering Naruto's room (since they left to give her some space), she looks at them with a small smile.

"He's going to be ok" she whispered making them smile.

"Thank kami" they said in relief as they all sit on the floor. Suddenly they heard soft whimpers and look at Naruto only to see an orange almost red coloured fox lying on his stomach whimpering while nudging Naruto's face softly.

"Kura, stop" Naruto mumbles still asleep. Kurama growls before softly biting his arm making Naruto yelp waking up.

"Kurama!" He exclaimed angrily making the fox snarl before rolling his eyes and motioning to his friends, Naruto looks towards his friends and stops before looking at Kurama to see him smirking.

"Turn to human now" he demands making Kurama roll his eyes before turning into his human form shocking the 11.

Naruto suddenly tackles him making them fall to the floor with him on top of Kurama.

"Kit!" Kurama shouted making Naruto glare at him.

"Why are you out of the seal?" He asked.

"I was worried about you!" Kurama exclaimed.

"Why don't you fight the villagers back?" Kurama suddenly said before Naruto could talk.

"If I fight back they'll think I'm more of a monster, you should already know this" Naruto said as he sits on Kurama's stomach.

"Kit" he sighed.

"Kura, we've talked about this every time, I'm not leaving the village unless needing to" Naruto said before freezing just remembering his friends are in the room with him.

"We don't blame you in wanting to leave" Neji spoke up.

"Yeah" the others said softly.

"We cleaned everything up for you and got you proper food" Ino said as they nod making Naruto's heart warm.

"You didn't have to" Naruto said softly as he stands up and stretches making his joints pop which making his friends flinch at the sickly cracks as he pop some bones back in their rightful places.

"Naruto" they said as they watch him.

"How long has this been going on?" Shikamaru asked.

"Since I was 2" Naruto said after a moment of silence, everyone gaps at him shocked that they didn't realise his pain sooner.

"Your really good at hiding it" Neji said.

"You get used to it as the years go on, it gets worse on my birthdays though but I'm numb to the pain" Naruto said shrugging which makes his friends frown more.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Hinata asked about to cry.

"Because I don't want to trouble people with my pain" Naruto said shrugging like it's the most obvious reason.

"Idiot!" Sakura shouted slapping his head as her tears fall down her cheeks.

"Don't you realise that we are friends!" She said as she bangs her fists on his chest. He sighs before hugging her as she cries on his chest.

"That's why I don't tell you. Because you guys are my friends and I don't want you to trouble yourselves with my life. I'm no one special, your all clan heirs and then you have me, a no good, annoying, waste of space, weak, demon that this village hates" he said which horrified his friends that he'd say all that about himself.

"Stop saying all that!" Ino shouted also crying.

"It's the truth" he whispered sadly.

"No it's not" they said hugging him.

"Can you show us what the villagers have done?" Sasuke asked.

"Ino can use her memory jutsu but just to warn you, it's horrifying and you might get nightmares from it" Naruto said.

"For a youthful friend who has been strong, we'll stay strong" Lee said.

"Yeah!" The others agreed making Naruto smile softly at them as Kurama sits there watching them all with a smirk before going into his seal which makes Naruto blink.

"Kurama has given you permission to see my memories" he said as they all let him go before sitting on the ground around him.

"Oh the guy disappeared" Sakura said catching everyone's attention.

"Ah that's Kurama" Naruto said sweat dropping.
"I'll introduce you to him later" he said trailing of making his friends shrug as an ok.

"Anyway!" Ino said catching everyone's attention and making them look at her.

"Are you all ready?" Ino asked.

"Yeah" they all said taking a deep breath before they hold onto Ino as she starts to do the necessary hand signs.

"Memory reading technique" she said as she touches Naruto's head making his memories transfer through them all.

Time skip later that night.

They all look at Naruto in shock as he smiles softly at them.

"How?" Sasuke whispered.

"Hm?" Naruto hummed.

"How did you never tell us that we hurt you just as much as the villagers?" Sasuke asked.

"Because you didn't, sure Sakura and Ino hit me a lot but I don't blame any of you" he said shrugging.

"But-" they started.

"Guys, I love you all, your all my family so please don't blame yourselves" he said cutting them of, they sigh before smiling at him.

"Ok" they whispered.

"And your our family as well, so you better tell us if they hurt you" Tenten said warningly making Naruto laugh.

"I will" he said softly smiling at them.

That was a month ago and since then the 12 are closer than ever which makes their sensei's wonder what might've happened because they've noticed how protective they've gotten of each other especially of Naruto. They aren't angry but they are curious about it all and each time they ask if something happened, the Genin's all say 'we all just realised how much we have in common, it's nothing' or 'we are a family and we just want to look out for each other' which makes the sensei's smile but they still worry about what could've brought them together because they get this feeling in the pit of their stomach that tells them that it might be something horrifying.

To be continued💜

Hey guys I'm just getting back into writing chapters and I know this might not be the best but I've tried my hardest. I just hope you all like this love Nashi😘💜

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