Mission - 1

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The forest was quiet. There were sounds of wildlife presence and leaves rustling from being blown by the gentle breeze. But that was it.

They were out on their assigned mission to prevent important information of Konoha village from being leaked. From what Kakashi had briefed them, they have to retrieve a scroll with a red ribbon. It was said that a traitor will try to hand the scroll to the enemy in the forest that night.

Unsuccessful retrieval will be resulting in a war, which in the worst case scenario would bring their village down.

That can only mean one thing. Failure was not an option.

Naruto was perching up on a tree branch, as he kept his guard up while looking around his surrounding. He hopped and hopped, cautiously, from one tree to another until he finally spotted someone holding a scroll with the same description as what Kakashi had briefed them about.

That person wasn't alone. There were three person in total. The enemy had brought an extra man as his guard. He assumed the masked man to be the guard since his stance was very protective of the other.

Naruto knew he had to be as careful as he could be, because the masked man's aura was strong. As for whether he could take him down or not, he was sure of the answer.

He can't.

After receiving the scroll, the enemy toss a fat jingling pouch towards the direction of the traitor. The traitor managed to catch it with his hand just fine.

The said traitor opened the pouch to see a collection of gold coins inside. He smiled. He smiled until the side of his eyes wrinkled.

"Great job, traitor." the enemy sarcastically praised.

Before the traitor could even say anything, the three were all momentarily looking each other in the eyes.

"Did you not know to take suppresants?" the traitor frowned.

"Tsk, neither of us is omega." the enemy said as a matter of factly.

"Someone is here."


Out of all times.

Out of all. the. damn. times.

Naruto could feel the heat crippling up from the inside of his stomach. Sweats were slowly forming on his forehead, heartbeat thumping in his chest.

He should run. That's how their protocol works.


The scroll. The scroll was right there.

Failing is not an option.

It never has been.


Unable to complete his process of thoughts, he found himself already being pressed onto the ground.

He was going to fight back, but he was just pressed even harder on the ground.

"Don't you dare try anything funny, omega." the guard — who was pressing him from above — grabbed his hair, pulling his head up.

Naruto hissed in pain from his scalp.

However, he tried again. He tried to break free and take the scroll then leave. But really. His omegan self was slowly getting onto him.


.. and needy. In need of Alpha.

From the attempt of 'trying something funny', he received an even tighter grip in his hair.

"I said. Don't try anything funny. Make me repeat myself again and I'll slice that throat of yours." the guard threatened.

Before he could even realized it, he whined. Or to be exact, the omega in him made him whine pathetically submissive.

"Oh dear. Maybe you should just bite his neck and leave him to die here heh." the enemy snickered.

Naruto flinched.

It's no mystery that omegas are dependant of their mate. The mate would be whoever got to mark them, and by marking, it's by leaving a deep bite mark on the back of their neck.

After marking, a bond will be created.

If the partner of the omega were to leave them in a bad terms or by leaving an impactful negative feelings, especially after a bond is created, the omega will die.

Naruto unconciously present his neck to the other as an act of submission. To show them that he knew his place. His pheromones were spiking up. Sweet and very potently so.

"I can't, sir.. I'm a beta." the guard said.

"Pfft, I know hahah. Anyways, check him. After that, we'll just kill him here." the enemy ordered.

The guard nodded.

A hand patted Naruto's side, and his currently sensitive body couldn't take it. He felt aroused.

He felt.. horny.

"Hmn" he tried to keep the embarrasing sound from escaping his lips as hard as possible.

He felt hot. It's hot. It's hot goddamnit.

"Ah.. don't- touch me!" he struggled to even speak.

Naruto wiggled in protest of the touching, where the guard was just doing his job — taking any weapon off of him.

His pants was gradually getting wet, he could feel a pool of slick gathering from his bottom.

"Stay still, omega." the guard reprimanded in a hard tone.


Think. Think.

There gotta be something he could do.



He failed. He had failed.

He failed to prevent the village from the harm.

His pheromones were smelling of distress. He had a lump in his throat as he thought of if more. A broken whine sounding from the back of his throat, as if he was on the verge of sobbing.

His mind was in jumbled.

Without realizing, warm tears was already dripping down his cheeks and to the ground.

"Shit! Retreat!"


"No, no, no, no! This can't be!"

Naruto didn't move even after being released by the hands that were straining him. His mind was blurry. He couldn't make it out much, but, he was sure of hearing the sound of the enemy's panicked voice.

As well as the quick footsteps and actions of people ganging up on the enemy side.

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